識我都知我根本就係牛仔褲人,如果我會走fashion行業,我覺得造牛仔褲係我首選。 我99.9%都係著牛仔褲,之前都同大家分享左我嘅大愛品牌Paige同埋我新入手嘅Maison Margiela。 今日同大家分享下呢個網紅品牌MOTHER嘅牛仔褲。 我相信好多你哋都會聽過網紅分享話好著。
If you know me, you know that I live in jeans. If I have to pick a category to create a business in the fashion industry, jeans is my first choice. I wear jeans 99.9% of the time and I have talked about my favourite brand – Paige and my new found – Maison Margiela here; so today I want to talk about MOTHER. I believe many of you have heard quite a few fashionistas online praising about their quality.

我之前入手左一條MOTHER牛仔褲都著咗好一段時間。 我覺得佢彈力真係無得頂,佢舒服到個點係唔似著緊牛仔褲,反而似著緊leggings。 但係有好有唔好,佢咁彈著幾次會好鬆。 雖然洗咗又回復正常,但係你知牛仔褲唔建議成日洗,所以著著下就會好鬆冇左個型同埋膝頭位會鬆咗出嚟,我自己就一般啦,因為我鍾意有翻個型。 我覺得如果你想要牛仔褲嘅造型,但係leggings嘅舒服程度,你會好鍾意MOTHER,但係你買細一至兩個碼都得,因為佢真係好彈! 如果買翻自己碼,可能著著下會甩甩哋褲呀! 我自己就去食大餐或者M到好水腫嘅日子比較多著,因為我知佢會好舒服同有位走盞。 你有興趣都可以望下下面啲相,同我之前入手嗰條個樣都差唔多。 你撳張相就會去到網址。
I got a pair of MOTHER jeans for awhile and I think it’s time to share my thoughts. It’s super stretchy, so it’s very comfortable. I don’t feel like I am wearing jeans when I wear MOTHER, I feel more like I am wearing leggings. But it’s has a downside too, it feels quite loose after stretched. Though the size would return to normal after washing it, we all know that it’s not recommended to wash jeans excessively. So I feel like the shape is gone after a few wears and the knee parts look too baggy. I love jeans that keep its shape, so I can’t say I am a huge fan of the stretched look. I think if you are aiming for a jeans look but with the comfort of a pair of leggings, then you will love MOTHER. I recommend to go 1-2 sizes down because it does stretch LOL. I personally wear MOTHER when I go for a big meal or when I feel that my water retention is horrendous, those days I would prefer comfort over style. If you are interested, check out the photos below, these ones are quite similar to the ones I got. Click the photos and you will land on the detail page.