[化妝] Kate Magical Aurora Eyes Ex-1 Swatches 試色圖

呢盒眼影係之前個敗家video見過啦, 但係因為我唔想個video過長, 所以我無試色俾大家睇! 試色我覺得都係留係blog試好d, 等大家可以定鏡去欣賞d美麗既顏色!  今次買Kate呢個眼影既原因都係因為我覺得佢既顏色好特別, 我覺得佢想做到極光效果呀!!哈哈!!

(English:  This palette appeared in my previous haul video before, since I didn’t want to lengthen the video any longer, I didn’t swatch the palette in the video.  I like swatching products on my blog because I feel that it gives justice to the products better when I am doing photos.  Anyway, the reason I got this Kate palette is because I think the colors are really fun and special.  Let’s see:)

Kate Magical Aurora Eyes Ex-1
Special Edition




(English:  There are 4 colors inside the box and you get quite a bit product for each color!!)

 4個色之中, 啡色係唔閃, 等你可以用黎tune down其他閃既顏色。 另外個三隻色分別係極光粉紅, 極光綠同埋極光金。

(English:  The dark brown is not shimmery among the 4 colors and you can use this color to tune down the other 3.  The other 3 colors are shimmery pink, shimmery green and shimmery gold.)

好靚係咪? 我覺得呢盒野都好多用途, 唔想誇張又得, 想誇d又得!! 佢個盒就話數量限定, 唔知係咪賣完就無喇。 如果你有興趣就快d去望下喇。 我遲d再用呢個palette玩幾個look俾大家睇下啦!

(English:  Pretty right?  I feel that I can get a lot of use out of this palette!  I could use it to create a bold look or a more subtle look (depending my mood)!!  It says special edition on the box and I am not sure if it is a limited item.  If you are interested in this palette, please go check it out!!  I will play with it later and create a few looks for you guys to see!!)

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