Let’s Doll Up with Barbie Cosmetics

大家應該唔會對Barbie呢個名感到陌生.  我諗好多女仔細個都會有至少一個Barbie公仔.  我記得我細個都有一個, 我仲成日DIY d衫比佢添.  大個左自然唔會再玩Barbie啦, 不過你地知唔知就算唔再玩佢既公仔, Barbie都可以用令一個方式同我地一齊成長?  哈哈, 無錯, 就係女人既恩物 – 化妝品 + 護膚品喇20070218174542.gif!

(English:  I am sure we are all very familiar with the name Barbie!  Sure many girls had one when they were younger!  I recall that I had one and I did DIY so many clothes for her!  Well, now that we are all grown-ups, we might not enjoy playing with Barbies anymore, but do you know that Barbie could accompany us in another way?  Haha, yes, in the form of cosmetics and skincare20070218174542.gif!)

我上個星期走被邀左去佢地銅鑼灣世貿中心3樓個counter度8掛…(正…咁我可以影相同大家分享之餘, 仲可以玩佢地既產品…)

(English:  Last week, I was invited to go to their counter on 3/F, World Trade Centre, Causeway Bay to check out their stuff (cool, I could take pictures and play with their stuff!!!!).)

我諗大家唔會覺得佢呢個指甲機陌生!  可以印Barbie個樣上去d指甲到.  我對相中個圖案最有興趣.  好Barbie得黎感覺好fun!  我而家諗緊下次去試下整呢個款, 我覺得幾襯Spring/ Summer!

(English:  Some of you might have tried their nail machine already!  It can print some Barbie patterns onto your nails!  Fun eh?  I love the pattern in the above photo!  It’s very Barbie-like and very fun!  I think I might go and try out this pattern next time – very suitable for Spring/ Summer!)

Price for Nail Polish: HK$58/ 6ml

Price for Lipstick: HK$160

原來佢地出左好多指甲油.  Bold colors同正常既colors都有, 同埋細細枝, 唔驚買左用唔完會好浪費. 另外, 佢地既lipsticks, 我試過幾隻色, 搽上手, 我覺得個像真度好唔錯.  同埋個感覺都好潤.  最搞野係佢枝lipstick個頂頂係有個charm係度, 拎出黎都覺得靚.

(English:  Indeed, they have quite a good range of nail polishes including both bold and normal colors!  They are not big in size.  It’s good because most of the time I cannot use up my nail polishes (what a waste!).  Also, I tried a few of their lipsticks, they are really pigmented and moisturizing.  The most interesting thing is it has a charm at the top of their lipstick cap – great packaging!)

Price for Single Eyeshadow/ Eye Glitter: HK$99

Price for Blush Kit/ Eyeshadow Kit: HK$188

Price for Creamy Foundation: HK$198

Price for Pressed Powder: HK$188

你地都知我係eyeshadow freak啦, 我最鍾意試eyeshadow!  我試左幾隻佢地既single eyeshadow (圓型個隻).  我覺得正呀!!  唔係淨係得個樣.  佢d eyeshadow既粉質好幼細, 無打底都好出色.  全部都有少少閃, 但係一d都唔誇張!  我望過有幾隻色我都好有興趣.  應該我下回會去敗翻黎.  有隻啡色唔係好深色, 但係閃得好自然好靚.  敗左再影比大家睇.  個隻色係natural look必備呀!!

(English:  As all of you know that I am an eyeshadow freak!  I love trying eyeshadows!!  I tried a few of their single eyeshadows.  Very nice!!  The powder is very fine and pigmented!!  All of them are shimmery, but they are very subtle!  I am in love with a few colors and I will get them next time!  There is a brown color which looks very natural yet shimmery!  I will get it and take pictures later…that’s a must item for creating a natural look!)

3 color combination to choose from.  Price: HK$298

我like呢個Rock Barbie造型!!  感覺好有型~~ 呵呵… (好襯我!!)

(English:  I like this Rock Barbie!!  Very cool…hahahaha….(a good match for me!!).)

Price for Creamy Lip Gloss: HK$108

呢隻我有!  好唔好用?  睇到最尾就知喇20070218174526.gif.

(English:  I have this one!  Is it good?  Read till the end and you will know!!)

另外, 佢地都有護膚品, 不過都係for好basic既保樣, 唔會話有太多function.

(English:  They have skincare products too.  They are very basic and do not offer many functions.)

