[化妝] Kat Von D Spellbinding Eyeshadow Book

哈哈!! 識到個新朋友而佢又有朋友係美國,我先可以買Sephora既野! 其實我好愛外國品牌,我覺得質量又好同埋佢地d顏色各樣都好靚,所以如果有得揀,我會買外國品牌。眼影黎講,我覺得日本或者韓國既都唔係好滿足到我要求,所以我真係鍾意外國品牌多d~ 我之前係video度講話我會post試色圖同埋review,而家黎喇! 我講咗呢個Kat Von D既Paeltte先,因為我覺得佢既顏色好靚,同我平時買既有唔同~ 哈哈!!

(English:  *Grins*  Got to know a new friend and she has a friend in the US, they could help to get stuff from Sephora (thanks to them!!).  Actually I really love the foreign brands, I feel that the quality is very good and the color selection is usually more amazing!  If I have a choice, I usually end up buying US/ UK brands!  For eyeshadows, I feel that the ones from Japan or Korea can’t really satisfy me anymore (that’s why I seldom talk about them), I find the brands from US/ UK way more interesting and innovative!  I have mentioned in my previous video that I would post some pics on the swatches and I would review the items that I’ve got.  Now I am on it!  Let me talk about this Kat Von D palette first today because I feel that the colors are brilliant and it’s quite different from my collection~ *Laughs*!!)

Kat Von D Spellbinding Eyeshadow Book



Sephora Link: HERE


(English: Sephora doesn’t ship Hong Kong, so you would need a friend in the US to help you get the products and then mail them to you!)

有24隻色! 全部都好靚~

(English: Comes in 24 colors!  They are all very pretty~)

Swatches/ 試色圖

簡單用後感:超正!!! 粉質好幼細同埋係好creamy!! 超級上色之餘仲要blend得好靚~ 我覺得佢顏色個selection非常之好! 如果你鍾意好earth tone既就當然唔啱你啦,但係如果你鍾意colorful既眼影,我覺得呢盒超正! 仲要我覺得佢既顏色係好特別,同平日成日係香港見到既顏色好唔同(個d真係睇到我好悶,來來去去都係個d色)! 我覺得呢個palette好有心思! 如果你成日玩look或者你愛colorful眼影,我真係爆推呢盒丫!! 非常好用,又可以create好好好多個look! 超級impressed!!


(English: Quick Review: Superb!!!  The powder is very fine and very creamy!!  The eyeshadows are super pigmented and very easy to blend~  I really love the color selection!  If you are a die hard fan of earth tone colors, then this is not for you, however, if you like colorful eyeshadows, I think you will definitely love this one!  Also, I find the colors are very special, they are very different from the ones that we see on a day-to-day basis in Hong Kong (come on those are really boring, they all look the same to me)!  I feel that this palette is really well done with lots of thoughts and heart!  If you enjoy changing up colors of your eyeshadows, I highly recommend this one!  Great quality and you could create so many different looks with them!  Super impressed!!!)

我之前Halloween就係用左呢盒palette黎好快create咗個eye look! 雖然唔恐怖,但係我對盒野超級滿意!

(English:  I used this palette to quickly create the eye look for Halloween!  Though my makeup is not scary looking, I am 110% happy with the quality of the palette!!)

我朋友搞美國Sephora團購, Nov 8, 2013就截喇, 我都會再落單,如果你地有興趣join,就去我Facebook揾下個post啦 – 黑咪Facebook Page

(English:  If you are in Hong Kong, my friend is organizing a Sephora Group Haul, the deadline is Nov 8th, 2013.  I will probably buy something as well.  If you are interested to join, please look for the post in Hakme’s Facebook Page!)



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