[敗家] 網上敗家之Letsbuy.hk開箱文

敗家敗上腦!! 朋友啱啱新網頁開張叫我多多支持一下! 咁唔係個個朋友既生意都可以支持,都要睇下佢地賣咩先得! 呢個朋友既網站就開正我個飯,所以玩完一陣個website就買朋友既生日禮物同埋買少少野俾自己喇。 開箱喇,睇下我敗左咩丫:

(English:  I have been hauling quite a few things lately!!  My friend just set up this new website and asked me to browse around!!  This website sells exactly what I love, so I have to take a look!!  After browsing for awhile, I decided to make a purchase to get a few things for my friends and myself.  Now, let’s see what I have got:)

Letsbuy.hk Haul

我估唔到個袋都咁有心機,用翻自己公司名。 唔係就咁包好一箱就算!!

(English:  Nice!!  I didn’t take that it would come in a bag with the brand name on.  I thought it was more like a cardboard box…!!)

袋入面有個公司盒,都驚喜吖,我以為個袋入面就咁放d貨入去。 成個包裝我都覺得好唔錯!!!

(English:  There was a branded box inside the bag.  I have to say that I am really surprised because I thought the stuff would be put into the bag randomly.  I really love the whole package!!)


(English:  All my items are inside the box.  It comes with a card too, let’s see what the card says:)

哈哈!! 我睇完張card仔笑咗出黎!! 係丫,你睇我地女人買野買得咁開心就知,只要買得啱地方,開心就會跟住我地啦!!  好!! 逐件產品講解下先:

(English:  *Laughs*  I had to laugh after reading the card.  So right!!  Look at us women!!  We are always happy after hauling.  Spending at the right place on the right products certainly make us happy!!!  Now, let’s go through each item:)

Kate Spade Parisian Lights Bon Shopper


呢個係買俾朋友做生日禮物,我貪佢係漆皮防水(落雨天好啱)。 同埋我無送過呢個品牌既野俾我呢個朋友,所以佢應該都會鍾意!! 我真係好鍾意買禮物,我諗我年尾要開個各大禮物特集先得!!

(English:  I got this for my friend for her birthday present.  I like the material and it’s water resistant (perfect for rainy days).  Also, I haven’t got her anything from Kate Spade before, so I guess she would be surprised!!  I really love buying gifts, I think I might have to work on Hakme’s Picks for the Perfect Gift chapter on my blog towards the end of the year!!)

Marc by Marc Jacobs Take Me Croc Tablet Wristlet


呢個我買俾自己既!! 佢有兩個色,紅色同藍色! 我就當然係會買紅色啦!! 佢放到一部iPad 2入去,但係我諗住用黎當係clutch!! 紅色好sharp!!!

(English:  I got this for myself.  It comes in 2 colors – blue or red!!  For me, red is a must!!  You can put an iPad 2 inside it but I am going to use this as a clutch!!  I love the red, it’s brilliantly sharp!!)

除咗牌子野,佢都有護膚品賣,仲要有韓國牌子添!! 哈哈,我見到Banila Co.就忍唔住買咗佢兩件皇牌產品!! 價錢都好合理呀!!

(English:  Apart from branded goods, they also have skincare products and some of them are from Korean brands!!  *Laughs*  When I saw Banila Co. on the website, I just had to get them because the prices are reasonable!!)

Banila Co. Clean It Zero

價錢(Price):HK$175/ 100ml

呢個產品係用黎落妝!! 佢係Banila Co.既超皇牌,仲要拎埋Allure既Beauty Award!!! 我就係想試下佢係真唔係咁好用!! 當然喇,開咗會再同大家分享一下啦!!

(English:  This is a makeup remover and it’s one of the star items from Banila Co.  It even received Allure’s Beauty Award!!  I really want to give it a go to see if it’s that good!!  Of course, I will share my thoughts later!!)

Banila Co. Prime Primer Classic

價錢(Price):HK$175/ 30ml

呢個makeup base都好出名,佢有三隻可以揀(classic, hydrating & matte)。 我想試咗classic先,睇下咩咁感覺再決定試唔試埋其他!!

(English:  Another star item – makeup base!  You can choose classic or hydrating or matte.  I go for classic because I want to try the original one before deciding if I should try the others!)

係咪唔錯呀? 我覺得letsbuy.hk咩都有得賣,牌子野,護膚品,健康產品,酒同埋食物都有,真係好正!! 咁而家啱啱開始咗無幾耐,產品種類未算好多,但係佢地遲d應該會開始更多野賣同更多野睇。

(English:  Nice eh?  I love the fact that there are a great varieties of stuff on letsbuy.hk like branded items, skincare products, health products, wine and food.  Very good.  It has just been launched for not too long, so I could understand that the items in each categories are not excessive, but I am sure that once it’s up and running for a longer awhile, the selection will start to grow!!)

letsbuy.hk買夠HK$299就免運費,佢哋係用宅急便送到!! 我覺得佢哋送貨真係超快,仲要唔會限住要office address,home address都得!! 我星期六落order,星期一就收到!! 快靚正呀!!  So far, 我超滿意呢個網站既整體experience!! 我一定會再幫襯丫!!! 我覺得上網敗家真係太方便喇, click幾個製就送到黎屋企,又可以自己慢慢睇,又唔洗出去熱,太正喇(我開始自閉喇~~)!! 哈哈!!

(English:  You will get free shipping (local only) when the purchase amount is HK$299 and above.   The products will be couriered to your address.  I am really impressed with its delivery because it’s super fast and it doesn’t limited to only office addresses, home addresses are fine too!!  I placed my order on Saturday and I received the products on Monday!!  Brilliant service!!  So far, I am really happy with the whole shopping experience on letsbuy.hk. I will definitely go back and get other stuff.  I really love shopping online these days because it’s just a few clicks and I feel that I could take my time browsing.  Also, I could avoid the bloody heat outside as well.  Great!!!)

Letsbuy.hk Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/letsbuy.hk


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