Love or Hate: Kiehl’s Cryste Marine Firming Cream

呢jar野我都買左好耐,用左一陣又放底左.  近排又拎翻黎用, 到而家我已經用完左成jar野, 連個jar都掉埋添 (哈哈, 我屋企已經無sa face cream, 而家正在苦惱下個目標係咩野….).  搞左咁耐我都未寫我對佢既comment係因為我都好confused…睇埋落去就知點解喇…

(English:  I bought this long time ago.  I used it for awhile and gave it up.  These days, I tried it again and actually finished the whole jar.  I haven’t got any face cream at home right now and it’s about time to have a new face cream haunt.  Well it took a long time for me to write about this Kiehl’s cream.  Why?  Because I have mixed feelings towards it, read on and you’ll understand.)

Kiehl’s Cryste Marine Firming Cream

價錢 (Price): HK$465/ 50ml
Product Information:

Lift, rejuvenate, and firm skin with unique marine extracts.

•Rejuvenating cream made with a naturally-derived botanical, Criste Marine, to leave skin feeling firmer and smoother, with a luminous and youthful appearance.
•The unusual Criste Marine flower is known to boost cell renewal for a supple skin effect.
•This hydrating formula improves skin elasticity and resilience while helping skin reveal its natural radiance.
•Fine lines and wrinkles are visibly softened. 
Cool Kiehl’s Fact: The Criste Marine flower grows on rock formations aside the Mediterranean Sea and is known for its unique ability to boost cell renewal for a supple skin effect”


使用次數 (No. of Usage): finished 1 jar

用後感:  初初用, 我用到第二日起身成面都係油.  用左一星期都係咁, 之後我就失望地將佢打入冷宮.  到近排, 我開始用Dior The One, 佢話可以幫d cream吸收d, 咁我就拎呢個cream黎試下得唔得.  得wor, 用完Dior再用佢真係無咩油出.  呢個cream既texture係杰杰地, 搽落其實唔係好油, 都算快吸收 (+埋Dior黎用wor).  佢係比較rich既cream, 所以都幾滋潤, 但係你話firm唔firm到皮膚, 我又覺得佢作用唔算大.  雖然我用sa成個cream, 但係我只不過係唔想waste野, 唔係話佢magical到我好鍾意用佢.  唔知呢, 我初初用個陣真係超唔鍾意呢個cream, 因為佢整到我成面油.  但係+左Dior用, 我就當佢係一般滋潤cream咁用.  我覺得滋潤黎講, 佢都ok, 但係你話其他function, 我就真係唔明顯喇.  同埋如果唔係有Dior隻The One, 我都唔會用得翻呢隻cream.  To sum up, 我唔覺得隻cream自己本身好work, 如果你要買d可以firming既cream, 我諗我真係唔會recommend呢隻.  如果你話要一般滋潤既cream, 咁更加唔洗買咁貴啦.  我就好開心, 因為無啦啦比我發現可以+埋Dior去用呢jar野, 如果唔係, 我諗我係唔會用佢係我塊面度.
(English:  At first when I used it, it created so much oil secretion on my face the next day.  I kept using it for 1 week but I had no choice to give it up.  Recently, I started using Dior The One and it says that it helps face cream absorb better, so I took out this cream again to experiment.  Nice!  After adding Dior into the routine, I don’t have any more oil secretion using this cream.  Its texture is quite thick, it doesn’t feel too greasy when it’s applied on face (with the help of Dior).  It’s quite moisturizing, however, I don’t think it’s very effective in the firming function.  Even I used it all up, it doesn’t mean it’s magical, it’s just I don’t want to waste the product.  At first, I was really upset with this product, but with the help of Dior The One, I at least could treat it as a moisturizing face cream.  Without the help of Dior, I don’t think I could ever use this cream again.  To sum up, I don’t think it works really well alone, it might be a good moisturizer but it’s not good as a face firmer.  If you are looking for something to firm up your face, I wouldn’t recommend this cream; if you are looking for a pure moisturizer, I don’t think you would want to spend this much on just a moisturizer.  Well, I am simply happy that I used it up and start my next journey with another face cream!)
(the above product information is extracted from

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