[保養] 平價版Lancome Genefique

我寫blog真係無咩時間觀念。 事關好多時我用用下d產品, 想寫個陣又有其他野打尖, 整整下又唔知幾耐先再記得要寫嚟同大家分享。 雖然我好努力提醒自己要改一改呢個作風, 但係似乎我都係無得救。 今次想寫呢個產品, 連我自己都唔記得我幾時敗嘅, 要搵翻Facebook張相先知個日子。 仲要睇完個日子嘩咗一聲! 乜我一月已經敗咗, 竟然到而家都未寫!!  唉。 今日想講嘅係…之前都應該好多人講過嘅:

(English:  I seem to have frequently lost track of time when I do my blog writing.  Whenever I get to a point of wanting to write about a product, then I end up writing about something else, and as the story goes, it takes me “forever” to get back on track.  Even though I have been trying hard to remind myself to change my “behavior”, it seems that I am totally hopeless.  I even forgot when I did purchase the product that I wanted to talk about today.  I ended up digging my Facebook photo album to get the exact date.  When I saw the date (Jan 20th, 2012), I was like “Oh crap!! It was like 3 months ago??”  *Sighs*  Anyway, today I want to talk about this renowned product:)

L’Oreal Youth Code Prodigious Rejuvenating Pre-Essence


價錢(Price):HK$279/ 30ml

Product Information:


(English: “L’Oreal Paris introduces the new Youth Code Serum, 10 X more
concentrated in the patented Pro-Gen® technology than the Youth Code Day
Cream. An instant boost of youthfulness. Skin looks younger and more


使用次數(No. of Usage):2 months

用後感:先講佢個質感,佢係比較杰身嘅透明液體。 易推開之餘仲好易被皮膚吸收。 相中所見, 佢個顏色同Lancome Genefique係有少少唔同。 氣味方面, 佢亦都比Lancome Genefique多香料。 質感嚟講亦都比Lancome Genefique實少少。 雖然表面上感覺兩隻產品係有分別, 但係如果講功效, 我就覺得兩者真係好相似。 兩隻產品都係Pre-essence, 即係話係用任何護膚品之前用, 可以增加之後使用嘅產品威力。 兩者亦都係有抗老功效, 可以令皮膚係短時間之內有光澤同回復彈力。  我用咗兩個月, 我覺得佢真係可以令之後使用嘅產品更加吸收。 同埋搽完個一下皮膚真係滑到令人著迷。 我用左佢咁耐都覺得同我之前用Lancome Genefique個感覺同效果差唔多。 都係用左一至兩個星期就見到皮膚有光澤同埋有彈力。 效果真係好讚。 仲讚嘅係個價錢。 佢個價錢(如果Mannings有75折嘅話)真係Lancome Genefique嘅三份一。 哈, 無咩理由唔愛啦! 不過佢有一個大缺點, 就係佢個泵唔係做得好好, 好多時都泵唔到d產品入枝管入面, 搞到我要倒出嚟/了出嚟用。 係呢樣野要改良一下。 其他各方面我都好讚。 但係如果你接受唔到護膚品香味比較勁嘅話, 呢隻都未必係你杯茶(最好買之前去Mannings聞下先)。 So far我都好推呢個產品, 每次用嗰陣內心都覺得自己好精明, 用平價版嘅價錢有貴價野嘅效果! 呵呵! 回購度超高丫!

(English:  After-use Comments:  Texture-wise, it’s of a thicker liquid form.  It’s easy to blend and easy to absorb.  As you can see from the photos, its color is a bit different from Lancome Genefique.  Scent-wise, it definitely contains more fragrance than Lancome Genefique.  Also, it feels a bit more solid than Lancome Genefique.  Though the two products have quite a few differences, the functions are very similar.  Both of them are pre-essence, that means they are used before any skincare items and they help to enhance the absorption and functions of the later-applied-products.  Both of them stress on anti-aging properties, claiming to make skin luminous and more elastic within a short period of time.  I have been using L’Oreal Youth Code for 2 months and I feel that it really enhances the absorption of the other skincare items.  Oh, and I still can’t get over the fact that skin feels absolutely smooth almost instantly after applying it.  All this time when I am using this product, I feel that it does exactly the same thing as Lancome Genefique which I tried before.  After 1-2 weeks’ usage, skin becomes more radiant and more supple.  The effect is amazing.  And, of course, the price is even more amazing.  L’Oreal Youth Code (with 25% reduction in price during promotion in Mannings) literally costs 1/3 of Lancome Genefique’s price.  What’s there not to love about it?  Well, there is actually!!  The flaw is its pump, which cannot effectively move the product inside the tube.  It annoys me because I have to either pour the essence out every time or I have to use the tube itself to grab some essence.  This definitely needs improvement.  Other than that, I am really happy with the product itself and I would really recommend it to anyone who is looking for similar products, unless you have a major dislike towards strongly scented skincare items (would suggest you to go to Mannings to do a sniff test before purchasing).  So far, I am happy with the product, whenever I use it, I think to myself that I am such a smart ass customer – spending a drug store price for a high-end quality item.  *laughs*  I could see myself re-purchase this item again!)

(Product information is extracted from http://www.loreal-paris.co.uk)

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