[化妝] Laura Mercier Luxe Color Wardrobe Dual Decker Colour for Eyes and Cheeks

今年X’mas set我無咩心水,反而有日行過Laura Mercier見到呢盒產品,我自己覺得好實用,所以買咗! 其實都好一段時間無買過Laura Mercier既產品,所以都當係再試一下佢地既產品,咁就可以同大家分享下! 不如先睇呢個palette先丫!

(English:  I haven’t really got my eyes on any X’mas set this year, however, I passed by Laura Mercier one day and I thought this was very practical, so I bought it!  Indeed, it’s been a good while since I use Laura Mercier products, so I take it as I “retry” their products and then I would be able to do reviews for you!  Let’s get started with this palette first!)

Laura Mercier Luxe Color Wardrobe 

Dual Decker Colour for Eyes and Cheeks



呢個palette係兩層既! 上面係眼影,下面就係shimmer同胭脂!

(English:  This palette is made up of two decks, the upper deck is consisted of eyeshadows, whereas the lower deck is consisted of shimmer and blushes!)


第一層就有8個眼影同埋兩枝mini brushes!

(English:  On the upper deck, you get 8 eyeshadows and two mini brushes!)


試色圖/ Swatches:

簡單用後感: 顏色都係大路得黎有藍同紫系既顏色。 我覺得實用度都好高! 眼影既粉質都好幼細同好易上色! 我覺得都好夠平日用,同埋如果去旅行,呢個有埋掃,所以都算係方便同埋d色簡單得黎都有變化(唔係成日都係大地色)!

(English:  Quick Product Review: The colors are practical but include more of blue and purple tone.  I feel that it’s really practical!  The powder is very fine and quite pigmented too!  I feel that it’s enough for some every day uses, plus if you travel, this include a few brushes, so it comes in handy!  Also, the colors are basic yet different than the brown tones that we always see!)


下面呢層就有一隻shimmer powder,兩隻胭脂,三色matte色既眼影,同埋一枝mini掃加一枝mini eyeliner!

(English:  The lower deck consists of a shimmer powder, two blushes, 3 matte eyeshadows, 1 mini brush and 1 mini eyeliner.)


試色圖/ Swatches:

簡單用後感: 我覺得shimmer同胭脂粉質都好滑,但係三隻深色既眼影呢就鞋手同埋chalky喇! 當然都可以用啦,不過要有心理準備! 我覺得成盒產品最失望都係呢三隻matte眼影,其他野都好唔錯! Eyeliner我就成日唔記得用,得閒用咗再分享啦!

(English:  Quick Product Review: The texture of the shimmer powder and the two blushes are great, however, for the 3 matte eyeshadows, they do feel rouge and chalky!  Of course, they can still be used but just get yourself prepared that they are not as smooth as the others!  I have the say, these 3 matte eyeshadows are the most disappointing in the bunch, while others stuff are great!  Guess what, I always forget to use the eyeliner, so I will “remember” to use it and share my comments later!!

整體黎講,如果你鍾意佢地入面既顏色,我都覺得買得過既! 但係如果你有d顏色唔係咁鍾意既話,我就唔建議喇,佢都唔平麻!! So far,我自己都滿意既,因為我覺得佢質量都好好(除咗頭先講過三個色),同埋出門用好方便!!

(English:  Overall speaking, if you are in love with the colors inside, then I would suggest you buy it!  However, if you don’t like 1 or 2 colors inside, I wouldn’t even suggest it to you, because it’s not cheap!  So far, I am quite happy with this because I feel that quality is nice (well, apart from the 3 matte colors) and it’s perfect for travel!!)



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