Love or Hate: Matrix Biolage Smooththerapie Series 深層滋養柔順療程

你地咁耐都好似無咩聽我講護髮產品,原因係當中我用左好多隻, 但係隻隻都唔係好特別, 所以我無專登寫喇 (都係平時係Mannings見到個d brand ji ma!).  其實用護髮產品要久唔時轉下先好, 我今次就轉左用呢隻喇:

(English: I haven’t been talking about any of hair care products, the reason is simple – I don’t feel anything special.  I mostly use those brands which can be found at Mannings – so imagine how boring that is!  Well, hair care products need to be changed from time to time, and this time, I picked something way more interesting:)

Matrix Biolage Smooththerapie Series 深層滋養柔順療程:

佢地呢個系列係加左山茶花精華油係入面 (山茶花令我諗起Chanel 哈哈哈…), 即使濕度好高, 佢都可以幫手深層滋養同埋控制容易發狂既髮絲.  我今次係Shampoo + Conditioner一set咁試, 唔經唔覺我都用左佢地大概3個星期喇, 係時候同你地分享下.  不如等我逐樣講丫.

(English:  “smooththérapie smoothes frizzy, unruly, medium to coarse hair with the silky serum of Camellia flower seed  to continuously control frizz in hot, humid seasons while replenishing hair’s moisture during dry cool seasons”….actually the Camellia flower reminds me of Chanel hahahaha!!  I have been using this shampoo and conditioner set for around 3 weeks, I think it’s about time to share my comments with you all.  Let me talk about them one by one!)

Matrix Biolage Smooththerapie Deep Smoothing Shampoo 深層滋養柔順洗髮乳

價錢 (Price): HK$154/ 500ml

Product Information:

“Paraben-free shampoo cleanses as it smoothes frizzy, unruly hair, leaving it soft, shiny and manageable.”

用後感:  佢個texture一d都唔杰, 一加水按落個頭度就會變成好好好多泡泡.  按摩緊個陣會聞到好清香既山茶花味, 感覺好清新.  過水個陣會覺得d頭髮柔軟左好多, 唔kick手, 同埋好好好柔順.  感覺乾淨得黎又唔乾.  正呀!!  愛呀!!!

(English: After-use Comment:  The texture is very light.  It turns into generous foam after adding water in.  When I massage it on my hair, I smell the Camellia flower scent – brilliant (it reminds me of Chanel haha).  The feeling is very refreshing.  After rinsing, I feel that my hair is a lot softer, it doesn’t tangle and it feels so so so smooth.  The best part is it feels clean but it doesn’t dry out!  Fabulous!!!  I love it!!)

Matrix Biolage Smooththerapie Deep Smoothing Conditioner 深層滋養柔順護髮乳
價錢 (Price): HK$176/ 300ml

Product Information:

“Weightless, paraben-free formula instantly softens, nourishes and tames uncontrollable frizz.”

用後感: 佢既texture係almost lotion/ cream狀, 唔太杰唔太稀.  佢又係好香山茶花味 (正丫!).  過完水個感覺真係超滿意.  佢滋潤得黎唔會lup住d頭髮 (d頭髮仲係一條條, 唔會話黏住一齊).  佢令d頭髮好柔順又容易梳理, 摸落d頭髮仲好滑添!!  而家有時都好潮濕, 但係我覺得我頭頂就少左好多”天線”喇.  同埋我發現我用左3個星期d頭髮真係令左.  髮尾都唔再乾到差開sa.  正呀!!!

(English:  After-use Comment:  Its texture is almost lotion/ cream form, not too thick and not too light.  It also contains Camellia Flower scent which I absolutely love.  After rinsing, it feels perfect.  It moisturizes without making hair sticky, it makes hair smoother and easier to comb.  And when I touch my hair, it feels so so so smooth!  Sometimes we do get a high humidity, I don’t see as much fizz as I used to.  Well well well, after using it for 3 weeks, I find my hair more shiny than before as well!  The ends are not dull-/ dry-looking anymore!  Great!!)So far, 呢set野我真係好滿意, 我而家覺得有少少同佢相識得太遲喇~~  嘻嘻.  如果你地都想有好柔順既頭髮, 你地都諗下呢個組合啦!

(English:  So far, I am really happy with this hair care set, I feel it I should have tried it sooner hahaha.  Anyway, if you want to have smoother and more moisturized hair, you might be interested!)
(the above product information is extracted from

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