[化妝] L’Oreal Collection Exclusion紅咀系列

又係係英國度買既東東! 唔知香港有未定會唔會有呢? 我呢期無咩行Sasa所以無留意佢地係香港出左未! 呢個Collection Exclusive係紅咀系列,用唔同名人去name枝lipstick! 我之前係Superdrug玩左一輪,之後決定買下面呢兩枝:

(English:  Again something from the UK, not sure if it’s launched/ will be launch in HK?  I haven’t been to Sasa these days, so I am not sure if you can find these locally!!  This collection is all about red color, and they use different celebrity to name the lipstick!!  I did play for a bit in Superdrug and finally I got the following two:)

 L’Oreal Collection Exclusion
Color: Liya and Blake

價錢(Price):£6.99 (available at Superdrug/ Boots, UK)


Swatches/ 試色圖:

感想: 紅都真係有好多種,我覺得Blake係帶cool tone而Liya係帶warm tone,搽出黎感覺都會唔同! Blake我覺得少少vintage感,而Liya我覺得好sharp好韓妹!!  我都係用過兩次,所以我淨係俾初步感覺大家先,用耐咗再update一下大家個詳盡感覺! 我搽個陣覺得佢個texture似Nars Audacious Lipstick,有少少乾身,但係超出色!! 同埋佢都非常持久keep到4,5個鐘。 我初步覺得佢係平價版Nars Audacious Lipstick,但係可惜就唔係勁多色揀!! 雖然佢有d乾,但係如果平平地既lipstick黎講,我覺得佢都用得過呀!! 如果你附近有呢個collection賣,而你想試紅咀但係又唔想貴一貴買counter brand因為唔知自己會唔會繼續用,我覺得你可以去望下呢個collection!! 咁當然啦,如果你同我一樣,超愛紅咀,咁你就更加要去望下啦!! Drugstore黎講,唔錯唔錯~~

(English:  Product Review:  There are so many different shades of red.  I feel that Blake carries a cool tone while Liya carries a warm tone and both of them give out a different feel to your finished look.  For me, Blake is more vintage and Liya is more sharp and bright (more Korean style)!!  Sadly I have only used both of them twice, so I can only share my initial thoughts.  For detailed comments, I will give a full update after playing with them for awhile!!  When I apply it on my lips, I find the texture is somewhat similar to Nars Audacious Lipstick, it’s a bit dry to apply but with good pigmentation!!  Also, it’s quite long lasting (4-5 hours).  My very initial thought is that it’s a dupe for Nars Audacious Lipstick, however it doesn’t come in every possible shades!!  Though it feels a bit dry on lips, I still think it’s worth my while!!!  If you can find this collection close to you and you want to give red lips a go but don’t want to commit on a high-end product (not sure if you would continue with red lip journey), then I would encourage you to check out this collection!!!  And, of course if you love red lips as much as I do, you have all the more reason to check out this collection!!  For a drugstore product, I think it’s a nice one~~~)

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