[保養] 温泉抗敏保濕噴霧 ♥ La Roche Posay Thermal Spring Water

大家多唔多用保濕噴霧呢? 我好多時都會用,但係我唔係用一般既保濕噴霧, 通常我用既都會係用温泉水做既抗敏舒緩噴霧。 轉天氣或者好熱既時候,我d皮膚就會唔聽話。 但係我唔想等到佢唔聽話既時候先買產品用,所以我而家都會keep住用呢類型既噴霧簡簡單單做個預防。 我發覺我自從keep住用之後真係少咗敏感既情況出現,所以好想同大家分享下呢個產品同心得。 最勁係我前幾個星期睇YouTube,有位護膚專家話洗完面用呢隻噴霧可以cancel咗水入面唔好既雜質! 所以我更加要同大家分享一下啦:

(English:  Do you use hydrating mists?  I use them very often but I don’t use just any hydrating mist, I usually use those which are made from Spring Water.  When the weather is not stable or super hot, my skin tends to act up a bit.  I don’t want to wait till too late, so I have added the Spring Water mist into my routine to kind of keep the funny situations away!  I have been using this for a good while and the good news is that I haven’t experienced any allergic reaction (*touch wood*) so far, so I really want to share my thoughts and tips on this product with you.  What’s more, I was watching YouTube a few weeks ago and there was a skincare expert explaining how this specific product can cancel out the impurities in the water, so all the more reason for me to share my comments with you:)

La Roche Posay Thermal Spring Water



價錢(Price):HK$150/ 300ml

Product Information:

“La Roche-Posay溫泉水獨具硒微量元素及礦物質組合,被證實具多種療效,包括舒緩、柔滑肌膚及抗自由基等特性。嚴謹配方宗旨將皮膚過敏可能性減至最低,同時適合成人、嬰孩使用。 

功效: 微細噴霧水珠迅速滲入肌膚,帶來速效果舒緩。

使用方法: 噴於臉上靜待2至3分鐘,然後輕輕拍拭。”

(English: “The unique combination of minerals and trace elements, such as Selenium, give La Roche-Posay thermal spring water scientifically-proven soothing, softening and anti-oxidant properties. Strict formula charter to minimise the risk of intolerance. Suitable for adults and babies.

Earnings:  The micro-droplets penetrate the skin immediately for intense, immediate soothing.

How to use:  Spray then leave to penetrate 2-3 minutes. Gently pat off excess spray.”)


使用次數(No. of Usage):On and off for 6 months

用後感: 話明舒緩,即係咩皮膚用都得,敏感肌就更加啱啦! 我有幾個方法用佢。 第一係平日保養,頭先講過,佢可以cancel out水入面唔好既物質, 所以我會洗完面,印乾塊面之後我會噴一噴,過兩三分鐘之後印乾再搽toner等等。 我覺得我呢半年黎日日用佢之後皮膚少咗古怪既情況出現,同埋噴完個下真係覺得好舒服。 佢噴出黎既溫泉水都好平均,唔會多過頭。 抗敏呢方面做得唔錯。 第二個方法係皮膚開始有少少痕(作反)既時候我會咩都唔用,淨係用佢,隔一兩個鐘就噴下! 通常半日到我皮膚就會回復正常!! 真係掂呀!! 第三個方法係噴完佢再敷paper mask! 哈哈,我覺得可以加強個保濕效果,尤其是無咩料到既paper mask,加咗呢個噴霧之後個效果會好少少,咁起碼都可以用埋個d自己覺得唔係太好用既paper mask,唔會浪費!!  用咗半年我覺得佢效果好好,價錢唔算貴,因為佢都好大枝,一枝可以用好耐! 如果你未用過,你會覺得佢係普通既水,但係如果你用過,你就知佢真係有唔同。 我自己皮膚屬於少敏感,所以我屋企會長備一枝,日日都做好預防,如果唔係到敏感個下就真係太遲同痛苦喇!! 如果你都屬於比較易敏感既肌膚,不過試下用呢枝產品做平日保養丫。 又或者你唔好彩近期有少少敏感,但係你又唔想轉哂所有護膚品,你都可以用呢個密集式用係敏感既位置!! 推呀!! 如果你係易敏感既皮膚,我就更加推俾你喇!

(English:  Product Review:  It says soothing and that means it suits many different skin types especially sensitive skin type!  I have a few tips on how to use this.  Firstly, I use this during my regular skincare routine.  Just like what I’ve said before, it can cancel out the impurities in the water, so I use this right after cleansing and drying my face.  I spray this on and then let it sit for 2-3 minutes, then pat my skin dry and move on with other skincare products like toner and such.  I have been using this for 6 months and I notice that there is less funny situation with my skin and it’s truly soothing after I use it.  And I really love the spray, but it covers the areas nicely without having too many drops of Spring Water on my face.  Secondly, I use it as an soother to skin when it gets itchy (first sign of allergy).  When my skin starts to act up, I would skip all other products and just spray this on my face every hour or two, very often, my skin would be back to normal after half a day.  Brilliant eh?  Thirdly, I use this together with some paper masks, as I feel that it helps enhance the hydrating effect, especially those crappy (almost useless) paper masks.  I spray this on my face first, then I would the paper mask on top, it increases the moisture in skin and this way, I could use up some of the less effective face masks that I’ve got.  I have been loving this and price-wise, it’s not expensive because it comes with a big bottle and it definitely lasts for a good while.  If you haven’t tried it yet, you might think that it’s just a regular water, but after you try it, I am sure you will see the difference.  My skin is a bit on the sensitive side, so I always have one of this Thermal Spring Water Spray at home and I use this as a preventive method as I said, I never want to wait till it’s too late.  If you have sensitive skin type, I recommend you to add this into your routine.  Or if you suddenly experience allergy and you don’t want to change your whole line of skincare products, you can use this and concentrate on the affected areas.  I highly recommend this especially if you have sensitive skin type!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.cn.laroche-posay.hk)



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