[保養] 保濕都可以有智慧?開架新品L’Oreal Paris水清新3合1智慧保濕精華水

今次分享下開架新品(PR Sample),就係L’Oreal Paris水清新三合一智慧保濕精華水喇。 其實我會答應試係因為三合一講到好似好勁同埋我比較少分享平價既化妝水,所以今次想睇下呢個新科技有幾勁!! 哈哈~~

(English:  Today I am going to talk about a drugstore new product (PR Sample), it’s
L’Oreal Paris Hydra Fresh Genius Multi-Active Genius Water!  I want to
give this a go because it’s selling point is 3 in 1 and I seldom talk about
affordable toners, so I want to check out this new technology!! *Laughs*)

 L’Oreal Paris水清新三合一智慧保濕精華水
L’Oreal Paris Hydra Fresh Genius Multi-Active 

Genius Water

價錢(Price):HK$139/ 175ml

入面一粒粒既唔係閃粉呀,係佢地既爆水珠珠! 即係一抹開就爆水!!

(English:  The inside is not
shimmer, it’s their new water-bursting droplets, which means, once you  spread it out on your skin,  water starts to burst out !!)

佢三合一既意思係:1. 佢有化妝水既保濕力 2. 佢有精華咁既滲透滋潤力(將水帶到肌膚底層)同埋3. 乳液咁既鎖水力。

(English:  Their meaning of 3 in 1 actually  means 1. hydrating function of a toner; 2.  nourishing level of a serum (bring water
molecules down to the deep layer of skin) and 3. locking moisture ability of a
milky lotion within the skin level.)


Before Spreading



用後感: 我自己係用手上冇用化妝綿,因為我想感受d爆水株珠爆開個下既感覺。 倒出黎個下見唔算非常水質,按開個下真係見到爆水呀,仲涼涼地好舒服!按一陣就見到皮膚吸哂,吸完之後我無即刻搽野,因為我想睇下佢會唔會好乾。 又冇喎,初初我見佢成份有酒精,我估佢唔知會唔會乾,但係又無喎,反而塊面摸落好滑丫!! 我覺得佢保濕,因為用完塊面漲卜卜,同埋真係清爽得黎皮膚摸落好滑~~ 哈哈~~我覺得呢個天氣用好舒服。 同埋我覺得如果你係油性或者混合偏油又或者鍾意清爽型既人都啱,但係如果你話你好乾要滋潤感重既人呢,我就覺得未必啱你喇。 大家都知我朝早係搽好少野既人,呢枝我都係留係朝早用,因為貪佢夠爽同埋保濕,我用佢打底之後就防曬化妝,咁我行出街又唔會因為搽咗過多野個妝係咁溶!! 哈哈~~ 我幾鍾意呢枝Genius Water,如果你係我頭先所講既膚質,你又揾緊toner既話,去望下玩下丫~~ 爆水個下好爽~~~

(English: Product Review:  I use my hands to apply this instead of using
the cotton pads because I want to experience the water bursting effect. 
When it’s first poured out from the bottle, it looks quite gel-like to me,
however, when I start  spreading, it does
burst out water droplets, plus it has a slight cooling effect as well, so it’s
quite refreshing to use.  After massaging it for a bit, it gets absorbed
totally, I didn’t apply anything straight after because I want to see if it’s
drying on skin.  What a surprise – nope and my skin feels smooth to
touch!  At first I was a bit worried that it contains alcohol and skin
might feel dry after, well no.  I feel that it’s quite hydrating because
skin is plumped up, it’s light in texture but somehow skin is so smooth to
touch after~~  Haha~~  I feel this is great for this weather, esp if
you have oily, combination oily skin types or you just like light texture in
general.  Well if you have dry skin and want something more moisturizing,
this might not be for you.  You all know that I don’t use many products in
the morning, and I have been using this Genius Water in the morning due to its
lightness and hydration properties, then I use sunscreen and makeup
afterwards.  I am happy with the results because my face won’t feel sticky
and my makeup doesn’t melt on me too quickly.  I quite like this and if
you are the skin types that I mentioned and you are looking for a toner, you
can check this out and be a genius too~~  I especially like seeing water
droplets bursting on my face~~~)

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