Kiss Me Heroine Make Eyebrow and Eyeshadow Palette in 01 & 02

我兩年前同大家係一個平價video裡面分享開開架品牌Kiss Me Heroine Make既4色眼影質地好唔錯,CP值好高。 哈,前幾個星期行Sasa見佢出左眉粉眼影palette,價值好抵玩,所以入手諗住同大家分享一下。 今日主要試色比大家望下,用後感呢,我星期二係YouTube度再詳細同大家分享(未subscribe就去sub定同埋按埋個鐘仔,我出左片YouTube會通知大家)。

(English:  A couple years ago, in one of the drugstore videos, I shared how good the Kiss Me Heroine Make 4-colour eyeshadows.  Then a few weeks ago, I passed by Sasa and I saw that they released eyebrow and eyeshadow palettes with very affordable prices, so I decided I should get them and do another drugstore videos.  Today, I focus on watching them for you.  For the comments, I will share in my Tuesday video on Youtube (if you haven’t subscribed yet, please do and press the bell too, then you will get notified when I release new videos.)


Kiss Me Heroine Make Eyebrow and Eyeshadow Palette in 01 & 02 HK$119@

Kiss Me Heroine Make Eyebrow and Eyeshadow Palette

Kiss Me Heroine Make Eyebrow and Eyeshadow Palette in 01 HK$119

Kiss Me Heroine Make Eyebrow and Eyeshadow Palette


Kiss Me Heroine Make Eyebrow and Eyeshadow Palette

Kiss Me Heroine Make Eyebrow and Eyeshadow Palette

Kiss Me Heroine Make Eyebrow and Eyeshadow Palette

Kiss Me Heroine Make Eyebrow and Eyeshadow Palette in 02 HK$119

Kiss Me Heroine Make Eyebrow and Eyeshadow Palette


Kiss Me Heroine Make Eyebrow and Eyeshadow Palette

Kiss Me Heroine Make Eyebrow and Eyeshadow Palette

Kiss Me Heroine Make Eyebrow and Eyeshadow Palette

左一係眼影打底(所以係cream狀),左二至四係眉粉或者話用黎做鼻影,其他全部係眼影。 唔講太多(唔係星期二無野講),不過我而家可以同大家講係我覺得顏色黎講,02吸引過01,同埋除非佢俾你d眉色你好啱色或者真係啱你膚色做到鼻影,否則都只能當係眼影!

(English:  1st on the left is an eyeshadow primer and it’s in cream form.  2nd on the left to the 4th on the left is said to be used as brow powder or contour for the nose.  I don’t want to say too much now because then I wouldn’t have anything to say on Tuesday.  However, I can tell you now, I prefer the colour selection from 02 to 01 and unless the brow powder colours perfect fit for your brows or nose contour, you can only use these as eyeshadows!)

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