[化妝] 親愛的開架眼線筆 L’Oreal Super Liner

我覺得而家我地真係太幸福喇!想當年(雖然我都唔係好老),我地買化妝品真係唔係太多選擇! 開架嘅產品無咁多源化,質量亦都唔係做得太好,我地亦都只好捱貴野! 而家就唔同喇!開架品牌嘅質量做得越嚟越好,我地變相都多咗好多選擇!邊個話平野無好野呢? 我之前敗咗L’Oreal既眼線筆,有日無聊我就係屋企亂畫一通(你有follow我Facebook你就知我個日無聊到玩自拍添啦)!哈,之後玩枝眼線筆玩到上埋癮,成日都要用下佢先安落!

(English:  I do think we are so blessed these days!  When I looked back (even though I am not too “old”), we didn’t have much choice when it came to cosmetics back in the days!  Drugstore stuff were not diverse and the qualify weren’t great, and we were left with no choice but to spend big bucks with the more branded items.  Glad that now the world is changing and things are different.  Drugstore stuff are getting better and better and we are bombarded with different choices!  Who says reasonably priced stuff are not great?  I got this L’Oreal Super Liner a couple weeks ago and I was so bored one day that I started playing with it (if you have followed my Facebook, you’d notice that I got really bored that day and I started shooting pictures of myself)! *Laughs*  After that day, I sort of become addicted and I have to use this eyeliner everyday! *Whisper – “maybe I will have to go to rehab”*)

L’Oreal Super Liner
Black Lacquer



(English:  Let me share with you again my crazy makeup photos!  I used this eyeliner to draw a thick line that day!)


使用次數(No. of Usage):7 times

用後感:呢枝眼線筆係液體,我覺得佢出嚟個眼色係令面黑色,個黑真係好夠黑,我覺得畫粗眼線真係一流(幼都得,無問題!)。 枝筆都幾好畫同埋好smooth, 唔會kick下kick下咁! 好易控制! 我覺得佢比起其他液體眼線筆,佢真係算好快乾!! 正呀! 唔怕眼條線無啦啦花咗! 最正係佢真係無敵防水防油,我要落妝都用咗好一陣子先落得到!!好掂!! 不過佢嘅好處都可以係佢嘅唔好處,就係真係要用比較多既時間先落得到個眼妝喇!又係個句啦,有得必有失,我寧願係要用多d時間落妝都唔想行行下變熊貓眼!真係唔錯!!如果你想買液體眼線筆,我會先推介你試呢枝,平靚正!!哈哈!!

(English:  Product Review:  This is a liquid eyeliner and the finish is a shiny black finish.  The black is super black and I love to use it for thick eyeliners (thinner ones are fine too!).  It draws very smoothly and it just glides on easily!  Super easy to control.  When I compare this with other liquid eyeliners, it dries quite quickly, which is great, cos then I don’t have to worry that my eyeliners are smudged when I blink my eyes.  It’s performing great when it comes to water- and oil-proof and it takes me awhile longer to get this products off.  Well well well, it’s strongest point might be its weakness as well – that you have to use longer time to remove the eyeliners.  But, I would rather use a bit more time to remove it then walking around like a panda!  Brilliant product!!  If you want to get a liquid eyeliner, I would recommend this one first before others.  It’s a great product with a friendly price tag!!)

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