Kalme Products – Affordable Skincare For Rosacea

我呢幾個月都分享好多玫瑰痤瘡用得既產品。 我早兩個月上網發現咗呢個平價英國品牌Kalme,話都啱玫瑰痤瘡既朋友用。 我即時上網買咗,都用左成個月,可以同大家分享一下,等大家有個平價選擇!!

(English:  I have been sharing quite a few products suitable for Rosacea these few months.  I discovered this affordable brand – Kalme online a couple months ago, it says its products are suitable for Rosacea.  I placed my order immediately and I have been using this for a month, so I think it’s time to share my thoughts with you so that you can have an affordable option as well!)


Kalme Skin Care (Basic) Set £39.95 
Available at link

Kalme Products - Affordable Skincare For Rosacea

Kalme Cream Cleanser

Kalme Products - Affordable Skincare For Rosacea


Kalme Products - Affordable Skincare For Rosacea

Kalme Products - Affordable Skincare For Rosacea

Kalme Products - Affordable Skincare For Rosacea

Kalme Day Defence Mineral SPF25

Kalme Products - Affordable Skincare For Rosacea


Kalme Products - Affordable Skincare For Rosacea

Kalme Products - Affordable Skincare For Rosacea

Kalme Products - Affordable Skincare For Rosacea

Kalme Night Repair Cream

Kalme Products - Affordable Skincare For Rosacea


Kalme Products - Affordable Skincare For Rosacea

Kalme Products - Affordable Skincare For Rosacea

Kalme Products - Affordable Skincare For Rosacea

產品可以單枝買,但係我就買咗一套試下,因為入面有哂洗面,防晒同埋晚霜。 我其實係見佢地有英國報紙報導話有玫瑰痤瘡人用完好咗好多,我先有興趣試。 加上見佢四百令蚊有三件產品,價錢好親民,如果用得好,我又可以同你地分享,等你地都多一個選擇! 第一枝係洗面Cream Cleanser,其實我覺得唔係cream,似lotion多d,話可以落妝同埋唔洗過水。 落妝我覺得一般啦,如果化全妝都係專用卸妝產品乾淨d,呢個我當佢係洗面,無泡,按一陣過水。 如果個日無乜化妝,我就咁用佢落防曬或者有色防曬,佢都落得乾淨。 過完水無肥笠笠,皮膚柔軟同埋感覺清爽唔乾。 如果唔過水可以tissue off,但係我個人唔鍾意清潔產品留係面上,所以我係會過水架!! 佢主要係降紅同舒敏,係真係幾舒服,洗完皮膚無紅無熱,好正常! 另外都佢枝Day Defence Mineral SPF25,佢係防曬,我當埋佢係日霜連化妝底霜。 上面無泛白,夠潤。 用咗佢成個月無爆粒粒!! 佢都有降紅功能,所以我用佢都係好安全,皮膚無咩事! 到最後就係佢既Night Repair Cream,質地唔錯,都易吸收,瞓完成晚第二朝無覺得好乾,所以都夠潤。 佢主打都係降紅,不過多埋修復,用左皮膚都好穩定。 有時無啦啦紅咗一達,搽左佢幾個鐘又回復正常!!  如果你都有呢個皮膚問題,呢個set絕對試得過! 唔貴,但係我見到個穩定效果,我亦都好推介大家! 反而,佢地無咩其他功效,如果你想要玫瑰痤瘡用得但係有埋抗老功效,咁就要揀我之前分享過既Epionce喇(睇片)。如果你唔洗要其他功效,我覺得你可以試下呢套產品~ 咁既價錢有咁好既效果,CP值真係好高!

(English:  You can buy each of the product individually, but I opted for the set because it includes the cleanser, the sunscreen and the night cream inside.  Actually I saw this in one of the U.K. newspaper saying that some people’s Rosacea got a lot better after using Kalme’s products, therefore I was tempted to give them a go!  Plus around HK$400 and I get 3 products, I think it’s a bargain!  If I see results, I can definitely share with you all and give you one more option!  The first one is Cream Cleanser, I don’t think it’s exactly cream, it’s more like a lotion to me.  It says to be able to remove makeup and no need to rinse off.  For removing makeup, I think it’s so-so, if I wear full makeup that day, I would use another makeup remover, I feel that it’s more thorough that way.  And I would use this as a face cleanser, it doesn’t foam and I massage it for 30 secs, then rinse off.  If I don’t wear makeup that day, I would use this to remove sunscreens or tinted moisturisers, it does a good job!  After rinsing, skin is not greasy, it’s indeed soft and not dry.  If you don’t want to rinse, you can tissue off.  However I personally don’t like any cleansing product’s residue on my face, so I would rather rinse off.  Its main function is to calm redness and soothing.  It feels quite comfortable on skin and my skin is not irritated in anyway after use!  Then moving onto its Day Defence Mineral SPF25, it’s a sunscreen and I use this as my day cream and makeup base as well.  It doesn’t look white on skin and it’s moisturising!  My skin doesn’t have any bumps after switching to this!  It does calm redness as well, so my skin is pretty normal after using this!  Finally, Kalme Night Repair Cream!  The texture is nice, it’s quite easy to absorb!  My skin doesn’t feel dry waking up the next day, so I conclude its quite moisturising as well!  It calms and it repairs, my skin has been really stable!  Sometimes, I would get a sudden red patch on skin and I would use this on the area, the red patch is usually gone after a few hours.  If you have Rosacea, it’s worth to give this set a go!  It’s affordable and I can see the stabilising results!  I have to say the functions of these products are quite basic, if you are looking for something for Rosacea but maybe offer more results in the anti-aging department, then you can take a look at Epionce (watch video).  If you just want to calm your Rosacea, then I think this set is good enough!)

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