秋色選擇 ♥ Kate Wide Edge Eyes BR-1

我真係名副其實嘅眼影收藏家。唔知點解無論我買幾多眼影, 我都係會再睇再買 (唔好打我)。今次我又心痕想試Kate嘅眼影,我突然間發現我原來係無試過Kate嘅眼影wor (更加有藉口去試試)。

(English:  I should really start calling myself “eyeshadow collector”.  No matter how many I have got at home, I still want more eyeshadows (crazy).  This time, I wanted to try Kate eyeshadows, I was amazed that I didn’t even own a Kate eyeshadow palette (OMG – really?) – all the more reason to get one!)

當我去到Kate counter個陣, 我見到一盒令我好心動嘅顏色, 我連睇都無睇其他顏色就拎左呢盒走喇。

(When I arrived at Kate counter, I saw a particular color that I really liked, I didn’t even look at others…)

Kate Wide Edge Eyes (Color: BR-1)

佢都有好多唔同系列, 但係我對Wide Edge比較有興趣, 原因係佢一盒裡面有5隻色。 最好嘅係佢有隻近黑嘅啡色, 可以用嚟做smoky, 正!

(English:  Kate offers quite a few selection, but I was more interested in Wide Edge series.  The reason is that it has 5 colors and it has a really dark brown color (close to black), which can be used to create smoky effect very easily!  NICE!)

我覺得呢隻色太襯秋冬嘅整體氣氛喇, 同埋我覺得呢個色嘅實用性好高, 所以諗都唔需要諗就要左呢盒喇。

(English:  I basically think this BR-1 palette suits Autumn/ Winter so much!  It’s really a basic color scheme palette (cannot go wrong with it), so I didn’t even bother to look at other colors.)

好大地既顏色。 初步感覺佢好出色同埋粉質唔錯。 搵日我放假再用佢嚟化大眼妝同大家分享丫。

(English:  Very earthy tone.  I feel that it’s very pigmented and its powder is very fine.  Well, let me find some time when I am on holiday to create a “bigger” eye look with this palette and share with you the results.)

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