Kiehl’s Advent Calendar 2016

睇完尋日個video大家都知我今年買咗兩個Advent Calendar,一個Jo Malone另一個Kiehl’s。 Kiehl’s呢個係買HK$300野加HK$395換,我已經打開哂,因為我好想知佢包d咩同埋想同大家分享下究竟值唔值得入手!

(English:  From yesterday’s haul video, you know that I got 2 Advent Calendars this year, one is Jo Malone and another one is Kiehl’s.  For Kiehl’s, you can pay HK$395 to redeem this Advent Calendar upon purchase of goods of HK$300.  I have opened it because I really want to know what’s inside and I want to share if they are worth the “purchase”!)

Kiehl’s Advent Calendar 2016

kiehl's advent calendar 2016

kiehl's advent calendar 2016

What’s Inside?

kiehl's advent calendar 2016

kiehl's advent calendar 2016

kiehl's advent calendar 2016

我拆佢個陣無咩好興奮既感覺,因為有幾日打開個陣係吉,枝產品跌左佢第二個位,搞到我覺得佢做得唔係咁精緻! 我覺得產品內容唔係差,但係如果你本身都買開Kiehl’s,咁呢個calendar真係無咩特別,因為平日你買野佢地都俾好多sample,當中有好多都似係呢d deluxe size sample! 但係我覺得如果你對呢個品牌好有興趣但係唔係試過好多佢地既產品,咁我覺得呢個Advent Calendar都唔錯,但係我唔係咁鍾意要買野換,如果無野想買又要買野先有得換,咁即係要洗HK$695先有呢個calendar,其實唔係好值得。 如果有野想買我就覺得無咩所謂!So far,我覺得OK啦,唔係必買既一個產品,你都唔知我有幾日拆到係吉(枝野跌左佢第二日)個下個感覺真係麻麻地!

(English:  When I opened each day, I wasn’t overwhelmed by excitement.  I came across a few “empty” days because the products were dropped to another day for some reason and I could tell that the design was a bit lousy.  The content wasn’t bad, but if you are a Kiehl’s fan, then this calendar wouldn’t mean that much to you because you would usually get these samples upon purchase of goods anyway and you will come across these deluxe size samples from time to time!  However, if you are interested in this brand but haven’t tried many of their products, then this Advent Calendar is quite a nice choice.  One note though, I didn’t like the idea of redeeming this upon other purchase of goods because if I don’t want anything special, then I need to force myself to buy HK$300 and add another HK$395 to get this, which in turn equals to HK$695!  Hmmmm…. I don’t think this calendar is worth it.  On the other hand, if you have something that you want to purchase already, then I think it’s alright to redeem this calendar.  So far, I think this is an average product, definitely not a must buy!  I couldn’t tell you how disappointed I was when I bumped into a few empty days (whereby the products fell to other days)… Luckily I didn’t wait to open them!)

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