Love or Hate: Baby Foot Easy Pack

呢樣野一出個時真係哄動一時, 大家都覺得係咪咁神奇, 好想試下係咪可以整走腳板既死皮. 一時熱情而家好似冷卻左咁, 無咩人再講.  係Mannings + Sasa未有得賣個陣我試左一次, 感覺唔係真係咁神奇.  唔…我俾多次機會佢, 睇下今次又點丫.

(English:  It was such a hit when it was released, everyone was wondering if it’s really that magical to remove the dead skin on the feet.  The wave seems to have gone.  I haven’t heard anyone mentioning about it anymore.  Well, I tried it once before it got available in Mannings + Sasa, I didn’t feel too spectacular.  Hmmmm…let me give it another try and see how it goes:)

 Baby Foot Easy Pack

價錢 (Price): HK$148/ box (1 pair)

Inside the box:

Product Information:

“讓作為果酸換膚成分用的果酸深入角質層,分解老舊受損角質與健康真皮層間的接合層,以促進剝離。由於角質會藉由肌膚更新而自然剝落,因此完全沒有疼痛感。 “

“Fruit Acid is formulated in not only the facial cleansing form but also as a chemical peel as it supports making the texture of the facial skin smooth by removing its damaged outer layers, and beautifying and improving the skin. Fruit Acid reduces the adhesive force between the dead skin layers and therefore it is painless because the removal is occurs through turnover.”
This is how the “easy pack” looks like:

On my feet haha~

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 1 time

用後感: 用法好方便, 都係著住佢坐1.5個鍾, 之後過水就搞掂.  坐緊個陣一d都無覺得唔舒服, 過完水之後都無咩睇既.  過左大概2-3日, 我就見我對腳板開始”luck”皮喇. 一開始”luck”都覺得幾恐怖下, 不過見慣左就無野, “luck”皮既時間大概維持兩個星期左右啦.  我以前著high heels著得多, 所以我腳板個度有d好厚既枕.  我初初諗住用呢個easy pack會幫到我”luck”咁個個位d皮, 但係搞笑既係周圍都”luck” sa皮, 但係我最緊張個位一d都無”luck”皮wor!!  如果你問我覺得佢有無效, 我會話: “如果你對腳板只係比較粗鞋, easy pack真係可以幫你”luck”咁d死皮令你對腳板滑翻; 但係如果你對腳板似我咁, 有d好厚既死皮既話, easy pack未必可以幫到你滿足到你既要求喇.”  我對Baby Foot既感覺唔算係太特別.  佢係可以令對腳板滑左, 但係如果你對腳板比較難搞, 咁佢就唔算好work.  不過不失啦.  佢個效果都keep得唔錯既, 滑既效果keep到一個月到啦.  而家都有其他brand出左類似既野, 我都會試下其他brand, compare下比你地睇. 

(English:  The method of use is very convenient, basically just wear them for 1.5 hours and rinse the essence off after.  I didn’t feel any irritation during that 1.5 hours and I didn’t see any immediate effect after rinsing.  After around 2-3 days, I started to see skin coming off my feet.  At first, I felt rather horrible, well but I got used to that after a couple days.  The skin came off for around 2 weeks.  I used to wear high heels a lot and I got some really hard skin on my feet.  I originally thought that Baby Foot would help the hard skin to come off.  The funny thing was that it didn’t!  The skin came off around the areas, but not on the areas.  So, if you asked me if it’s good or not, I would say, “if you only have rough feet, then Baby Foot could help you to smooth them out by helping those hard skin come off; however, if your feet are like mine, then Baby Foot might not be able to make your dream come true.”  Honestly, I don’t feel too special about this Baby Foot thingie.  It did smooth out my feet, however, wasn’t about to get those hard parts out.  Not too bad, not too impressive either.  Hmm…for its effect, it lasted around 1 month.  Well, there are other brands out there releasing similar products and I am going to try them out (slowly) and let you know what I think!)
(the above product information is extracted from

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