Kevin Aucoin The Neo-Bronzer in Siena Warm Coral

我好少試Kevin Aucoin呢個品牌既產品,我見呢個palette好靚,所以有d興趣。 本身佢話係bronzer,但係我見其實可以當胭脂咁用,試咗既日同大家分享一下我既感覺同埋用法。

(English:  I haven’t tried too many of Kevin Aucoin’s product and I was really attracted by the colours in this palette, so I was tempted.  It’s said to be used as bronzer, but I do think it can be used as a blush, so I want to share my thoughts and my way to use this with you.)


Kevin Aucoin The Neo-Bronzer in Siena Warm Coral 
HK$495 from Joyce Beauty
HK$450 from Net-a-Porter (link)


其實我覺得佢係highlight(最左邊),胭脂(中間)同埋眼影/bronzer(最右邊)。 Bronzer我就唔多用到,因為我本身都夠啡啦。 反而我用最右邊個色做眼影。 如果好似我咁用法就每個顏色都用到同埋好實用呀! 粉質好幼細好滑,超級上色,亦好易blend。 我覺得質地非常好。 全部都有少量閃粉,我覺得效果上面係好少閃好自然。 如果唔得閒去襯色既話,我覺得呢盒野已經可以完成基本日常妝。 唔錯,我越用就覺得越方便。 個highlight色上面比較自然有光感,唔係pop個種,如果一般日頭用好自然。 橙tone胭脂好上色,出黎效果好靚,好有夏天感覺。 而啡色部份我覺得上眼唔係好閃,但係可以令眼皮望落深少少,係一個好自然既妝容。 價錢黎講唔係平價,但係如果你拆開佢做三樣野計,我覺得都係值得,因為佢粉質真係無得頂! 如果你顏色啱既話,我好建議你入手。 佢另外仲有一個比較粉紅少少,如果橙tone唔啱,你都可以望下另外個盒丫!

(English:  Indeed, I see this more as highlight (the most left), blush (middle) and eyeshadow/ bronze (the most right).  I don’t use bronzer at all because I think I am brown enough.  Therefore, I use the right side as eyeshadow.  If you use this like I do, then every colour can be utilized and it becomes very practical.  The powder is super finely milled, super pigmented and easy to blend.  I think the quality is superb.  The palette contains light shimmer, and they do look very natural on skin.  If you don’t have time to mix and match everyday, I think this is very much your day-to-day easy palette to complete your day look.  Nice.  The most I use this, the convenient I find it.  The highlight gives a shine on the cheekbones without being “poppy”.  I think it’s great for day time.  The coral tone blush looks very nice on skin and it gives that summer vibe.  For the brown side, I think it looks mostly matte on eyes with just a tiny hint of shimmer, so it deepens the eye areas!  Again, it looks very natural on skin.  For the price, it’s not cheap; but if you count this as 3 items, then it’s not too bad.  I think it’s worth the price because the quality is just wonderful.  If the colour suits you, I would highly recommend you get your hands on one.  It also comes with another colour tone which is more pink, if coral is not your cup of tea, check out the pink one!)

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