[時尚] Les Nereides Harry Potter Inspired 系列 – Fantachic + 我敗到的東東

近期真係嚴重地迷上咗Les Nereides既飾品, 我上次咪話我要再落去探訪睇一睇另外一個叫Fantachic既collection既。 呢個collection係inspired by Harry Potter(蝦米波波), 所以有好多得意既黑色magic原素係入面, 真係太啱我喇。 話說我尋日放假, 所以即刻落去睇(當然有影相同大家分享啦):

(English:  I have been really obsessed with Les Nereides’ accessories.  Last time I said I had to visit the store again for the Fantachic collection!  This particular collection is inspired by Harry Potter, so there is the fun black magic thought behind the collection – suits me really well!  I was on leave yesterday and I took the opportunity to go and take a look at the collection (of course to take some pics and share with you all as well):)

Les Nereides Fantachic Collection


佢呢個collection有好多貓頭鷹! 我好鍾意貓頭鷹, 因為我覺得佢好有智慧丫!!

(English:  There are so many owls in this collection!  I personally love owls a lot since they are perceived to be very wise!!)

特別要提一提, 鍊後面個lock有隻小老鼠添呀! 唔係條條都有, 我覺得呢個好特別, 前面後面都有野睇!

(English:  I have to mention this!  At the back of the necklace where the lock is, there is a mice!!  Not every necklace is the same, this one is quite special in this sense!  Something to see at the front and at the back – nice!!)


呢個係兩條鍊既設計, 但係只可以一齊帶!! 唔同色望落好sharp! 哈哈!! Hogwarts建築物呀!

(English:  It’s designed to look like two necklaces but indeed it’s one!  I love the color difference because it makes the whole necklace look sharper!  *Laughs*  Hogwarts buildings, anyone?)


(English:  The back of this necklace is the print of one of the Hogwarts’ buildings!)


其實我問過sales呢個係咩東東, 佢話似貓頭鷹, 但係我諗諗下,佢似蝦米波波入面粒會飛既波波(佢有對翼)!! 似唔似 ? 我再望望下,我覺得佢somehow似炸彈!! 哈哈!! 可愛炸彈!!

(English:  I asked the sales lady of what this is, she mentioned that it looked like owls…but when I come to think of it, I think it looks like the flying ball in the Harry Potter movie (since it has wings)!!  What do you think?  Then I look at it some more and feel that it looks like a bomb with a crown!!  *Winks*  Cute bomb!!!)





佢有心口針呀! 好靚呀!!

(English:  They have broach too!!  Very pretty!!!)




我覺得成個collection最特別係3D介子!! 側面睇真係好立題!! 好靚!! 不過我好驚撞到其他野!!

(English:  The most interesting item in the collection – 3D rings!!  When you look at them on the side, they are very real!!  Amazing!!  However, I am a bit concerned that I would knock/ break something!!)



呢個高望落去呢, 我真係超欣賞個皇冠介子, 好靚!!睇緊個時真係超級無敵燒!! 如果佢有單買, 我會買!

(English:  When you look at this over the top, I really love the crown ring!  Super pretty!!!  When I was putting this on, trust me, I so wanted to bring them home!  If only the crown ring is available on its own, I would have brought it home!!)

Look at the Ring on the Side:


呢個東東我真係越睇越愛! 簡單但係有好多detail睇!

(English:  The more I look at this, the more I love this!!  Simple yet with so many different details!!)




呢對帶咗真係無敵高貴!! 好鍾意個紅黑對比! 就算去P都不失有趣華麗呀!

(English:  This looks really elegant!!  I really love the black and red contrast!!  It’s fun and grand even when you wear them to parties!!)





(English:  Love this pair of ear-rings!!  It matches perfectly with the studded items this year!!)


知唔知呢隻係咩? 係龍呀!!! 好型呀!!!

(English:  Do you know what this is?  It’s dragon!!!!  Super cool eh??)

玩完睇完當然又係敗家時候, 以下就係我既成果!! 哈哈!! 敗到心頭好, 人都特別開心!

(English:  After checking out the collection and it usually follows up haul time!!  The following are the items that I got *smiles*!!  I feel super happy after the haul because every item is just fabulous!!)


呢對我之前敗左紅色, 但係因為太好評價同埋我覺得真係好靚又易襯, 所以我敗買黑色!!

(English:  I got the red pair before but since it got so many compliments and it’s really easy to match with different outfits, so I got the black pair this time as well!!)

