[保養] 多年大愛Kracie肌美精深層美白面膜+新品緊緻彈力眼膜

有d產品係好有新鮮感,但係用完就唔會回購。 相反有d產品雖然係市場好耐,但係就因為佢效果好好,所以久唔久都會回購!! 今日要講兩隻關於肌美精呢個品牌既產品,一個係我多年既大愛,而另外一個就係近期新品。 我諗好多人對肌美精呢個品牌都唔會陌生,因為如果你成日都會去Sasa巡視業務既話,你應該會覺得呢兩個產品好眼熟!

(English:  Some things are new and probably we won’t repurchase after using them up.  On the contrary, some things have a good standing in the market because they really work, so I do go back to them from time to time!!  Today I am going to focus on two Kracie’s products.  One is my long time beloved and the other one is a new released product!!  I am sure Kracie is not a stranger to you because if you visit Sasa very often, you probably have seen the following before!!)

新品:肌美精緊緻彈力眼膜60枚 (30對)
New: Kracie Hadabisei Eye Zone Intensive Wrinkle Care Pack 60pcs (30 Pairs)

價錢(Price):HK$88/ 60pcs (30 pairs)
Available at Sasa & Citysuper

Product Information:

“在意的眼周小細紋,用緊緻彈力眼膜可修護撫平因乾燥而產生的小細紋,讓肌膚Q彈水嫩!維他命A醇EX(保濕成分)維他命A醇誘導體+蜂王乳浸透到角質深層,給予肌膚潤澤緊緻,淡化乾燥小細紋。玻尿酸保濕成分配合玻尿酸擁有卓越的保水力,滲透角質層,持續潤澤保濕。柔軟肌膚成分配合檸檬精華能軟化肌膚,讓美容液確實滲透直達角質深層。可天天使用. 敷約5至10分鐘.”

(English: It targets the dry and delicate eye areas, aiming to eliminate the fine lines due to dryness.  It’s super hydrating and it can help replenish the moisture on your most needed areas.  It can be used everyday and only 5-10 mins will do the work.)


我覺得佢個packaging幾好,個concept有d似濕紙巾,打開之後就可以拎對眼膜黎用,我覺得咁樣比較環保啦。 你諗下如果三十對eye mask都獨立包括會有幾浪費? 左邊既用係左眼位,右邊既用係右眼位!! 方便!!

(English:  I quite like the packaging!!  The concept is a bit like wet tissue packaging.  When you open it up, you can take the eye masks out directly for use.  I feel this is more environmental friendly in a way.  Can you imagine the 30 pairs of eye masks are all packed individually, how much wastage would that cost?  The ones on the left side are for your left eye area and the ones on the right side are for your right eye area!!  Convenient!!)

星級產品: 肌美精深層浸透美白面膜5枚

Star Product: Kracie Hadabisei Whitening Facial Mask 5 Pieces

價錢(Price):HK$68/ 5pcs
Available at Sasa, Citysuper & Colormix

Product Information:

“美白成分:維他命C誘導體,抑制日曬後黑斑、雀斑之黑色素形成,有效深層美白。滋潤成分:植物性膠原蛋白(胡蘿蔔萃取液)及薏仁精華,能深層滲透肌膚,柔嫩光滑。角質柔軟成分:檸檬果酸,讓美容液更能深入浸透肌膚。美白美容液,密閉包覆肌膚,美肌成分確實浸透,讓效果更持久。無色素。一星期使用1 – 2次, 敷約5至15分鐘.”

(English: It’s for whitening and the ingredients can penetrate deep into skin.  It can also moisturizes skin while the whitening ingredients take effect.  It’s recommended to use 1-2 times a week and 5-15 mins at a time.)




With Eye Masks

With Eye Masks & Face Mask


以上係我既慳時間懶人方法。 如果我要敷paper既眼膜,我多數我都同paper既face mask一齊用。 咁我就可以一次過等15分鐘就搞掂!! 快好多!! 哈哈!!

(English:  The above is a time-saving lazy method of using various masks.  If I have to use a sheet eye mask, I mostly would pair that up with sheet face mask.  Then I only have to wait for 15 mins in one go.  That definitely saves me time *laughs*!!)

使用次數(No. of Usage):3 times for both products

用後感 – 眼膜:初初買都係想睇下佢好唔好用,但係真係多謝我既好奇心令我用到好野!! 我完全唔知佢咁好用丫!! 佢對mask精華都好多同埋拎出黎個陣好濕。 最正係佢超貼服,我行黎行去都無走位,真係貼得好實,好掂呀!! 另外我覺得佢最好既地方係我貼到好近眼,但係佢一d都無供眼或者另我對敏感眼有咩唔舒服。 我以前試過用一d會用到眼都紅埋(之後唔敢用啦),用呢隻就一d事都無,正正正!! 當然啦,佢有無效果先係最大問題,係咪? 我可以拍心口講佢效果真係好好!! 佢真係好保濕同有少少潤,但係又唔會過份地潤,如果你眼肚乾乾地或者係有少少乾紋就真係啱哂!! 我敷十分鐘,之後我會去過水(係呀,我用咩mask都會過水,怕再搽自己野rich過頭)。 嘩!!! 之後摸落眼肚位係滑架!!! 同埋真係無未敷前咁乾。 我用左幾次之後連好細條既乾紋都開始消失同埋第二日化妝個位真係無咁卡粉!!! 好好好正!!! 超推呀!!! 我好耐都無用咩眼膜用到咁興奮,我覺得佢好多好多我試過既大牌!! 仲要,佢價錢真係超親民丫(HK$88有三十對),真係無敵!! 如果你諗住要買eye mask保養一下眼位,我超建議你去買咗呢個產品黎試先,話唔定可以幫你慳到好多錢(唔洗買大牌!! 哈哈)!! 超推呀!!! 我用完都一定會回購!! 就係因為佢咁好用,我返去買多5盒諗住出完呢個post做giveaway等大家都可以體驗一下!! 有興趣就去like定我Facebook先啦! 你見我咁激動就知我有幾愛佢啦!!

