[化妝] 大愛的Lancome Rouge in Love唇膏


(English:  It seems to me that I have got the following lipsticks for awhile and I have talked about the haul in my previous video (refresh memory as follows).  However, I did say that I wanted to share the swatches and review together, so it took a bit of time in testing out the products!  Now it’s time, otherwise, I am afraid I would forget again!)

其實我近期真係迷上買同用唇膏,由我好愛嘅紅色唇膏,而家變到粉紅珊瑚色我都會買,當然都唔少得裸色唇膏啦!正正正! 今次喺Lancome我就敗左四條,唔同嘅顏色襯唔同既造型!哈哈!!而家先睇左試色圖先~

(English:  I have fallen back in love with lipsticks again!  Apart from my beloved bright red lipsticks, I have been adding different colors to my collection like pink, coral and nude.  Brilliant!!  I got 4 lipsticks (a bit excessive lol) from Lancome and the color tones are quite different.  *laughs*  Let’s look at the swatches now~)

Lancome Rouge in Love Lipsticks

Color: 247B – Rose Dragee

Color: 132M – Corail in Love

Color: 167N – Rouge Rendez-Vous

Color: 230M – Jolis Martins

使用次數(No. of Usage):around 20 times

簡單用後感:先講佢真係有好多顏色選擇,如果我無記錯,應該係有廿令隻色可以揀。佢嘅顏色亦都分開三個類別:早,午,晚。估都估到早既色係比較淺色,午既色比較深,晚既色係最鮮艷!正!我去揀個陣玩咁多隻色真係超開心。質感方面,搽完佢出嚟有少少令身,唔會好誇。 同埋我覺得佢個質地好creamy,好易搽又唔會好乾身! 搽完上咀個感覺都好水潤唔會覺得好乾。我自己個咀比較乾,我搽完三四個鍾都唔覺得好乾。反而搽完大概一個鍾到,會見佢無咁令身,反而個感覺仲自然咗! 正呀!!!我買咗四隻色,其實隻隻我都好鍾意,同埋我真係覺得佢好好用,效果同埋質量我都好滿意!如果要我揀最鍾意既色會係Corail in Love, 因為我呢期都仲好迷珊瑚色。如果你想買唇膏,我好認真咁推介你去試下呢隻唇膏先!好正呀! 咁多色揀,應該會揀到一隻你鍾意既色!!推推推!!

(English:  Quite Product review:  First I want to talk about its color collection.  If I remember right, the range has over 20 colors to choose from and they are divided into Jolis Matins (morning), Boudoir Time (lunch) and Nuit (night).  You probably could guess that the colors in the Matins collection is less vivid, then it increases the intensity.  Nice!!  When I went to get my colors, I was so happy to see such a good color collection.  For texture, it has a shiny finish and it’s not too over the top.  Also, the texture is really creamy and it’s easy to apply and it’s not drying at all.  When they’re applied on lips, they are quite moisturizing.  My lips are quite dry, but I don’t feel too dry at all after applying this for 3-4 hours.  On the contrary, after I apply this for an hour, I notice that the color look quite natural on the lips and the shininess has gone down a bit.  Wonderful!!  I got 4 colors and I love each of them.  I think they’re worth the money and I love the quality.  If I really have to choose my favorite, I would choose Corail In Love because I am still mad about coral color these days.  If you want to haul some lipsticks, I would seriously recommend you to check this collection out!   I am sure you could pick a color that you like!  Highly recommended!!)


(English:  It suddenly dawn on me that I haven’t talked about the two lipsticks that I hauled from ADDICTION when I was in Japan!  OMG, I will issue a piece very soon~)

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