上面都睇到啦!! 龍呀!! 我要佢地因為帶上去好有型同埋有少少可愛!! 仲要叫人估佢地係咩嚟都好好玩!! 個型好靚呀!!

(English:  I just mentioned this in the above!  Dragons!!!  I love them because they give a stylish yet cute feeling when they are on the ears!! I believe I will have so much fun having people to guess what it is!!  I love the shape of this as well – pretty!!)

哈哈哈!!! 波波!!! 我當然要帶佢走啦! 佢集哂我所有鍾意既野 – 黑色, 星星, 皇冠!! 同我衣櫃裡面既野真係好襯!

(English:  *Laughs*  The flying ball!!!!  Of course I brought them home, since it has everything that I adore – black, stars, crown!!  It just matches really well with everything in my wardrobe!!)

最後一樣野唔係買俾自己! 係我買俾個好朋友做結婚禮物! 佢20號結婚, 而佢又好鍾意Les Nereides既飾品, 我知佢一定好鍾意以下呢對:

(English:  The last item is not for myself but it’s for one of my best friends!  She gets married on the 20th and she is fond of Les Nereides’ items, I know she is going to love these:)

個袋好靚呀!! 如果送禮就同個Sales講話送俾人, 佢會幫你用呢個靚袋袋!!

(English:  The bag is really pretty!!  If you are their items as gifts, please tell the sales lady and she will use these special bags instead!!)


Ballet系列有好多顏色, 我覺得黃色sharp得黎唔過份搶眼,條裙又閃閃地, 我個friend一定鍾意啦!!喂, 小姐(你知你係邊個丫), 如果你要去Les Nereides敗家, 唔該唔好敗呢對, 敗其他野!!

(English:  There are so many different colors for the Pas De Deux Series, but I feel that the yellow ones are nice but not overly attention-seeking, I love the dress of the girl as well – very shimmery and my friend must love them!!  Yo, Missy (you know who you are), if you are going to Les Nereides to haul, please do not haul these and haul other stuff instead!!)

最後, 我上次咪話呢個品牌有香水丫!! 我本身想聞, 點知個Sales好好人, 俾幾個sample我慢慢返屋企研究!! 哈哈!!

(English:  Last but not least, remember I said last time that Les Nereides has perfumes as well?  I wanted to smell them but what a surprise, the sales lady was so nice that she gave me a few samples so that I could play around at home!! *Grins*)

好啦, 我知你地有d已經睇完我個posts去左Les Nereides敗家, 我個friend話為左多謝我分享到手殘(影相加打字)同埋你地咁多人咁支持佢地品牌(佢話好多人都去到話佢地d野好靚, 搞到佢地好開心), 佢有一個新既好康優惠俾你地:

(English:  Right!  I know that some of you have already been to shop at Les Nereides, my friend wants to thank me for the sharing and you all for the support (she said many of you went there and said their items were pretty, made the staff really happy), she has a new discount offer for you all:)

[好康優惠] 你地係Nov 20th – Nov 25th去Les
Nereides買以下collections (Sous Le Chataignier, Fruits D’automne, Le
Parfum and Pas de Deux & Fantachic) 內既產品, 只要你同Sales姐姐講係黑咪介紹, 你就可以得到20% Off既折扣喇!

(English:  Discount: From Nov 20th – 25th, go to Les Nereides to purchase any items from the collections below –
Chataignier, Fruits D’automne, Le Parfum, Pas de Deux and Fantachic, tell the
Sales lady that you are referred by “Hakme” and you will get 20% off!!)

如果之前去咗買都唔洗失望, 快d諗下有無聖誕禮品買俾自己買俾人, 咁可以用呢個優惠溝淡佢!! 哈哈!

(English:  If you have already hauled a few things, don’t be disappointed, quickly think if there is any X’mas present you want to get for yourself or for your friends, and you can use this offer to kinda save some money!!)

Previous Posts about Les Nereides – if you haven’t read them yet:-

[時尚] 女生大愛 ♥ 法國Les Nereides的浪漫飾品

[敗家] Les Nereides 的有趣高貴飾品

店舖資料/ Retail Store Locations:

Shop 303A 3/F Hysan Place 500 Hennessey Road
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Shop G24 Miramar Shopping Center, 132 Nathan Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Les Nereides Facebook Page (HK): http://www.facebook.com/pages/Les-Nereides

Special thanks to MJ Photography HK for the photos, for any business inquiries for photo shoots, please contact him directly.

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