(English:  Product Review on Eye Masks: At first I waned to see if it works or not, now I have to thank my curiosity because this is an amazing product!!  The masks contain quite a lot of essence and they are quite wet when taken out of the package.  The amazing part is that they fit onto the under eye areas perfectly and they don’t move once they are on even when I walk around and stuff!!!  Brilliant!!!  The other good bit is that they don’t irritate my eyes even though I have put them quite close to my eyes.  I have used others before whereby my eyes would be so red after 10 mins (of course I was too terrified to use them again).  But I haven’t got any problem with these, which is a great news for people with sensitive eyes!!!  Of course, the big issue is that “do they work?”  I can proudly say, “yes they do!!!!”  They are really hydrating with a bit of moisturizing properties.  They are definitely not overly rich but I feel that they really do hydrate the under eye areas.  If you have dry under eye areas or even with a bit of fine lines there, they are perfect for you.  I let them sit for 10 mins then I rinse the excess off (yes, I do rinse the excess off, because I think it would be too rich for me when I apply skincare products afterwards).  OMG, when I touch my under eye areas, they are so SMOOTH!!!!  They are definitely very hydrated and after a few days’ usage, I notice that my little fine lines have disappeared as well.  Also, when I apply makeup the next day, it’s less cakey on the areas!! Yay!!!!  They really work fantastically and I haven’t had this experience with eye masks for years!!!  I truly feel that they are better than some of the big brands out there.  Plus its price is really friendly (HK$88 for 30 pairs), how can anyone beat that?  If you are looking for an effective eye mask, I highly recommend you to try these first!!!  Highly recommended and I will definitely repurchase after using up this pack!!  Since they are so good, I went back and got 5 more packs for a giveaway so that you could experience my experience too!!  If you are interested, you can go and like my Facebook Page now (giveaway will be on there shortly).  You can definitely tell how much I love them by judging how excited I get!!!)

用後感 – 面膜:呢個面膜係我多年大愛。 我由讀緊書個陣就已經開始用佢。 當然啦,今日既佢同以前既佢都有唔同(咁多年,都要改良一下)。 我自己都好耐無用過佢,所以都想回味一下! 佢每張面膜都有20ml既美容液,所以你可以想像張mask有幾濕。 但係佢最好既一點係就算多精華,敷緊個陣都唔會滴野!! 佢係深層美白面膜,但係我用得好安心,因為咁多年我都無因為佢而敏感!!! 我敷呢個面膜多數都係敷15分鐘, 之後就會去過水。 佢個效果不減當年呀!!! 我敷完之後塊面明顯見到白淨咗,同埋佢都好保濕呀!!! 兩方便都做得好好。 敷完,摸自己塊面既時候覺得皮膚好柔軟!! 好正!!! 講真,我覺得市面上有好多唔同類型既sheet mask,成日都話有d咩咩咩成份。 講gimmick野,呢隻mask就一d都唔係,但係講實力,我覺得佢真係好過某一d品牌既mask!! 我覺得如果你未用過佢, 你真係要去試下。 佢又美白又保濕又可以令皮膚好soft,敷mask都係想要呢d效果jer!! 我覺得佢以平實取勝丫!!! 好讚!! 不枉我多年都咁記得佢!!同上面一樣,我都買咗5盒諗住同大家分享一下! 如果你有興趣就去like我Facebook啦!!  呢個mask都係我超級推介list當中!

(English:  Product Review on Face Mask:  This has been one of my all time favourites!!  My first experience with it was when I was a student!!  Of course, years have passed and I am sure it has been improved since then.  I haven’t used it for a long time and I kind of wanted to experience it again.  Each of the mask contains 20ml essence, so you can imagine how wet the mask is.  The best part is that it doesn’t drip when you put it on your face.  It says deep whitening but it’s very safe for me to use since I haven’t got any irritation from it at all!!!  I usually put this mask on for 15 mins and then I would rinse my face.  I have to say the effect is still amazing!!!  My skin is definitely whitened and hydrated!!!  It does a wonderful job on both areas.  Also, when I touch my skin, it’s just so soft!!!  Great!!!  Honestly, there are so many different sheet masks available in the market and many say to contain special ingredients.  Gimmick-wise, this mask is not comparable to others.  But result-wise, it certainly is and I feel that it works better than some of the masks out there!!  If you haven’t experienced it before, please go and get yourself a pack just to experience it!!  It whitens, hydrates and softens skin, what more could we possibly ask for from a face mask?  Highly recommended!!!  Again, same as above, I got 5 of these to giveaway!!  If you are interested, please go like my Facebook Page now.  This is definitely on my repurchasing list!!)



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