[敗家] 回購Laura Mercier既產品

近期Laura Mercier變得好得我歡心,原因係我之前敗左佢地聖誕set,玩玩下又燃燒起我對佢地既熱愛! 其實好耐以前都用過佢地既產品,都覺得唔錯,不過我無keep住買就係真既! 但係你地知我唔想成日講黎講去都係某一d品牌(我好怕悶),所以再發現佢,咁又分享下等大家又多個品牌去選擇!! 今次大部份係回購,因為我玩完佢地d聖誕set,有d產品實在太impress我,所以我今次去敗full size,仲敗多件新品,玩完又可以再同大家分享下喇!!

(English:  Laura Mercier has become one of my favourites these days, I think it’s mostly because of the X’mas sets that I hauled before, well, I played with many of them and I got quite impressed!  Indeed I had used their products long time before, many of them were quite nice, it was just that I wasn’t a really loyal customer!!  Hmmmm…you know me, I don’t want to talk about the same brand again and again because it would bore me to death, so I guess this rediscovery experience would give you a “new” brand to explore as well!!  This time, I would regard most purchases are “repurchased” items.  I got one “new” item to play with and I will definitely share my thoughts on the newbie when the time is right!!)


Laura Mercier Caviar Stick Eye Colour

價錢(Price):HK$230/ 1.64g

Amethyst同Cocoa就係我之前買既mini set出現過,但係因為顏色太靚同埋超實用,所以我買翻full size!! 另外就見到Sandglow都好好,應該用黎打底好唔錯,所以敗埋佢喇。

(English:  Amethyst and Cocoa have made their appearance in the mini set I got before, but I love the colors and I find them super practical to use, so I got the full sizes this time!  Then I saw Sandglow, I feel that it would be a great color for just some simple look or as a base, so I got this as well.)

如果你之前有睇我Nov Favrourite video同埋尋日出品既手殘都可以既Smokey Eyes video,你應該知我點解咁愛佢地。 出色,易blend,方便又long-lasting! 基本上係超易handle,唔洗點有技巧都用得到!! 太正喇(所以我用行動証明我好愛佢),我之前都有用過MAC Greasepaint Stick,雖然都好出色好long-lasting,但係blending就無LM呢隻咁好blend喇!!

(English:  If you have watched my Nov Favourite video and my Super Easy Smokey Eyes video, you probably know why I love them so much!!  It’s pigmented, easy to blend, convenient and long-lasting!  Basically it’s just easy to handle and you don’t need great skill to use it!!  Great stuff (my repurchasing action tells you how much I love them).  I used MAC Greasepaint Stick before, right it was pigmented and long-lasting as well, but it wasn’t as blendable as LM’s!!)

Laura Mercier Long Wear Creme Eye Pencil

Color: Espresso

價錢(Price):HK$220/ 1.2g

一用愛上!! 又係你有睇我之前兩個video,你都會明我點解愛佢!! 深色,出色,快乾,筆芯軟硬度適中,又long-lasting!! 正!! 不過如果你油眼我唔敢recommend你,但係如果你對眼唔油,我就好recommend呢條!! 好好畫又好靚!! 呢個色我覺得亞洲人用啱啱好呀,畫完對眼深咗,但係都仲好親民呀!

(English:  I fell in love with it instantly!!  Again, if you have watched my previous 2 videos, you will know why!!  It’s of a nice deep colour, pigmented, dries quickly, has the perfect balance of softness and hardness and long-lasting!!  Amazing!!  But if your eye areas as re quite oily, I am not sure if it would work on you, but if your eye areas are not oily, I would highly recommend this for you!!  It’s easy to draw!!  I feel that this color is great for Asian because it adds depth to the eyes without making them look too angry!!)

Laura Mercier Smooth Finish Flawless Fluid Foundation
Color: Buff

價錢(Price):HK$450/ 30ml


(English:  This is their new foundation, I played with it at the counter and I felt that the texture is really thin and it’s oil-free, so I was quite interested to see if it’s good, bad or indifferent!!  I haven’t started using it yet, so I will report back later!!)

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