[時尚] 女生大愛 ♥ 法國Les Nereides的浪漫飾品

之前見一個舊朋友, 佢帶埋另一個朋友出黎, 我一望個新朋友既耳環覺得好眼熟, 就問佢呢對係咪Les Nereides既出品。 哈哈, 原來佢係呢間公司做!! 我仲同佢講話我行過幾次就係想睇呢個系列既飾物, 但係香港好似未出! 不過佢話我聽我見佢個日已經出左, 咁我仲問佢我可唔可以搵日落去影相(我真係覺得超靚!!), 佢話可以, 就係咁…我就係weekend落去影相同敗家喇! 呵呵, 本來想影一個collection同大家分享, 但係睇下睇下有好多都好靚,所以影影下, 我就影咗過百張相(頭先edit相edit到我眼都花 T.T)。 唔講咁多, 睇下靚野先:

(English:  A week or two ago, I met an old friend and she brought her new friend out together.  I saw the new friend’s earrings and thought those were familiar, then I asked her if they were from Les Nereides.  *Laughs*  OMG, she works in this company and I immediately told her that I wanted to see this particular collection, but I went there twice and it seemed that this collection hasn’t been released yet in HK.  Yay, then she told me that the day I met her, the collection has been released!!!  I also took the liberty to ask her if I could take photos to share with my readers, and she was like OK (oh yea, the collections are too pretty to just sit in the shelves!!)!!  Yay…then of course, I went there to do some photo shoot and haul some of my loves.  Well, I wanted to share one collection at first, but then since so many of them are gorgeous, I finally ended up with over 100 photos (and I felt dizzy editing them just now T.T).  I will save my breath and let’s look at the pretty things:)

Les Nereides 

佢係香港有兩間店, 我自己去左銅鑼灣Hysan個間!

(English:  There are two stores in Hong Kong, I went to the one in Hysan Place!) 

你地都知我根本就好迷戀所有同法國有關既野(前世我應該係法國人!), 加上呢個品牌既產品好特別好多款式選擇得黎,仲要佢既產品最精細既地方都係人手製造, 我點會唔愛?!

(English:  You all know that I have been really obsessed with anything related to French (I must be French in my previous life!), plus there are various designs in this brand, and also for the most delicate part of the products, they are handmade!!!  How could I not love them?)

因為佢有太多個collection, 我一次過影唔哂, 所以我特別揀左幾個collection先同大家分享一下!

(English:  Since there are too many collections, I cannot show them all for now.  Therefore I picked a few which I thought were quite interesting to share!)

Sous Le Chataignier (On The Chestnut Tree)

呢個collection好浪漫架! 講兩隻小鳥相戀既故事! 成個collection你好多時都會見到有一隻或者兩隻小鳥, 佢地會拎住Love Letter!! 你見唔見個envelope有個心心? 隻隻小鳥都係由人手上色, 每隻都會有小小分別! 好浪漫, 我諗如果現代人收到Love Letter應該都會好開心同會覺得好甜? 話時話, 有無男生睇我個blog? 如果有, 你又想送野俾女仔示愛, 唔寫Love Letter, 可以買呢個collection丫, 不過你要記得送個陣講埋個collection既故仔俾個女生知!! 掂呀!!

(English: This collection is very romantic!  It talks about the love story between two birds.  Therefore, for the whole collection, you will see one or two birds and one of them has a Love Letter!!  You see that there is a heart on the envelope?  Each bird is colored by hand and thus each of them is a bit different!  Very romantic eh?  I think t would be really sweet and happy to get a Love Letter nowadays (coz no one writes)!! Anyway, is there any guy reading my blog now?  If yes, and if you want to show some love to your “target”, and think writing Love Letter is too much, then you could get this collection, but remember to tell the girl the story behind the collection!  Yay!!)


(English:  Let me wear them so that you can take a better look!)



Close up睇d手功真係做得好精細! 見到呢兩隻小鳥我就覺得好sweet丫! 哈哈!!

(English:  The work of the piece is very delicate and well-made!  Now I feel so sweet after seeing the two birds *smiles*!!)


Love Letter丫!! 我都想要!!

(English: Love Letter again!! I want one too!!)


The Back of the Bracelet:


(English:  There are rings too!)

價錢(Price):HK$650 (for two)


呢款係兩隻黎架! 可以分開帶, 又可以一齊帶! 一齊帶就特別d啦!

(English:   Actually this is a two-piece, you can separate them or wear them together.  I love wearing them together because it’s more special this way!)



我覺得呢對好靚呀! 好girly, 鍾意粉紅色既真係好啱!!

(English:  This is very pretty and girly!!!  If you like pink, you will like this!)




呢對就sharp d, 如果想秋冬係黑媽媽既顏色中出眾d, 就揀呢對!

(English:  This pair looks a bit sharper and if you want something popping in the winter, this is for you!)




呢隻介子有好多珠珠, 其實係想做出Love Nest個效果, 好有諗頭! 我自己就鍾意白色多d, 我覺得感覺清d同埋個效果出黎好靚!

