[飲食] Jamie’s Italian

Mr Honey係英國人,所以佢一知道Jamie Oliver係香港開餐廳就好興奮,話揾日要去食下。 前兩日我地就的起心肝去排隊(我好少會排隊食飯,通常要排隊都唔洗預我)。 佢上網可以訂位,但係又要填呢樣個樣,所以我同Mr Honey都係決定去等位好過。 我地排咗足足一個鐘頭!! 哈哈!! 同埋大家記得,就算你上網book左枱都好,你一定要早少少到。如果你遲到,佢地都要你等一陣架!

(English: Mr Honey is a Brit, so when he knew that Jamie Oliver has opened a restaurant in Hong Kong, he was really happy and he wanted to go to give it a try!  So a couple days ago, we decided that we would go there to line up (hmmm…I don’t usually line up for my dinner, if I see a queue, I usually make my U-turn).  You can book a table online but we both find it quite tedious, so we reverted to the old method (lining up!!)!!!  We had waited for an hour (oh yea!!).  *Laughs*  Oh and a kind reminder for you as well, even if you book the table online, make sure you arrive a bit early, if you are late, you will have to wait for a bit as well!)

我原本無諗住寫食記,但係等咗咁鬼耐,無理由唔寫丫!!! 所以我用iPhone影咗d相同埋記錄一下俾大家聽。 所以今個blog d相既quality係好一般,請見諒!

(English:  I originally didn’t plan to do a blog post, but since I was waiting for so long, I thought, “let’s make this worthwhile!!”  So I used my iPhone to take some photos and share my thoughts with you.  Therefore I would say the photos in this blog post is not of superb quality, please accept my apologies in advance!!)

Jamie’s Italian

Address: 銅鑼灣登龍街金朝陽中心二期 Midtown二樓

2/F, Soundwill Plaza II- Midtown, 1 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Website: http://www.jamieoliver.com/italian/hongkong

入面都幾大同多位! 個設計有少少懷舊~~

(English:  The inside is quite spacious and there are plenty of seats (full)!!  The design is quite tradition~~)

個menu整到好似報紙咁,我覺得幾有心思!! 佢有中文有英文menu,佢網站都有show出黎,大家都可以先上網望一望先。

(English:  The menu looks like a newspaper, I quite like the concept!!  There is Chinese and English menu and they are also available on their website, so if you are interested, you can check out online first.)

Blueberry & Basil Smash HK$68 & Hong Kong Beer

我無留意HK Beer幾多錢添!! 哈哈~~ Mr Honey話都幾好飲! 而我個杯就係cocktail,我覺得感覺好refreshing,因為佢有fresh lemon!! 酒味都勁勁地,如果唔鍾意重酒味就唔好點呢個! 但係如果OK又鍾意比較清新感覺既話,我覺得呢個都好飲!

(English:  Oops, I didn’t pay attention to how much HK Beer is.  *Grins*  Mr Honey said it tasted quite nice.  Mine is a cocktail.  I found it rather refreshing due to the fresh lemon inside!  Mind you, there is a good alcohol taste to it, if you don’t like something that strong, you might not like this one.  However, if you are looking for something with a decent alcohol taste but with a refreshing twist, then I would recommend this one too!!)

Crab & Avocado Brushchetta HK$70

呢個好味呀! 好fresh又唔heavy,同埋我覺得特別d!! 包包上面有好多蟹肉,配埋avocado,唔錯唔錯,係好light既一個starter!

(English:  I like this one because it is fresh and not heavy!  Somehow I quite like that it’s quite a unique dish!!  Crab on bread + avocado — yum yum!!  Definitely a thumbs-up for a light starter like this!!)

Fried Three-Cheese Gnocchi HK$55

呢款Mr Honey好愛,佢話佢好耐無食過! 我就覺得好味,不過食落去都係似食緊一d炸物,唔算非常特別!

(English:  Mr Honey loved this because he said he hadn’t had this for a long time!!  It was a good choice as well but for me, I felt like I was eating some fried bits, it wasn’t that special!!)

Fish In A Bag HK$170

呢個淨係個名都好特別丫!! 佢入面有Fish of the Day(我地食個日係Cod Fish)同埋有d好似Couscous既東東。 條魚比較挺身,好有鮮味。 入面都有少少clams,都食得出係好fresh!! 我覺得最正係Couscous索咗d汁,好有鮮味同有香草味! 成個dish既口味係好清好light!! 我同Mr Honey就好愛喇!! 不過口味好個人丫,如果你唔like挺身既魚同埋比較濕既Couscous,你就未必like!

(English:  The name itself sounds really unique!!  It comes with Fish of the Day (Cod Fish on the day we had this dish) plus something that looks like Couscous.  The fish is firm and very fresh!  There are a couple clams inside and we could tell that they were fresh!!  I really like the fact that the Couscous absorbs the source and it tastes very light and herb-y!!  The whole dish is on the light and refreshing side, both Mr Honey and I were totally impressed!  However again, taste buds are very personal, if you don’t like firm fish and Couscous on the wetter side of the game, you might not like this!!)

Sausage Pappardelle HK$80 (S)/ HK$135 (L)

有大小size揀,我超支持呢一點,有時想試多幾樣野或者真係唔係好餓就唔洗浪費左d食物! 我地叫咗細size,因為一陣仲要食甜品!! 哈哈!! 呢個有肉碎既pasta,條pasta個樣好得意同好長! 呢款就比較濃味一d,食落飽感多一d! 同埋佢算係比較乾身既! 我自己都覺得唔錯,不過最愛都係Fish In A Bag喇!

(English:  There are large or small sizes for you to choose from and I am a huge supporter of this.  Sometimes we do want to try out a few other dishes or we are not that hungry, then food won’t be wasted!!  This time, we ordered a small size because we still had to go for dessert!!  *Laughs*  It’s basically pasta with meat and the pasta was very long in length!!  This is a dish on the heavier side and tastes quite dry!  I quite like it but still I would say my favourite is Fish In A Bag!!)

Posh Chips HK$50

我地叫咗一個side係chips(Mr Honey好愛chips)! 有Parmesan Cheese係面。我覺得炸得好好,好脆丫!!

(English:  We also ordered a side (Mr Honey loves chips)!!  It has Parmesan Cheese on top!!  I quite like how good the deep dry turns out!!)

Double Expresso

Tiramisu HK$65

呢個Tiramisu個recipe係Jamie個師傅既,所以係同平日我地食既好唔同。 佢呢個係好濕同埋好有橙味,所以要睇下你好唔好呢兩樣野喇! 我個人就覺得好特別,不過我唔太愛佢個種濕既口感。

(English:  This Tiramisu recipe comes from Jamie’s mentor, so it tastes really different than the regular ones that we have!  It’s super moist and with a strong orange flavour, so it really depends how you like your Tiramisu!!  I personally think it’s very unique but I am not a fan of the moist texture!!)

Epic Brownie HK$65

係朱古力狂既人都應該會愛呢個,個brownie超正,入口就溶呀!!! 加埋Gelato同pop corn個味好正!! 超好味丫!! 如果你同我都一樣係brownie同chocolate怪,你要點呢一款!!

(English: If you are a chocolate lover, you probably would love this one!!  The brown is superb, it melts in the mouth!!!  Plus the Gelato and pop corn, this is definitely a new level of indulgence!!  If you are a brownie and chocolate lover like I am, please order this!!!)


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