[穿搭] Lookbook for The Peak

生日去咗邊? 去咗山頂行下同埋做實習model! 哈哈哈!! 成日被Mr Honey捉住我話佢要多d相post上去佢個blog,我見放假就話同佢去影下相。 都一舉兩得,我又可以整多d穿搭blog posts, 佢又可以多d相俾人哋睇下。呵呵! 唔講咁多,睇下靚相先!!

(English:  Where did I go on my birthday?  I went to The Peak and practicing my modeling skill!!  *Laughs*  Mr Honey urged me to do more photos because he could have more to post on his blog, so I took the day off to wander around with him.  I guess it’s a win-win situation because I can then create some of fashion lookbook posts and he will get more photos.  Right, let me stop here and show you the pics!!)


Lookbook for The Peak


(English:  We started wandering around after we arrived~~)

哈哈! Mr Honey叫我同d樹根融合埋一齊, 我唔知叫唔叫明佢講咩, 但係我見佢狂話呢張相好靚! 個日我都知會行嚟行去, 所以我都係簡約風, 比較causal一d!

(English:  *Laughs*  Mr Honey asked me to blend in with the roots of the trees…I am not sure if I understood perfectly what he meant.  All I know that he really likes this photo.  I sort of knew that we would walk around so I was in a really causal mode!!)

 Sunglasses: RMB20 (@ Taobao)

Earrings: HK$1700 (@ Chanel)

Top: HK$299 (@ Boutique in Lofaret, Causeway Bay)

Bracelet: HK$59 (@ Zara)

Pants: around 100 (@Taobao)

Booties: around HK$170 (@Taobao)

吹泡泡係我嘅提議呀! 但係唔知係咪我太耐無吹, 初初我吹唔出呀! 你睇下我個樣幾無耐~~

(English:  Playing with the bubbles – my idea!!!  Not sure if it’s because I haven’t been doing it for too long, at first, I was struggling, you could probably tell from reading my face~~)

吹得到喇!! 好靚呀!! 我好鍾意呢幾張相, 所以私心放多幾張落嚟!!

(English:  Yea!!  Finally got it right!!  I love these photos with the bubbles!!!)


(English:  I really love this one!!!  Fabulous~~)

上面呢張我都超鍾意呀!! 好有童真!! 哈哈!!

(English:  I really love the above one!!  Love that smile – so kid-like!!! *Winks*)

你地又覺得邊張最靚呢? 我自己就張張都好喜歡!!不過要我揀, 我會揀吹泡泡好迷幻個張!

(English:  Which one do you like the most?  I love all of them but if I have to choose, I would choose the one with the bubbles all around me!!)


 如果你地都想影相,你地可以直接揾MJ Photography同佢講你既要求,價錢等等。 佢個email係:mjbsb@btinternet.com

(English:  If you want to get some photos taken, you can contact MJ Photography directly to discuss what you want and the prices etc.  His email address is mjbsb@btinternet.com)

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