[敗家] Les Nereides 的有趣高貴飾品

之前講過Les Nereides既幾個collection, 有無睇到你既心水產品? 我去影相個日當然有敗家啦,但係個日我花多眼亂, 好多野我都好想帶返屋企, 加上我影相影耐咗, 我之後約咗人好趕時間, 我唯有先揀一d我真係一眼就好鍾意既飾品先。 不過我後恢呀, 我整相寫blog個陣睇翻d相, 有好多都好靚, 但係我又無敗到! 我要再去(唔好拉住我!!)!! 唔緊要, 佢遲少少有Fantachic出, 我對呢個collection都超有興趣, 因為佢係Inspired by Harry Potter,所以有好多黑色Magic Element(我的菜)。 好, 先唔好講咁遠話我下次要買咩, 講咗今次先, 以下就係我敗咗既東東, 全部我都超愛!!

(English:   I did talk about a few of Les Nereides’ collections, anything that got your interest?  Quite predictably, the day I went for the photo shoot, I did haul some items!!  But, there were too many items that day and I just wanted to bring each and everyone home, plus the photo shoot took longer than I thought and I was quite in a rush to my next appointment with a friend, so I picked something that struck me the most.  Now I have to admit I regret a bit because when I look at the photos, I find that many of them are pretty but I haven’t got them!!  I have to go there again (please don’t stop me!!)!!!  Ahhhh… no worries, they will have Fantachic to be released very soon and I am very interested in this particular collection as well because it’s inspired by Harry Potter, so they have quite a few of black magic element (my cup of tea) in the series.  Right, let’s not go that far about what I am going to haul next, let’s focus on what I have got now – all of them are my absolute love!!)

如果你未睇我之前既文章,我建議你先睇個篇, 因為有好多collection都好靚, 我買唔哂呀:

(English:  If you haven’t read my previous piece, please do because there are so many collections and it would be fun to see their creation:)

[時尚] 女生大愛 ♥ 法國Les Nereides的浪漫飾品

Les Nereides Haul

先黎一對返工款先, 我話返工款, 但係我之前都講過, 我覺得呢款去party,去飲同平日想個look grand d個陣都帶得! 好易襯!! 佢有幾隻唔同既顏色揀, 我無記錯應該有黑色, 紅色, 淺紫色, 黃色。 因為就快X’mas,我想要有Holiday Season既顏色, 所以揀咗紅色! 個紅真係無敵高貴呀!

(English:  First comes the one pair which is perfect for work, party, wedding banquet and such, basically you can wear this whenever you feel that you want to add some chic/ grand touch to your look.  It can be used to match basically a lot of items.  There are different colors to choose from, if I remember right, they are available in black, red, light purple and yello.  Since it will be X’mas soon, I want some Holiday Season color, so I picked red!!  The red is just so fabulous and elegant!!)


好靚丫, 仲要價錢唔貴! 望落又好高貴! 抵呀! 屋企一定要有一對呢一類型既款式!

(English:  Fabulous!!  It’s not ridiculously expensive and it looks really elegant!!  Brilliant!! If you haven’t got something similar at home, you must have at least a pair!!)

下面呢對係Paris Postcard系列, 我一眼望到就要帶佢返屋企喇。 我鍾意佢夠多野睇, 兩邊又唔一樣,仲有閃星星同月亮! 兩樣都係我既最愛!!當然啦, 我買佢好大原因係佢叫Paris Postcard同埋佢個巴黎鐵塔!

(English:  Next up is from Paris Postcard Collection.  This pair is my love at first sight!!  I love that it’s sophisticated and the two sides are not the same!!  Also it comes with bling bling stars and moon, not to mention my beloved La Tour Eiffel!!!  I got this mostly because  of its collection name and the La Tour Eiffel!!)


仲有個女仔同男仔!! 成雙成對! 我諗佢地應該係夜晚喺巴黎鐵塔下約會! 嘩, 好浪漫!

(English:  There is a couple on the ear-rings.  I am thinking they must be dating under La Tour Eiffel at night!!  Hmmmm….so romantic!)

手功好好!! 帶上去行緊個陣有動感得黎又閃又特別!

(English:  The work is very delicately done.  After putting them on, they certain get some attention since that are waving and sparkling at the same time!)

另外點少得令我發狂既Le Parfum Collection? 真係超愛呢個collection, 不得了, 我成個focus都係呢個collection!! 好多都好靚! 我睇相發現仲有幾樣野我都想要(哈哈。。。係呀, 我想collect呢個collection!!)!!

(English:  How can I miss out the driving-me-crazy Le Parfum Collection?  I am super in love with this collection, OMG!!  My focus has been absorbed by this single collection along!  Many of them are really pretty and when I look at the pictures, there are a few items I want to get (*laughs*….yea I actually want to collect this collection!)!!!)