Price for the “Wear it” Eye Mask: HK$98

我覺得個”wear it” eye mask最得意, 好似借左Barbie對眼咁.  佢入面仲有個gel mask, 夏天放佢係fridge, 之後用黎凍敷就最正 (如果慘慘…喊完用黎減眼腫又得…當然唔好慘慘就最good!)
(English: I think this “wear it” eye mask is the cutest!  Like borrowing Barbie’s pretty eyes!  It has a gel mask inside, you can actually put it in the fridge and use it when it’s cold (…this would also helps minimize puffiness after crying…).)
仲有呢個eye gel mask我都好想特別提一提:
(English:  And I really want to talk about this other eye gel mask:)

 Price for Eye Gel Mask: HK$298

超大jar呀!!  呢個我試過上手, 係比較挺身既gel狀!  敷緊既時候涼涼地好舒服, 過左5分鐘, 見佢吸左入d皮膚到.  再過多一陣過水….好滑呀!!!  好保濕 (無咩其他function既).  我覺得夏天用好正!!  會去敗敗敗~~~ 
(English:  The jar is super big!  I tried it on my hand, it’s a firm gel texture!  It has a cooling effect on skin.  After 5 mins, I could see that it was being absorbed.  After probably another 5 minutes, I wiped it off with a wet tissue… my skin was super smooth!  Very hydrating (no other function).  It would be very good for the summer time!!  Have to get it!! Go go go!!)

Other Skincare Sets

(English:  Finally, I took the following home:)

Nail Polish Set

呢個玩左再同大家share. 初步見d色好靚, 唔知long唔long-lasting!
(English:  I will play with this set and share my comments later!  The colors look really pretty, not sure if it’s really long-lasting!)

Eye Glitter

呢個比d鍾意閃爆眼妝既人.  去clubbing要閃閃眼都用得.  睇下有幾閃丫:
(English:  This is for those who are in love with bling bling eyeshadows!  It could also be used when you go to clubbing!  Let’s see how sparkling this is:)

我用左兩次, 加係自己本身既眼妝上面.  真係超閃.  同埋佢都好long-lasting, 又無整花我本身既眼妝.  Good!
(English:  I used it twice already!  I added this on top of my eye makeup!  Super bling!  It’s very long-lasting and it doesn’t smudge my original eye makeup away!  Good!!)

Kohl Eyeliner

(English:  This can be used as an eyeshadow when it’s smudged out!  Let me try and share later!)

Creamy Lip Gloss (Color: 105C Fame)

好靚呀.  好鍾意!!  我keep住用左三日 (keep住用得即係好like啦)!!  佢唔係好lup, 感覺唔係好chi咀 (good!).  佢出黎個感覺好glassy!  我試過有d lipgloss搽左幾個鐘就覺得好乾.  呢隻無呀!  尋日我搽左成個afternoon, 都無乾既感覺, 反而有d潤添.  嘩, 大愛呀!!  估唔到咁正.  呵呵, 要買多幾隻色…hehehehe!!
(English:  Super pretty!!  Absolutely in love with it!  I keep using it for 3 days (well…you can tell that I am in love!).  It’s not sticky and it doesn’t feel heavy on lips (good!).  The effect is very glassy!  I tried some other lipgloss before and sometimes I felt they dried out my lips after a few hours!!  This one doesn’t do that!  Yesterday, I had it on for the whole afternoon, it hadn’t dried out my lips, on the contrary, it was quite moisturizing!  Now I am in love with this and I really have to go back and get some more colors!! Haha!!) 
好野分享: 而家大家睇完我既分享, 如果對Barbie既產品好有興趣.  咁呢, 大家就可以去counter揀自己鍾意既野, 到俾錢個陣同BA講話, “我係睇左黑咪個blog, 所以黎買野ga!”  咁你地張單既單件貨品 (唔包括set裝) 就可以有8折喇!!  開唔開心呢?  呢個special discount去到May 31st 2011 jar!

(English: Attention Please:  Now you must have finished reading my sharing, if you are really interested in getting a few of Barbie’s products.  Then, you can head to the counter, pick your own beloved items, and tell the BA, “I read HakMe’s blog, so I come to haul stuff!”.  After saying the magic sentence, you will get a 20% off your bill (gift sets are not included).  Happy?  Excited?  The end date for this special discount is May 31st, 2011!  Hurry up!!)
Disclaimer:  拿, 我講明先呀, 我無收佣金/ 人工ga, 唔好諗多左!  只不過我係女人, 我深明白如果有discount去買野,一定會開心d, 所以我先試下傾唔傾到個discount比大家去enjoy shopping!  希望大家以好實惠既價錢去試到d我都覺得好既產品啦 (hahaha, 你地係咪諗緊如果我樣樣野都傾到翻黎就好呢….hahaha…).  
(English: Disclaimer:  Well, I want to make it clear that I haven’t received any commission or salary from Barbie and I am not associated with them.  It’s because I am a woman, I understand we all shop with great joy when we experience special discount in a store.  Therefore, I tried to see if they could offer my readers a special and favourable discount so that you could go and splurge on the extremely reasonable price tags!  It’s also a token of thanks to you for having trust in me all these times!)
(English:  OMG!  Finally I am done!!  My hands are aching…I should go and take a rest 20070218181904.gif!)
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