[化妝] L’Oreal La Palette Nude Rose

自從Urban Decay出咗Naked Palette,好多公司都相繼出咗唔同version既Naked Palette。 我係英國既時候就見到L’OrealL都出咗,但係我係香港唔係好覺眼! 因為佢係drugstore價錢比較親民,所以我買咗一盒翻黎同大家分享一下。

(English:  Since Urban Decay released its Naked Palette, many companies follows the lead and offer their own version of Naked Palettes.  When I was in UK, I saw that L’Oreal had one as well but I didn’t notice the same in HK!  Since it’s a drugstore product and the price is very affordable, I got one to review for you.)

L’Oreal La Palette Nude Rose

價錢(Price):£14.99 (from Boots)


用後感:左三,四,七同九都係matte既顏色而其他就係閃底既顏色。 佢有比較多既粉色,亦有深紫色。 整體感覺我唔覺得係好nude。 佢叫Rose但係我又唔係覺得好玫瑰金既tone。 我覺得如果你想要一d粉色加一d深色係一個palette個度,佢係有既,但係顏色唔算連貫!圖中既試色圖係無打底同畫咗兩下出黎個效果,我覺得都OK上色,但係粉感較重,顏色亦都比較散一d。 我覺得如果你鍾意d顏色平平地粗用無問題,但係如果講真正nude講出色講粉質creamy,佢就唔算係合格既一個palette喇。 呢個palette反而令我諗起Beauty Cottage既Gorgeous palette(link),BC相對係貴過L’Oreal,但係粉質顏色各方面都比較優勝,如果你鍾意真正啡tone同上色creamy既眼影,我覺得BC做得比較好。 L’Oreal呢個我唔特別建議大家去敗,除非你話你咁啱係揾緊類似既顏色啦~

(English: Product Review: Left 3rd, 4th, 7th and 9th colors are matte while the others are shimmery.  It has a bit more of a pastel pinkish color and it has a deep shimmery purple color.  On the whole, I don’t feel the “nude” in this palette.  It’s called “Rose” but I can’t seem to understand since there is no rosy gold color in it.  I feel that if you want something pinkish colors on the lighter side and some colors on the darker side, yes it offers what you want.  But I still feel that the colors are somewhat not consistent!  The swatch are resulted from two strokes without primer, it’s fairly pigmented, it’s powdery and the colors come out quite loose.  If you like the colors and you don’t mind all of that, then it would be a yes for you.  However, if you think about true nude, high pigmentation and creamy powder, then nah this is not the deal.  This palette somehow reminds me of the Beauty Cottage Gorgeous Palette (link), BC’s works out to be a bit more expensive than L’Oreal’s, but one thing I am sure is that BC has a better work on color consistency and pigmentation.  If you are in love with truly nude/ brownish colors, I would recommend BC’s since it has a higher pigmentation and sharper colors.  I don’t recommend you to get this L’Oreal palette unless you are really in love with the colors~~)

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