[化妝] Laduree 夢幻胭脂

今次去日本有一樣野真係非買不可。 我諗你地見到title都知我係講邊樣野啦。 老實講, 我覺得佢地價錢都幾嚇人, 買少少野就唔見咗幾張金牛, 但係又真係好靚! 我同自己講, 我個化妝房有咗佢會生色不少(不斷麻醉自己)!! 哈哈!! 你地睇我video都知我買咗邊三樣野啦。 我今日試埋色俾大家睇同買講下我對佢嘅感覺!

(English:  There were a few items on my “must-haul” list when I went to Japan.  Well, you could probably guess when you saw the title right?  Honestly, their prices did give me heart attack but they are just so fabulous looking that I couldn’t skip them!  I kept telling myself that they would sit really nicely in my cosmetics room (did try to convince myself *laughs*).  Well, you know from my video that I got 3 items from Laduree and now I am swatching them for you and also doing some quick reviews.)

Les Merveilleuses Laduree
Pressed Cheek Color (Color 04)

真係好靚!! 我好鍾意呢種好貴族feel嘅包裝!

(English:  Super fabulous!!  I really love this kind of royal packaging!)

價錢(Price):3,990Yen (for case) & 1,575Yen (for refill)

連個胭脂都印埋個公仔頭, 你話係咪靚絕先? 我當然會捨得用啦! 唔好擔心! 唔可以放係度靚, 要用上面都靚先得麻!

(English:  OMG – the figure is pressed on the blush, it’s just amazing.  I will use it anyway because I can’t just let it sit there, I have to use it and it has to look good on my face!)

佢有二十個色可以揀, 但係有好多色我都唔會揀, 所以我揀左04呢個色, 因為我類似嘅色。 我覺得呢個色俾我個感覺成熟少少。

(English:  There are 20 colors to choose from but I won’t choose many of them, I picked no. 04 because I don’t think I have similar color.  This color gives me a “mature” feeling.)

簡單用後感: 我呢個色係matte色。 我覺得佢都好上色, 用少少就夠。 粉質都好幼細同埋又有少少通透效果。 我覺得佢嘅持久度都唔錯, 平日返工都維持到成日。 但係如果你問我值唔值咁貴去買胭脂, 我覺得睇人啦, 如果你唔好呢類型包裝, 我就會幫你滅火, 因為個胭脂係好用, 但係唔算驚為天人。 但係你話你好鍾意呢種包裝(好似我咁), 我覺得買一粒嚟收藏下都無防。 用嗰陣見到咁靚都真係好開心㗎!

(English:  Quick review:  Mine is a matte color.  I think it’s really pigmented and I just have to use a tiny bit each time.  The powder is fine and it gives a bit of a transparent effect.  I personally think it lasts quite well.  For a normal working day, it lasts throughout the day.  Well, if you ask me if it’s worth the price, I would say that really depends.  If you are NOT into this kind of packaging, I don’t think I would recommend it to you.  Yes, the blush is of good quality but you can certainly find other replacements with a cheaper price.  However, if you are in love with the packaging (like myself), then I think buying 1 for collection is quite a good idea!  Using it and seeing the wonderful packaging makes me happy as well!!)


(English:  Of course we cannot miss out:)

Les Merveilleuses Laduree
Face Color Rose Laduree (Color 02)

價錢(Price): 7,350Yen for container & 3,150Yen for Blush Petals


(English:  Does the packaging have to be so pretty??)

佢有三隻色可以揀,我幫個朋友買咗01, 我自己就買咗02 (03我就覺得唔襯個container喇!)。

(English:  There are 3 colors to choose from.  I helped a friend to haul 01 and I got 02 for myself.  I don’t think 03 goes with the container that well *winks*!)


另外因為有夢幻胭脂, 我覺得要有枝夢幻掃去襯翻, 所以我買埋枝掃。 呢枝就唔係真係得個樣喇!  佢d毛好軟掃上面真係超舒服同埋佢抓粉力好好! 正!!

(English:  As I have got the very princess-like blush, I have to have a brush to match *laughs*.  Ah, this brush is very good in the sense that the bristles are really soft onn skin and it grabs the product really well!  Recommended!!)


真係好夢幻呀! 好靚!!

(English:  They all make me feel like a princess…Hm.)

用個陣就用掃打圈掃下d花瓣, 之後就用係面!

(English:  Use the brush to swirl over the petals and then use it on the cheek areas!)

簡單用後感: 好健康嘅顏色! 唔洗講個包裝當然係靚爆啦! 仲有我覺得個concept好好, 用花瓣嘅形狀去做胭脂, 真係好creative!! 我初初以為佢咁靚應該唔會好用得去邊(通常有外涵都唔會點有內涵), 點知我錯喇! 佢真係好好用, 上色得嚟d花瓣唔會好易爛(唔洗擔心!)!! 當然你超大力就咩都爛啦! 但係如果正常點胭脂嘅力度係無事嘅! 佢仲有BB爽身粉味添! 用嗰陣真係十萬個開心! 用完咗d花瓣之後(唔知幾多個十年), 個container又可以用嚟裝飾物, 真係好靚!! 我覺得呢個真係買得過! 嘻嘻!!

(English:  Quick review:  A very healthy color.  I believe I don’t have to stress on the packaging anymore, you all know how wonderful it is.  I love the concept to create a blush in the shape of the petals.  It’s really creative!!  At first, I thought the quality of the blush might not be too great (well, sometimes nicely packaged stuff doesn’t necessarily offer amazing qualities).  But I was wrong!!  It’s really nice!!  It’s pigmented and it’s not easy to damage the petals.  Of course, if you press them with tremendous force, then everything could be broken!  If you use normal force, there is no need to worry at all!!  Also, it has a baby powder scent!!  I’m totally happy when I use it everytime.  After using up the petals (don’t know how many years that would take), the container can be used for storing accessories – good!!  I highly recommend this one *winks*!!)

(some product pictures are extracted from http://lm-laduree.com)

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