我欠左你地呢個post好好好耐!! 哈哈(以笑遮醜)~~~ 話說我之前做過個video係我既Top 5 Lipsticks,當中有提到LASplash ChubbyTwist,而黑咪小店又入咗5隻色,之後就有sis問我會唔會做試色圖等可以望得清楚d!! 我話會呀會呀,過年整丫!! 點知,我過年太多野整完全唔記得咗!!!! 過咗年我突然間迴光反照。。。記起,我未出試色圖俾大家睇~~~~哈哈。。。今日補翻!!
(English: I have been owing you this for sooooo looooonnnggg!!! *Laughs embarrassingly*~~ Well I did a video called Top 5 Lipsticks before and I did mention the LASplash ChubbyTwist. There are 5 colors available in Hakme’s Store, so many sisters have been writing to me asking for swatches. I did promise to do it in Lunar New Year but somehow my life was so much in chaos that I completely forgot about it! Then one day (after Lunar New Year) I had a horrible feeling – “Oh god….I still haven’t done the swatches!!!!” Sorry about the wait, here it goes!!)
LASplash ChubbyTwist
Buy from 黑咪小店 or email me at iamhakme@hotmail.com
佢都有好多顏色,但係我覺得呢幾隻特別d同sharp d,所以我就入咗呢幾隻喇!!
(English: They have a good range of colors in the line but I feel that these look different and sharp, so I got these!!)
Swatches/ 試色圖
用後感:市面上都有唔同既肥筆筆,我都玩過幾隻。 我比較底下覺得LASplash係好出色(根本就係lipstick效果),好滑好易畫! 同埋我鍾意佢係扭,唔洗刨,方便好多!! 乾唔乾咀? 我覺得有少少,例如四個鐘就會有少少乾,但係一般人都會食野飲野,所以一般都會抹咗再搽,所以無咩問題。 同埋佢都好long-lasting呀,last三四個鐘絕對無問題!!加埋價錢咁抵玩,諗唔到點解唔入!!
(English: There are many chubby sticks in the market and I had played with a few. In my own mind, LASplash’s is super pigmented (lipstick intensity), smooth and easy to use! Plus, I like the twist part because I don’t have to use a sharpener separately – very convenient!! Does it dry out the lips? A bit. After 4 hours, it feels a bit dry on the lips, but I feel it’s alright because normally, a person would eat/ drink within a 4 hour time frame and lip colors should get re-applied, so it’s acceptable to me! And the best part is that it’s very long-lasting – 3-4 hours no problem!! Of course, the lovely price tag is a huge encouragement too!! Why not?)
(English: If you want to check out my Top 5 Lipsticks, it’s here:)
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