(English: There are so many pearly beads on the rings and it symbolizes love nest!!  Very thoughtful!!  I like the white one better because it creates that feeling of freshness of a new stage of life!)




The Side of The Necklace:





(English:  The flower is really well-done!  Totally impressed!!)

Fruit D’automne (Autumn Fruits)



Les Nereides呢個品牌好鍾意用大自然既野做題材, 所以佢地都有一系列關於秋季生果既飾物! 講真, 望個時我淨係覺得好過癮, 但係我覺得帶上身個陣先覺得佢靚! 你去睇個陣記得要試上身呀!

(English: Les Nereides loves nature and you can see there are many nature themes in their collections.  They now have one for Autumn fruits.  Honestly, when I looked at them, I thought it was just fun to look, but OMG after putting them on, I could feel the difference!!  Prettier on the body!!  Remember when you go check out this collection, please try them on your body!!)

白色既grapes我望個時好猶豫, 唔知帶上身會點! 點知帶上身好sharp好靚好特別! 呵呵!! 佢都有黑色:

(English:  White grapes – at first, I was hesitant, but when I put them on, they look very sharp and very special!!!  There are the black version as well:)






 松鼠呀!! 好可愛呀!!! 

(English:  Squirrel!!!!  HOW CUTE!!!)

我鍾意佢好多野睇, 前面同側面睇會有唔同! 

(English:  I love the fact that it looks rather rich and complicated, it looks slightly different when you view in from the front and from the side!)



如果唔鍾意咁多野, 清清地一粒都可以好靚!

(English:  If you don’t enjoy complications, simplicity can be striking as well!!)

佢呢個系列當然有necklace啦, 不過我要先提佢個扣, 係綠色, 整到好似樹枝咁! 真係太有心思喇!

(English:  There are necklaces in this collection, but I want to talk about its lock, it’s green and it’s pretending to be a branch from a tree!!  Super thoughtful and detail-minded!!)






三種生果一齊! 好豐富!

(English: Three kinds of fruits together, very rich!!!)




我覺得呢條bracelet都好好睇, 簡單得黎又好有秋季既味道!

(English:  I quite like this bracelet because it’s simple but it’s very autumn-y!!)

Le Parfum (The Perfume)

呢個係我私心超推系列(你望落就明白)!! 我就係為咗呢個系列行左幾轉Les Nereides喇!! 好法式可愛得黎, 仲好高雅!

(English:  The following collection is my recommendation (you will understand when you go through the pics)!!  It was this collection which made me go to Les Nereides for a few times!!! The collection is basically cute with French chic!!)


真係太靚喇!! 個香水樽係人手畫架!! 我真係超迷戀呢個系列!! 全部都好想帶返屋企(敗家病發作中)!

(English: Super pretty eh???  The perfume bottle coloring is done by hand!!  I am really obsessed with this collection and I want to bring every one of them home (hmmm…someone’s hauling DNA is activating)!!!)


佢有幾個唔同既香水樽樣, 可以睇下你鍾意多d!

(English:  There are different perfume bottle designs to choose from and you can pick which one you like best!!)


呢個前短後長, 個感覺同顏色配搭都好優雅! 一般去街/返工都好好襯!

(English:  The front is shorter and the back is longer for this pair of ear-rings!  The feeling generated and the color combination is very chic!  Great for a day out or for work!!)

Close up 睇到d details, 真係好有心機!

(English:  Get to see the details when it’s close up, it illustrates a lot of love!)


呢對個樽蓋係深色, 個對比都得好好!

(English:  The bottle cap is done in a darker color, the contrast is really well done!!!)


哈哈哈!! 我真係超鍾意呢個系列!! 呢對係同款唔同香水樽!!

(English:  *Laughs*  I really love this collection!!  This pair is of a similar style of the above but with a different perfume bottle!!)


另一個樽另一個款! 我覺得呢對短身, 優雅得黎又比較爽朗!

(English:  Another perfume bottle with another design!!  This pair is of a shorter version and I feel that it’s chic but it’s quite modern and not too girly!!)


另一個design!! 真係好多唔同既款, 大家可以慢慢揀!!

(English:  Another design!!  There are just so many to choose from and definitely you have to take your time when choosing!!)


救命! 我真係好鍾意條鍊入面有鮮色既線同埋留鬚!!

(English:  Help!!!  I really love that there is a sharp colored thread inside the chain and there are some causal “left-over” at the end!!)

On the Side of the Necklace:


呢條清得黎都好多野睇!! 我覺得會係成日都可以帶既一個款!

(English:  This is simple but still with a lot of details.  I feel this one is an everyday piece!!)

On the Side of the Necklace:



(English:  Various bottles of perfume are here on this necklace!!!  Super pretty!!!)


超愛呢條!! 鍾意佢一半一半既設計!!

(English:  Super in love with this one!!  I love that half of the bracelet is different than the other half!!)


呢條都好靚!! 好特別得黎唔誇張!

(English:  This one is really pretty as well – very special but not over the top!!)


