Love or Hate: Makeup Forever HD Powder

嘩, 買左呢個loose powder都好一陣子喇 (回顧按此), 但係我一路都無咩想講佢既意欲.  點解?  睇落去就知喇:
(English:  Wow, it’s been quite awhile since I hauled this loose powder (refresh memory), well, I wasn’t really in the mood of reviewing it, why?  Let’s read on:)
Makeup Forever HD High Definition Powder

價錢 (Price): HK$300/ 10g

Product Information:

“HD Microfinish Powder 

What it is:
A universal translucent finishing powder to be applied over foundation or worn alone.

What it does:
Sets the foundation and slightly mattifies skin without changing its natural contours. This 100% mineral silica powder softens the appearance of imperfections. Completely evens out the complexion for a glowing, radiant look. One universal shade for all skin tones.

What else you need to know:
It’s completely translucent and goes on any skintone. Its talc-free formula does not dry the skin and is formulated with 100% silica. Dermatologically tested.”


On the brush:

使用次數 (No. of Usage):  3 months (almost everyday)

用後感: 呢隻野我係counter試上手係覺得ok, 但係買左之後用上面我就覺得好一般.  先係佢個texture, 佢d粉質都算係幾幼細, 但係上面既時候就覺得有少少鞋鞋地, 同埋佢飛粉既情況都好勁.  雖然掃隻隻loose powder上面既時候都會飛下粉, 但係呢隻真係比較誇張.  佢係白色, 但係上面就透明, 隻隻膚色都suitable.  仲有就係佢係好matte finish, 好適合會出油既皮膚 (佢唔閃, 所以唔會更加覺得油光滿面), 用完望落d皮膚會覺得細緻左.  係面個效果我係幾鍾意, 但係可惜我用完佢個感覺好乾, 呢點係我最唔鍾意既地方.  佢都幫手hold到個妝既, 大半日都無咩問題.  講效果, 我覺得幾好; 但係講質感, 我會唔鍾意喇.  仲要計翻貴過Givenchy隻loose powder, 咁我又覺得Makeup Forever呢隻唔值得貴過Givenchy wor!  我覺得佢比較適合混合性/ 油性皮膚用, 如果乾性皮膚呢, 我就覺得真係麻麻喇.  我希望冬天之前用sa佢再買過另一隻.  你諗下丫, 我而家咁潮濕用佢都覺得乾乾地, 冬天應該呢個感覺仲嚴重!!

(English: After-use Comment:  I tried the texture at the counter on my hand and it felt OK, however, when I used it on my face, the feeling wasn’t spectacular.  Its texture is quite fine, but it feels kinda rough on my face.  Plus, the fly-out seems totally uncontrollable with this loose powder.  I understand that fly-out generally happens with loose powder, but this one is just over the top!  It looks white but it turns transparent on skin, so basically, it suits every skin tone.  It offers a true matte finish and I think it’s great for combination/ oily skin types (since it doesn’t contain shimmer, it won’t make face look more oily).  It also makes pores look smaller and I actually quite like the effect.  However, after application, I feel that my skin is quite dry and this has to be the most turn-off point for me.  It helps to hold the makeup for half of the day – no problem.  Well, effect-wise, I am quite happy with the product; texture-wise, I am quite turn-off by its dryness.  The worst is it’s actually more expensive than Givenchy Loose Powder, I don’t think this deserves a higher price than Givenchy’s.  I think it should work well for combination/ oily skin types, but for drier skin type, I won’t recommend it.  Hopefully I will finish this before Winter comes.  Right now with the super humid weather, I feel its dryness on my skin, imagine how that would feel like when the Winter hits us!!)

(the above product information is extracted from

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