[化妝] 女孩的良朋L’Oreal 4D睫毛液

我相信每個女仔都會擁有唔少眼線筆睫毛液,但係呢兩個產品似乎我地都唔會嫌多!好似我咁, 雖然我屋企有唔少眼線筆同埋睫毛液,但係我都仲係不斷咁買新產品,睇下邊樣野會另我最有驚喜。 最近又敗咗L’Oreal嘅三樣產品,兩枝係眼線筆,一枝係睫毛液! 我今日講咗枝睫毛液先!

(English:  I believe every girl’s best friends are eyeliners and mascaras, and we could never have enough of these two products!  Just like myself, even though I have tons of eyeliners and mascaras at home, I am always looking out for something new to try, just to see if anything can surprise me!  Recently, I got three L’Oreal products: two eyeliners and one mascara!  Today I am going to talk about the mascara first!!)

L’Oreal Lash Architect 4D


刷頭有少少斜斜哋, 方便擦細少嘅睫毛!

(English:  The brush is kinda positioned in a diagonal way and it’s more convenient to use the tip to brush on the finer and shorter lashes on the side!)


使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:我用過幾枝L’Oreal嘅睫毛液,效果都唔錯,所以今次睇下佢呢枝新野會唔會令我有驚喜! 一用完我個感覺係:正呀!!! 相中我搽咗兩層,我覺得個效果真係無敵正! 你見啦,感覺係咪似我痴咗d好自然嘅假眼睫毛呢?好掂!! 搽完之後我基本上係變咗自戀,左望右望個效果我都相當滿意! 佢既顏色係超級黑,搽咗望落好有神,同埋佢增長功能好好,濃密都做得到(望落d睫毛粗咗感覺密咗)。 防水功能都一絕,成日一d熊貓眼都無。防油都勁wor,我用油捽下都要捽一陣先會有少少溶! 正因為佢嘅防水防油功效咁勁,落嘅時候真係要化多少少時間同心機,不過我覺得係值得嘅!! 我寧願用多d時間落都唔想行行下變熊貓眼!! 佢嘅價錢亦都好親民!!真係各方面我都覺得超級滿意!! 嘩,如果你地要買mascara,我超推推推你去試咗呢隻先!!好掂!!

(English:  Product Review:  I
did use a few L’Oreal mascaras and found them quite nice, so I wanted
to see if this lash architect 4D would surprise me for some reason!  OMG!!  After I try it and my first reason was, “FABULOUS!!!!!”  I had two coats on in the picture and it looks amazing right?  As you can see, my lashes in the pic were like some natural fake lashes!!  Superb!!
After applying it on my lashes, I was turning into a self-absorbed
freak and kept checking my mascara in every mirror I could get, my
conclusion was “I LOVE IT!!”  The color is super black and the eyes do look sharper after application.  It
lengthens really well and it does add volume to the lashes (the mascara
helps thicken each lash and make them look more volumized!).  The waterproof function is fantastic and there is no panda eyes situation.  For the oilproof function, I use some oil to test it and I have to rub it for awhile because it gets a bit smudgy!  Since the water- and oil-proof function are great, when I come to remove the mascara, it does take more time than usual.  However,
I feel it’s worth the time because I’d rather use more time to remove
it at night than walking around having panda eyes!  Its price tag is friendly as well, so my very obvious conclusion is that I am absolutely happy with it!!  OMG, if you are looking for a mascara that does everything, I highly highly highly recommend this 4D lash architect to you!!!  Such a fab product!!)

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