[敗家] 於London Heathrow機場大敗Jo Malone

去英國要敗Jo Malone,因為會平d! 其實本身我無諗住一定要敗,因為我唔知我夠唔夠時間。 不過店長托我幫佢買野,咁原來我又大把時間,幫佢買買下變成自己又敗埋一份丫!!! 今日望下我敗咗d咩先丫!!

(English:  If there is one must buy from the UK, it would be Jo Malone because the prices are more friendly than the HK prices!  Initially, I didn’t plan to haul any because I wasn’t sure if I would have enough time.  But since my lovely Shop Manager asked me to haul for her, and I got a couple hours of transfer, I tempted myself for a few things as well.  Let’s look at what I have got!!)



Jo Malone Christmas Set – 3 Mini Candles

The set includes:-

Pomegranate Noir Scented Candle

Pine & Eucalyptus Scented Candle


Incense & Embers Scented Candle


(English:  I haven’t tried these 3 scents in the candle form before, and they look very cute because they are mini sizes, so I could try them out before committing to full sizes!!)


Jo Malone 154 Cologne


其實我都有幾多枝Jo Malone既香水,不過我多係seasonal/limited items,所以今次想買多枝係佢regular line既!! 我聞過幾隻,覺得呢個味好outstanding,所以入手呢隻,我用下會再分享下!!

(English:  I have to admit that I have quite a few bottles of Jo Malone’s at home, but it seems to me that they are mostly seasonal/ limited items, therefore I want to get a couple of their colognes from their regular line!  I have sniffed a few and found this 154 very outstanding, so I got one!  I will share my thoughts after using it a few times!!)


Pomegranate Noir Cologne & Body & Hand Lotion

呢隻味係Mr Honey好愛! 唔係佢搽,係搽落我度!! 呢個味係佢強烈建議我敗既!! 咁做人妻都要俾下面,難得佢叫我買,我無理由同佢作對,尤其是我覺得個味都好girly好香!  我之前買亦都用完既就係呢個味既body cream,本身我想買翻body cream架,不過無貨,所以轉咗買body lotion,個質地比body cream稀身但係都保濕(係無咁潤咁jer)!

(English:  This scent is Mr Honey’s favourite!!  Nah, not for him but for me!!  He strongly suggested me to get this.  Well being a wife means sometimes you need to “give face” to your husband, if he asks me to haul, I have no reason not to, especially I quite like this girly scent personally!  I got this body cream before and I had successfully finished the jar.  At first, I wanted to repurchase the body cream, but it was out of stock, so I opted for the body lotion instead.  Its texture is lighter than the body cream but it’s still hydrating, it’s just not as moisturizing as the body cream!!)

係英國買Jo Malone最好就係去London Heathrow Airport Terminal 3度買,因為免稅(我相信)。 價錢就要睇下你去個陣既exchange rate,除非超大變化啦,否則大概係香港價錢既7-8折!!  如果有興趣入手又嫌香港太貴,去開英國都可以去望下呀!!

(English:  The best place to haul Jo Malone from the UK is London Heathrow Airport Terminal 3, because I believe it’s duty free.  The prices really depend on your exchange rate at that point in time, unless the exchange rate goes ridiculous, otherwise the UK prices are around 20% – 30% off the HK prices.  If you are interested in the products but cannot justify the HK prices, you can check them out when you are in the UK!!)

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