[化妝] L’Oreal咀咀新品

呢期我有個大計!第一就係我變賣一d我好少用既化妝品,之後我會再投資係一d新既化妝品身上。 因為我未來既日子想拍多d化妝片同大家分享一下。 同埋好多人係YouTube send request俾我話想我拍makeup collection video,所以我想執好d野同埋加d新野先拍,等大家有d驚喜!! 就係因為咁,所以呢期我都買咗唔少化妝品。 下面呢兩隻係L’Oreal既新品,我都唔執輸試下:

(English: Recently I have a big plan!! Firstly, I want to clear off some of the makeup products that I seldom use. Then I could reinvest the money onto the new makeup products because I want to seriously shoot more makeup videos in the near future. Secondly, many people have sent me requests on YouTube asking me to do a makeup collection video. So I really want to tidy up my collection and add something new before I make the video. Hopefully it will be surprising and entertaining!! Due to the big plan, I have been hauling some new makeup products and the followings are new releases from L’Oreal:)

L’Oreal Gloss Shine Balmy Gloss #912 Peach Pleasure


用後感:佢個名係balmy gloss,即係話佢個效果應該會好似有色潤咀膏咁,但係更加令身。 你睇相見過效果唔係超出色就係呢個原因喇!! 我覺得佢都好潤同埋好自然好令! 搽完幾個鐘都唔會覺得乾!! 唔錯!! 呢個我覺得睇你個人喜好。 如果你鍾意好鮮色咀既,咁呢個產品唔係你杯茶。但係如果你係走自然路線,鍾意個咀有少少色同令令地,效果唔誇張既話,我覺得你會喜歡佢!! 

(English: Product Review: The name illustrates its quality really well. It’s called balmy gloss, that means the effect should be similar to some tinted lip balmy with a good hint of shine. Therefore, as you can see from the photos, this balmy gloss is not super pigmented. I feel that it’s quite moisturizing, it definitely looks natural and glossy. Lips don’t feel particularly dry after application for a few hours. Nice. I think it really depends on your personal preference. If you like bright lips, then this is not for you. But if you like natural look, then I think you would like this!!) 
L’Oreal Gloss Shine Miss Paradise #722 Bloody Berry


用後感:呢枝lip gloss望落真係好得意,好似有三層咁!! 其實我唔係好捨得用,我覺得佢一層層好靚!! 你一望都應該見到佢面既全部係閃粉!! 我覺得佢個效果好珠光!! 我呢隻係紫色,我搽既時候係好少紫色,反而係綠綠地既閃粉多。 我覺得呢個單搽會唔靚,反而我建議用lipstick打底,之後出黎個效果會比搶眼!! 唔知呢,佢俾我個感覺係超party(可以佢多bling啦),我覺得佢好襯用黎做party look! 
(English: Product Review: This lip gloss is fun to look at because it’s like it comes in 3 layers!! Actually I don’t want to mess it up because I like how the 3 layers look in the bottle!!! As you may notice, the top layer is heavy shimmer!! It’s like a pearlescent effect!! Mine is a purple color, but when I apply it on, it doesn’t look that much purple, rather, it’s like a pearlescent green! I don’t think it’s good to apply this alone. I would suggest to use a lipstick underneath so that the effect could be more eye catching!! Well, it definitely gives me a feeling of those party type products (maybe due to its shimmer) and I think it would look really good when you apply this and go to parties!!!)

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