[保養] 貴婦保濕lotion

買咗呢個產品都差唔多四個月, 我無日日用, 因為都價錢不菲, 所以我只係有需要嘅時候間唔中用下。 如果我日日用嘅話, 呢枝產品我都應該用完好耐喇!

(English:  I’ve got the following product for around 4 months.  I haven’t been using it everyday because the price is kinda like royal price tag, so I only use it when I need to.  If I used it everyday, the bottle should have been gone by now!)

近期我有個迷思: 大家都知我屋企有兩部相機(Nikon同Olympus), 雖然兩部個quality都好好, 影出黎d相都好靚好sharp, 但係我要自拍既時候就真係十個麻煩, 因為我用佢地係睇唔到自己! 我要用Nikon嗰部自拍就真係人都俾佢玩殘,對嚟對去, 對到我都無咩心機! 所以呢期少左用野上面既相喇。 我諗我都係要買部野拎嚟自拍先得, 我好多時化咗妝想影上嚟, 就係因為對嚟對去之後謝咗, 所以無整到! 最衰iPhone個前面camera影出黎又唔靚啦。真係好煩! 其實會唔會又係因為我要求高呢? 哈哈!!  好喇, 講翻個產品先(比我講到鬼咁遠):

(English: Hmmmm…these days I have been having some thoughts: you all know that I have two cameras (Nikon and Olympus).  Even though two of them have brilliant photo quality, when I come to shoot myself, it’s cumbersome!  I basically cannot see myself when I am using them.  I used Nikon once trying to shoot myself but I was almost beat up because I had to adjust the camera here and there.  Therefore, I haven’t been taking any photos with product on my face.  I am considering to buy a camera with a flip screen so that I could start taking photos with makeup or product on my face!  Too bad the front camera of iPhone sucks!!  Anyway, I am not sure if I am having super high standard when it comes to pictures and blogs, but …. *laughs*  OKOK, let me come back to the product (as I was off topic!!):)

Cle De Peau Gentle Balancing Lotion

價錢(Price):HK$950/ 170ml

Product Information:


使用次數(No. of Usage):15 times

用後感:我接觸呢個品牌之前真係做sa research先去, 講真, 佢每一個產品既價錢都好貴婦下, 所以唔做好功貨先買錯野就真係唔掂喇。 呢枝balancing lotion我見上網好多人讚, 所以好心動, 加上之前用左一包sample,感覺良好, 所以就去咗敗喇!  我呢枝係滋潤型, (因為我係乾性皮膚)!我覺得呢枝Balancing Lotion個保濕功效真係無得頂! 超讚! 我多數用嚟急救! 如果我覺得個日d皮膚好乾, 我會個晚用佢當係toner, 之後再搽其他野。 佢真係好保濕, 搽完佢之後已經覺得皮膚好夠水, 同埋佢眼位都用得, 真係好方便。 有時我化得eye makeup多, 覺得眼位特別乾, 我就會用佢濕敷5-10分鐘, 咁就唔會再覺得乾喇!  當然你日日用都得, 不過貴d咁解jer! 我自己就覺得好乾先會用, 皮膚唔太需要進補嘅時候, 我會用翻一d無咁貴嘅產品, 咁我唔會咁肉痛! 哈哈哈!! 我覺得呢枝真係爆好用呀! 不過價錢貴婦! 我覺得如果你有budget同埋皮膚好乾嘅話係可以一試(唔會後恢)。 但係如果你皮膚唔係特別乾既話, 我就覺得唔洗買得咁貴呀!

(English:  Product Review:  I did all my homework before going to Cle De Peau counter.  Honestly, since all of their products have royal price tags, I wouldn’t allow myself to just “try and error”!  I read so many great comments about this Balancing Lotion and therefore I was tempted.  In addition, I did try a pack of sample before, and the feeling was great, so I was more than happy to haul this!  Mine is the moisturizing one (I have dry skin)!  I love the hydrating property of this Balancing Lotion!!  It’s OMG GOOD!!!  I use it mostly when there is an urgent need (hence not everyday usage!).  If I feel my skin is quite dry, then I will use it at night as a toner and then apply other creams on top.  It’s really super hydrating and after using it, I feel my skin so moisturized!!  Also, it can be used on the eye areas as well, sometimes, when I feel my eye areas are a bit dry (due to eye makeup everyday), I would use Balancing Lotion on cotton pads and then put on my eye areas for 5-10 mins, then they wouldn’t feel so dry anymore.  Of course, you can use it everyday, but it would be quite pricey.  I personally use it only when I need it, so I don’t feel like my purse is screaming at me *laughs*!!  When I don’t feel the need, I would just use some regular toners.  All in all, I love this Balancing Lotion and it’s a really great product.  If you have the budget and your skin is really dry, then give it a go (you won’t regret).  But if your skin is quite OK, I don’t think you have to get this pricey product!!)

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