[香氣] Jo Malone London Rain Collection Limited Edition

我等左呢個collection好耐喇! 上次去買野個陣個女仔同我講話三月頭有Limited Collection,我已經超期待! 之後上網見外國blogger開始講,我就覺得我一定要買! 當時我已經諗如果我四隻味都OK,應該都會買哂!! 哈哈~~ 買咗喇買咗喇~~ 好想同大家分享一下!!

(English:  I have been waiting for this collection for so long!!  Last time when I went there and haul, the lady said to me there would be a set of scents coming out in early March and they would be limited collection, then I was kinda really looking forward to them!!  After that, I had been seeing so many bloggers in the UK talking about these, I felt like I really had to get my hands on them!!  At that time, I thought if I weren’t put off by one of the scents, I should get them all!!! *Laughs*  Yay, I got them I got them!!!  I really want to share the collection with you all~~~!!)

Jo Malone London Rain Collection



**大家見到都話我好有米!! 唔係呀唔係呀!! 你地跟咗我咁耐都知我好敗家架啦! 我有米無米既日子都敗~~哈哈~~ 係敗多敗少咁! 不過香水我唔係成日買,一年都買唔到一兩次,所以我覺得呢四枝都夠我玩好耐~~

(English: **Many saw the Facebook feed and said I am so rich!!  That’s not the case!!  You have been following me for so long and you should know by now that I haul no matter what – it’s just a matter of hauling more or hauling less~~  *Laughs*!!  If you notice, I don’t buy perfume all the time, and in fact, on average I might get 1-2 per year, so I feel that these 4 could last me a really long time~~)

Jo Malone London Rain
Rain & Angelica Cologne

Inspiration係早晨落雨喚醒倫敦公園既氣味! 我覺得有點大地有點青草既清新味~

(English: Glassy beads of dew, awakening a London park at dawn. A revitalising scent, enlivened with herbaceous angelica and juicy lime on an earthy base of vetiver. Aqueaous and clear.)

Jo Malone London Rain
Wisteria & Violet Cologne


Inspiration係牆上既花花被雨水打落過後散出既花香! 我覺得有好香既花味~亦都帶一點點甜味(雖然我唔鍾意甜,我都接受到)。

(English: A soft morning shower, soaking purple wisteria cascading over London stone walls. Infused with the wet-petal scent of violets and water lily. Rain-washed and intoxicating.)

Jo Malone London Rain
White Jasmine & Mint Cologne

係特別呢枝係本身既collection已經出現左,所以如果你唔係貪個樽個樣唔同咗,呢枝唔洗急住買。 鍾意都可以之後再買!

(English:  This scent is in their normal collection, so if you are not obsessed with the different bottle itself, there is no reason to hurry and get this.  You can definitely get it later!!)

Inspiration係下午被雨水洗禮過後花園傳出既花香! 我覺得味道好豐富,好有花香味又帶點清新既味道~

(English:  An afternoon cloudburst, drenching gardens exuberant with jasmine, orange flower and rose. Eccentric with its dash of scrambling wild mint. Enchanting and refreshing.

Jo Malone London Rain 

Black Cedarwood & Juniper Cologne

 Insipiration係夜媽媽係倫敦街頭避雨,雨水打落皮褸既皮革味道! 我覺得呢個味道好夜晚好神秘!

(English: Midnight rain. Seductive with the carnal touch of cumin and chilli leaves. Dark with cedarwood. Humid with moss. Modern and urban.)

如果你問我邊枝最值得買,我會話呢個真係個人既選擇,因為氣味係好個人! 去聞下睇下自己鍾意邊枝再決定! 如果四枝真係要我揀,我就會揀Black Cedarwood & Juniper Cologne喇,因為我覺得佢係四枝當中個味道最神秘!! 哈哈~~

(English:  If you ask me which one is worth to buy, I would say this is entirely personal because scents are like that!  So go and smell them, then decide which one you like best!!  If I really had to choose one out of the four, I would choose Black Cedarwood & Juniper Cologne because I feel that it’s the most mysterious scent within the 4!!  *Laughs*~~)




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