淨係呢條都有幾個色同香水樽揀, 我鍾意紅色同埋粒玫瑰花, 所以我揀咗呢個款!! 好靚呀!! 大大大愛!! 買埋另外既色會唔會好癲? 嘻嘻!!

(English:  It comes in a few colors with a few different perfume bottle design.  I love the red on this and the rose, therefore I picked this!!  It has become my major love!!  Now, if I get the other ones with the same design but of different colors, would I be called crazy?  *grins*)

個扣個花花都好靚, 反轉就見到品牌個N字!

(English:  The flower around the lock area is really pretty as well, when you flip it around, you can see the “N” representing the name of the brand!)

唔知點解我係好愛有條繩係條鍊入面個設計, 無咁悶又有d唔同既顏色睇下! 哈哈, 我星期日帶佢出街, 係地鐵有個女子仔問我呢條係邊度買, 佢話好靚! See, 好多好評丫!

(English:  I don’t know why, but I really love mixing the thread into the chain.  It adds some nice color and it’s less boring!!  *Laughs*  I wore this on Sunday and a girl in the MTR asked me where to get this!  See, it’s small but attention-seeking!!)

另外點少得介子? 又係有幾個款揀! 我揀揀下真係覺得自己有選擇困難症!! 點解樣樣都咁靚架!! 我最後揀咗呢隻粉紅色既:

(English:  The ring!!  Yes, available in a few colors and design again!  I start to think that I have encountered some buying problems when I was going through this collection!  Everything just look so pretty!!  I finally pick the pink one:)


真係太靚喇做得! 花花好精細, 個香水樽細得黎都好搶眼!!

(English:  So refine and pretty!!  The flower is really well done and the perfume bottle is small yet amazing!)

哈哈哈!! 仲有耳環! 我兩對都買咗長型! 我而家又諗點解我唔買對短款? 又有藉口喇! 本來我想買一對長型, 但係我兩對都好鍾意, 所以算喇, 全包!!

(English:  *Laughs* Also I got the ear-rings!!  I got both sort of the same style, and now when I come to think of them, why didn’t I get one for the shorter version?  Another excuse to go back!!  I originally wanted to get 1 long version, but then I couldn’t decide between these two, well, the story went – “Both Pair Please!”!!)


呢個系列既魔力真係太驚人喇! 我被開心地燒死!! 如果你鍾意買香水但係唔鍾意用, 我覺得買同香水有關既飾品用途更大!!

(English:  I think this collection is somewhat magically!!  I was happily spending!  If you love purchasing perfumes (real ones) but don’t use them at all, why don’t you get this collection instead, at least you can use them!!)


呢對我就好鍾意個contrast, 好sharp, 少少型得黎好elegant!!

(English:  I love the contrast in this – very sharp, it looks cool and elegant!!)

佢既產品做工好好之餘,售後服務都好好。 如果你既飾品半年內有咩唔妥, 你可以拎返去俾佢地, 佢地會免費幫你整(要ship返去法國), 過左半年都可以整, 不過要收費。 我而家買野都會留意佢既售後服務,有得整我會好安心買。

(English:  Not only their artwork is really well-done, but also the after-sales service is great too!! If your items have something wrong within half a year of purchase, you can take it back and they will fix them for your for free (need to be shipped back to France).  Even for those which pass the half a year mark, they will still fix them for you but there will be a charge.  Honestly, now when I buy stuff, I am concerned with their after-sales services, if there is a repairing service, then I usually haul with a peace of mind!)

好啦,下次再分享啦! 我應該都好快會再去Les Nereides探訪同再敗家! Happy X’mas Shopping!!

(English:  Right!  I will share next time!  I should be going to Les Nereides very soon again to haul some of the “missing items”!!  Happy X’mas Shopping!!

[好康優惠] 你地係Nov 12th – Nov 15th去Les
Nereides買以上所講4個collection (Sous Le Chataignier, Fruits D’automne, Le
Parfum and Pas de Deux) 內既產品, 只要你同Sales姐姐講係黑咪介紹, 你就可以得到12% Off既折扣喇!我係咪好乖, 去買野都不忘睇下可唔可以同你地慳錢!

(English:  Discount: From Nov 12th – 25th, go to Les Nereides to purchase any items out of the 4 collections mentioned above – Le
Chataignier, Fruits D’automne, Le Parfum and Pas de Deux, tell the
Sales lady that you are referred by “Hakme” and you will get 12% off!!  I
am good right?  I didn’t forget about getting good deals for you when I

店舖資料/ Retail Store Locations:

Shop 303A 3/F Hysan Place 500 Hennessey Road
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Shop G24 Miramar Shopping Center, 132 Nathan Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Les Nereides Facebook Page (HK): http://www.facebook.com/pages/Les-Nereides

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