[保養] Lookfantastic Beauty Box

其實我真係好喜歡Beauty Box,尤其係因為我成日要試野同大家分享,所以呢d Beauty Box真係好啱洗。 因為通常佢地個product size都係好decent,唔係full size無咩pressure,但係又夠用起碼一個星期,咁都可以預初步感覺同大家分享。 如果真係好愛,先再入手full size都未遲! 但係唔知點解,係香港既Beauty Box好似無外國個d咁正,所以我一知道Lookfantastic有Beauty Box,我都唔知幾開心,之前見個Blogger Post佢Sept個盒,我都覺得唔錯,所以我上個月成日𥄫住佢幾時出Oct個盒,一見到我即刻按Buy Now!! 哈哈~~~ 好怕miss咗!! 我早前收到喇,所以想俾個樣大家望下:

(English: Indeed I have always loved Beauty Box, I guess it’s mainly because I constantly want to try different things to share with you all, so the Beauty Box actually comes in handy.  The products are usually of a decent size and I have to admit that sometimes full size products do give me a lot of pressure (to use up), so these sizes would last at least a week and I could then share my initial thought with you all.  If I really love the product, then I could get the full size!!  Well, I am not sure why I find those Beauty Boxes in HK not as interesting as the ones in the US or UK, so when I knew that Lookfantastic has launched its own beauty box, I was really excited.  I saw a blogger posting her Sept version and I was like, “Ok, I want that!!” So I basically spent my time “monitoring” the website for a while, finally I saw the Oct version came live, and I immediately hit “buy now”!  *Laughs*  Yea I would be really upset if I missed that!!!  I got the box a couple weeks ago and I want to show you how it looks like:)

Lookfantastic Beauty Box


Buy from: Here

入面有7件產品,全部既size都唔錯,起碼唔係hea住咁俾d一包包sample你! 產品內容你可以望下呢度 –> HERE! 我就遲d用左再逐件分享。

(English: Inside the box, there are 7 products of decent sizes.  I like the fact that I don’t see the samples in sachet format!!  For the content, you can check out HERE!!  And I will share my comments on each one of them after I have started using them!!)

我上兩個月因為想訂佢個Oct Version,所以成日𥄫佢個website,我終於知道佢大概幾時出,等我好快分享一下,如果大家有興趣就唔洗好似我咁𥄫到眼都痛! 佢通常一個月前會可以pre order下個月既Beauty Box。 但係pre order係limited quantity,所以係會sold out,但係sold out咗都唔緊要,因為可以係當月買翻佢當月佢Beauty Box。 例如: 12月既Beauty Box會有某一個數量可以係11月pre order(咁佢出左先寄俾你,等既時間會耐少少)。 咁如果你11月上網見到12月個Beauty Box sold out,都唔洗驚,佢12月1號會再有12月既Beauty Box俾你買。 我上次都miss咗11個box既pre order,所以我11月1號會買翻11月既version同希望pre order到佢12個盒喇。 如果有興趣就自己留意喇!

 (English:  The last two months I was spending a great deal of time on “monitoring” the Oct Beauty Box, I got some understanding now on when it’s going to be released.  Let me quickly share this in case you are interested to get one!  A limited number of Beauty Boxes are released for pre order one month early, so there is a chance of “sold out”, but if you come across “sold out”, don’t worry, you can still get the box at the start of the month.  For example, you will be able to pre order the December box sometime in November (you have to wait for a longer period for delivery because they will send you the box after release).  If you check online in November and see “sold out” next to the December Box, no worry, you can still get the December Box on December 1st.  I missed the pre order opportunity for the November one, so I will get online on Nov 1st to buy the Nov one and hopefully pre order the Dec one.  So if you are interested, check it out!!)



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