呢條又係有哂d香水樽! 如果唔係好帶necklace既人, 可以諗呢條bracelet呀!

(English:  This has all the perfume bottles as well!  If you don’t wear necklace, you can consider this bracelet!!)

哎!! Les Nereides有香水candles丫, 不過我玩得開心過頭唔記得聞下枝香水, 聽聞好法國味!! 我下次去要去聞下先!!

(English:  Ah…Les Nereides has perfumes and candles, but I was totally obsessed with the accessories that I forgot to check the perfume out!!  Heard that it smells really French!!  I will check them out next time!!)


Pas de Deux (I call it the Swan Lake Collection)


One side:

The Other Side:

Pas de Deux既collection係inspired by Swan Lake, 所以有好多題材都係同Ballet有關! 呢個collection出咗好耐喇, 不過每年都會有唔同既顏色! 我見店有粉紅色,紅色, 今年出閃灰色, 我自己就覺得白色同閃灰都靚!

(English:  Pas de Deux collection is inspired by the famous Swan Lake, therefore many of their items are related to Ballet!!  This collection has been released for quite awhile but there are new colors coming out each season/ year.  There are pink and red items in the store, but this year the new release is the shimmery gray!  I personally love the white items and the shimmery gray!!)

佢上面個對ear-rings, 你就睇到喇, 一邊係個女仔準備跳ballet, 另一邊已經跳緊喇!

(English:  For the above ear-rings, you can see that one side is that the girl is preparing to dance ballet, and the other side is already in action!!)


One Side:

The Other Side:


One Side:

The Other Side:

如果唔鍾意咁sophisticated既設計, 我覺得呢對都好好睇! 兩邊有少少唔同, 對ballet shoes就一樣!! 佢有好多色揀, 不過我覺得紅色特別d同埋sharp d!!

(English:  If you are not a lover for complicated design, you will love this!!  The two sides are a bit different but the ballet shoes remain the same!!  There are different colors to choose from but I feel that red is more special and it’s sharper!!!)


One Side:

The Other Side:

Swan Lake 裡面既動物呀!!! 好可愛!!!

(English:  Other characters inside Swan Lake!!  Super cute!!!!!!)


One Side:

The Other Side:

兩邊唔同! 呢個就係我講既閃灰色喇!! 係咪好靚? 其實我覺得佢兩邊唔同真係好正!!

(English:  Two sides are different!!  This one is the shimmery gray that I talked about before!!  Pretty eh?  I love the fact that the two sides are different!!!)



(English:  There are so many different charms on this bracelet!!  Suitable for the girly girl!!)

價錢(Price): HK$650


(English:  Love this new color!!  Not overly sweet!!)

On the Side of the Necklace:



呢條雖然無ballet girls,但係我覺得呢條好靚!! 成條既顏色好有vintage味道得黎又可愛!! 個contrast做得好好!

(English:  Even though there aren’t any ballet girls on this necklace, I love this one!  The color and combination is a bit vintage but cute at the same time, nice contrast!!)



下面呢兩樣野係我覺得幾靚, 所以想分享一下, 佢地自己有另外collection, 同上面個d collection唔一樣!

(English:  I feel the following items are so pretty that I have to share with you all!  They have their own collections and they are different from the above:)


One Side:

The Other Side:


佢有幾隻唔同既顏色, 我揀咗兩個色同大家分享!! 呢對唔貴得黎個樣好高貴, 返工去party去飲都好啱!!

(English:  There are different colors for this pair and I picked two to share with you all!!  This is not expensive but look extremely elegant!!  Perfect for party, wedding and work!!)

咁我又敗左咩呢? 因為呢個post太長,我會將我既敗家之作另作分享! 你睇完之後係咪都好想即刻去敗家? 咁就啱喇, 我有好康優惠俾大家:

(English:  What did I get?  Since this post is way too long, I will share my hauled items in another post!!  Are you tempted?  If yea, then great coz I got some good deals for you:)

[好康優惠] 你地係Nov 12th – Nov 15th去Les Nereides買以上所講4個collection (Sous Le Chataignier, Fruits D’automne, Le Parfum and Pas de Deux) 內既產品, 只要你同Sales姐姐講係黑咪介紹, 你就可以得到12% Off既折扣喇!我係咪好乖, 去買野都不忘睇下可唔可以同你地慳錢!

(English:  Discount: From Nov 12th – 25th, go to Les Nereides to purchase any items out of the 4 collections mentioned above – Le Chataignier, Fruits D’automne, Le Parfum and Pas de Deux, tell the Sales lady that you are referred by “Hakme” and you will get 12% off!!  I am good right?  I didn’t forget about getting good deals for you when I haul!!)

店舖資料/ Retail Store Locations:

Shop 303A 3/F Hysan Place 500 Hennessey Road
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Shop G24 Miramar Shopping Center, 132 Nathan Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Les Nereides Facebook Page (HK): http://www.facebook.com/pages/Les-Nereides

Special thanks to MJ Photography HK for the photos, for any business inquiries for photo shoots, please contact him directly.

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