[[時尚] 女性恩物 ♥ Jipi Japa 平底鞋

無論你係咩類型嘅女性, 我相信平底鞋都係每個女性嘅恩物。 無錯, 高跟鞋當然令人有女人味, 亦都可以為成個造型增添高雅嘅味道, 但係有好多日子我地都想唔太做作, 平易近人靚得嚟又practical!  雖然我屋企嘅鞋話多唔多, 話少唔少, 但係真正舒服嘅就真係兩三隻手指數得晒! 哈, 好多人以為平底鞋就一定舒服。 呢個我真係可以講話唔一定。 我都試過買好多平底鞋以為佢地無咩殺傷力, 點知一開始行就要掉頭返入屋換鞋!  好嘅平底鞋都唔容易遇到(哈, 好似老公咁…)。

(English:  No matter which style you go for, I believe flats are girls’ best friends.  Yea, I cannot deny the fact that heels bring that sexy and elegant touch to an outfit.  However, I believe we still have many days that we just want to relax and be practical.  Even though I have quite a few pairs of shoes at home, if I have to count the comfortable ones, I would probably finish with 2-3 fingers!!  *Laughs*…many people think that flats must be comfortable.  Nah!!  I don’t know how many pairs that I have encountered previously that are absolutely deceiving.  I even had experience I had to go back to the apartment to switch shoes after walking for 2 minutes.  Nice-comfy-good-looking flats are hard to find (ha….kinda like a husband….).)

上個星期我收到邀請, 想我試試一個品牌嘅鞋。 我睇完晒d資料就答應咗。 是關我見到呢對靚靚鞋:

(English:  I got an invitation last week regarding shoe trial.  After I read all the information, I said yes because I saw this particular pair:)

Jipi Japa California Construction 加州無逢內裡鞋

價錢(Price):HK$899/ pair

點解我一見就心動係因為佢個樣靚得嚟, 佢有個好特別之處就係佢係無逢內裡, 即係話佢入面無紙口同埋車逢線, 唔會刮傷腳。 好吸引! 我著新鞋成日都會損足兩個星期, 所以睇到呢點點會唔興奮!  仲要呢個款好有Chanel高貴大方嘅影子(我的菜啦!)。

(English:  Why was I so tempted?  It was because apart from the shoes being pretty, they do have a very special point.  The upper unit is stitched around the outside of the midsole before it is adhered to the sole, so it won’t scratch your feet.  OMG!!  Whenever I start wearing a pair of new shoes, my feet would be “wounded” for at least 2 weeks.  So now you understand why I was so enthusiastic!  Also, this particular pair reminds me of Chanel (right my cup of tea!!).)

手工好仔細, 用料都好實正。

(English:  Quite a craftsmanship and the material is very solid.)


(English: Nice and soft as well~~)

最鍾意個鞋底係rubber類嘅物料,唔會好易行蝕晒同埋佢有厚度。 如果個底太薄又會唔舒服, 因為行得耐就會似直接行係地下上面, 會痛呀!

(English:  The best part is that the bottom of the shoes is made with some rubber-like material.  It wouldn’t be worn off too easily and it has some kinda thickness.  If the bottoms are too thin, feet won’t feel too comfortable after walking a long time because they would feel like they are touching the ground directly!)

我第一日著住佢, 一路行就一路好緊張諗唔知會唔會痛呢? 哈哈, 我返咗成日工都無事!! 仲要我weekend著住佢出街, 出咗去行咗成日都冇事。 仲要覺得行緊嗰時有少少彈嘅感覺添! 真係買咗咁耐鞋我都未試過唔刮唔痛, 完全無事! 呢個感覺真係好難得!! 

(English:  The first day I was wearing it, I was quite worried, wondering if they would hurt my feet!  Nope, not at all!!  I wore it for the whole day at work and my feet were fine.  Then I wore them again at the weekend for the whole day (walking around and such) and they were absolutely comfortable.  I even felt that they gave me a bit of a bouncy feeling when I walked.  Never once in my life that my feet wouldn’t get hurt with new shoes – but I guess I just had my first amazing experience – wonderful!!)

除咗呢個款, 佢都有其他款式。 我揀咗d我比較鍾意嘅(係呀, 做咗research, 我諗好我去完日本之後會去Jipi Japa敗鞋, 你估下我會買邊對丫, 哈哈!!):

(English:  Apart from this style, they have quite a few other styles as well.  I have picked those which interest me most (yea…I have done my research.  I will return to Jipi Japa store after coming back from Japan to haul.  Have a guest which of the following is my favourite!)

同我對一樣, 但係唔同色。 呢個色就summer好多喇。

(English:  Exactly the same as mine, but different color.  This pair reminds me of summer!)


(English:  Perfect color for work!)

哈哈! 我好愛sharp顏色嘅鞋。 好醒神!

(English:  *laughs*  I love shoes with bright colors!)


(English:  I also love it when they have some kind of flowers on the shoes!)

呢對真係超夏天丫! 好靚呀!

(English:  OMG!!  This pair is really beautiful and very summery as well!)

Jipi Japa都有高少少嘅鞋!

(English:  Jipi Japa has shoes with low heels as well.)

哈哈! 亦都有好高嘅鞋!

(English:  *laughs*  And super tall heels too!)

好燒? 我都係自焚當中啦~~

(English:  Very tempting.  I am in total agreement~~)

好康優惠: 而家登入呢個網址(CLICK)完成簡單嘅個步驟, 就可以得到$100 Jipi Japa Cash Coupon喇! 快d去拎啦!

Discount Offer: Please go into this link (CLICK) and finish a few steps, then you will receive $100 Jipi Japa Cash Coupon!  What are you waiting for?

佢地網站有銷售地點, 有興趣去望一望丫: Jipi Japa

(English:  Their website has their store locations, if you are interested, please go to their website: Jipi Japa)

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