Kate Dimensional Palette in Ex-1

某日行過Sasa見到Kate出咗Dimensional Palette,有兩個色選擇,我就入手咗Ex-1。通常Kate都會係出細細盒眼影,今次反而係眼影胭脂同眉粉一盒過,有新鮮感。 我記得大概百令蚊!

(English:  I walked pass Sasa one day and saw this Kate Dimensional Palette, it offers two colour selection and I got this Ex-1.  Kate usually go for the small eyeshadow quad and this time it comes out with a palette which includes eyeshadows, blush and brow powders, it sounds quite exciting, isn’t it?  I remember the price is around HK$1xx.)


Kate Dimensional Palette in Ex-1

Kate Dimensional Palette in Ex-1

Kate Dimensional Palette in Ex-1


Kate Dimensional Palette in Ex-1

Kate Dimensional Palette in Ex-1

我記得我買當日係無tester,所以無得試。 初初見到個palette好興奮,不過返到屋企又覺得普通過普通。 佢一盒入面有兩款閃眼影,一個閃胭脂,兩個無閃眉粉(都可以當係眼影)。 粉質方面唔錯,都滑同埋上色,無咩飛粉。 但係顏色真係基本得好緊要,係無咩變化可言。 如果你鍾意d顏色,日日都會化同樣既妝既話,我覺得OK架,都方便! 但係如果你都鍾意玩下唔同look,呢個palette無玩其他look呢個空間!如果係化妝新手,我覺得都OK,因為簡單易明唔會錯,但係如果根本就好鍾意化妝既話,呢個palette真係太基本喇!

(English:  I recalled that when I bought this, I couldn’t see a tester, so I couldn’t try before buying.  At first, I was quite excited about this palette, however, when I got home and played with it, it was so ordinary!  It comes with 2 shimmery eyeshadows, 1 shimmery blush, 2 mattes for eye brows (can be used as eyeshadows as well).  For the quality, it’s smooth, pigmented and doesn’t create a lot of flyaway!  However, the colour combination is so basic, it’s not versatile!  If you like these colours and you would wear the same makeup everyday, this is fine and quite convenient!  However, if you enjoy changing up your look, then this palette doesn’t have that kind of flexibility!  If you are a makeup newbie, I think it’s nice because it’s simple and you won’t make mistakes!  But if you are a makeup lover, this palette is too basic and simple for your taste!)

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