Jimmy Choo Willis Ballerinas


Jimmy Choo Willis Ballerinas

Photography by MJPhotographyHK

Jimmy Choo既高跟鞋我有大概兩三對,而我有既都係kitten heel,太高既係好靚但係我真係無辦法忍耐,所以只好放棄。 我一直都覺得如果買Jimmy Choo,我點都會買有少少跟,因為佢最出名係高跟麻,著唔到太高,少少都好過冇。 呢個想法一直去到上年英國,點知係英國一眼見到呢對平底鞋,我就同自己講: Maybe我應該都要有一對Jimmy Choo平底鞋!! 哈哈,女人!!

(English:  I do own around 2-3 pairs of Jimmy Choo kitten heels.  High heels are pretty but I can’t really handle that now, so I don’t intend to challenge myself.  I did believe that Jimmy Choo is most famous for their high heels, so if I can’t wear too crazy of a heel, kitten ones would be my choice.  Well, my thought somehow changed when I met these flats when I was in UK last year.  When I saw these, I was like, “maybe I should really own a pair of Jimmy Choo flats too and see how it goes!!”  That was the story and it was a typical one for me!!)

Jimmy Choo Willis Ballerinas

Buy from: Link 1 or Link 2

Jimmy Choo Willis Ballerinas

Jimmy Choo Willis Ballerinas

Jimmy Choo Willis Ballerinas

我覺得呢對鞋最吸引我既地方係佢既星星,有釘亦有白閃同閃紫。   仲要係黑皮底,所以真係有夜空星星既感覺。 夜晚著出去既時候,d閃catch到街燈,所以望落真係似閃下閃下,好靚得黎又唔誇張!! 你而家明白點解我一眼見到去就要帶佢返屋企!!仲要尖頭,OMG! 我覺得成個組合係完美! Causal又得formal又得!! 返工都唔會誇張!!

(English:  The best part of this pair (to me) is the stars which comes in studs, white crystals and purple crystals.  With the black leather, it mimics the starry night really really well.  When worn at night, the stars catches the light and they do look like they sparkle in the dark!  It’s very pretty yet very subtle.  Now you probably understand why I needed to bring them home with me!!  I especially love the fact that they come in pointed toe design, I find the combination of everything perfect!  These can be worn causally or formally.  They are definitely subtle enough for office ladies as well!!)

至於好唔好著,Jimmy Choo既Kitten Heel我係頭一次著耐咗先有少少刮,但係完全唔嚴重,著多兩三次就無刮好舒服。 佢鞋型唔係太窄,所以唔辛苦。 而呢對平底頭兩次著比佢Kitten Heel刮,我就主要係後跟刮,但係著多幾次皮軟左無野,佢個底都做得唔薄,所以行路都舒服。 呢個刮係我正常著咩鞋都有既刮(暫時除咗Gucci係無刮),所以我接受到。 一定無Valentino平底個種刮咁誇張囉!!我好開心買咗,因為我春夏有好多機會可以著佢!! 補多句,Jimmy Choo係足碼,所以我Kitten Heel平底都無size up,我係買翻正常碼! 你地有興趣就去試下望下啦。 我唔知香港專門店有無呢個款,如果無可以去試咗佢地d鞋型啱唔啱再考慮係我上面個兩條link入手丫。

(English:  Are these comfortable?  Usually when I wear Jimmy Kitten Heels, they would scratch the back of my heels on the first day, definitely not severe.  After 2-3 times of wearing, then they become very comfortable without any scratching.  The design is wider fit than other brands, so Jimmy Choo does offer a bit more comfort for Asian feet.  For these Willis Ballerinas, they do scratch the back more if compared to their kitten heels.  However after a few times of wearing, the leather becomes a bit softer and they become comfortable.  The sole is not that thin, so there is a level of comfort walking in these for awhile.  For the scratching bit, I think I could describe it as “normal degree of scratching” and it’s definitely not as ridiculous as Valentino’s flats.  I am happy that I got these, because I can see myself wearing them quite often in the coming Spring and Summer!  One more note: Jimmy Choo comes true to size, I don’t need to size up or size down for kitten heels or flats!  If you are interested, go check them out.  I am not sure if this pair is available in the stores in Hong Kong.  If not, you can go try something similar to see if it fits you.  Then you can consider to grab this pair from the above two links.  Have fun!!)

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