最愛洗面膏 ♥ IPSA On The Peak Cleansing Foam

咁多年用都用過唔少洗面產品, 但係講話係最愛呢, 又真係諗唔到幾多隻可以榜上有名.  本身我無買IPSA呢枝On The Peak Cleansing Foam既, 最初用既時候係買左其他野, 佢送左枝sample size比我.  嘩, 我一用愛上, 之後拿拿聲碌去敗枝full size翻黎用.  原本我想用sa屋企枝Bioderma Cleanser先開佢黎用, 但係實在太掛住佢喇 (可想而知佢既好用程度係幾勁), 所以都係忍唔住早幾日開左, 而家將佢同Bioderma隔住黎用.

(English: I have been trying different facial cleansing products all these years, well, if I have to pick my top favourites, it’s quite hard for me to even name a few.  Originally, I didn’t get IPSA On The Peak Cleansing Foam.  I tried this because the sample came with a set that I bought earlier.  OMG!  After I used this, I had to rush back and get the full size.  Right now, I have been using Bioderma Cleanser, at first I thought I would finish the Bioderma’s first before opening my love.  But I just miss it too much (so you could imagine how good it is!), well, I just HAD to open it a few days ago…now I am alternating between IPSA’s and Bioderma’s!)

IPSA On The Peak Cleansing Foam 緊緻亮膚潔面泡

價錢 (Price): HK$290/ 125g

Product Information:


(English:  It generates rich foam.  It cleans while brightening skin and replenishing moisture inside skin.)


Before Adding Water:

After Adding Water:

我無用起泡網呀, 所以d泡泡唔係好勁.  但係就有少少milky既感覺. 用起泡網d泡會再豐富d. 呢個無一定要用定唔用, 睇翻自己對泡泡既preference啦.  我自己就鍾意佢少少milky個texture, 所以用呢枝野我唔用起泡網既.

(English:  I haven’t used the foam generator, so the foam is not enormous, it does offer a milky texture though.  If I use a foam generator, the foam would definitely get richer.  I think this is a personal preference.  I quite like the milky texture with just adding water in, so whenever I use this, I don’t use a foam generator.)

使用次數 (No. of Usage):  totally around 3 weeks

用後感:  真係一個字講sa – 正!  先係佢個texture, 按摩緊個時覺得佢個texture好rich好滑.  過左水之後感覺好乾淨, 唔會覺得有d野仲留係個面度.  但係就一d都唔覺得乾wor! 最正係過完水後明顯見到d皮膚係光亮左, 好似做完mask咁.  摸落有彈性同埋好滑.  次次用完都會覺得好開心 (望到d皮膚好左當然開心).  佢條line係for美白+保濕,初初佢比個sample我個陣話有美白function, 我都諗唔知會唔會敏感呢 (我對幾多美白野都敏感), 但係用左咁耐都無咩事, 感覺好好.  雖然佢個價錢係貴d, 但係我就覺得物有所值, 唔係我都唔會走去買翻full size啦.  呢個一定會係我回購list當中, 真係太好用, 同SKII隻cleanser有得fight呀!  如果大家有興趣搵隻有美白function同埋唔會洗乾皮膚既cleanser, 可以試下呢隻wor!

(English:  All I can say is – FABULOUS!  First, I love its texture.  When I am massaging my face with it, I feel that texture is very smooth and rich.  After rinsing it, my skin feels clean without having some residue left behind.  It cleans well and it’s not drying at all!  The most amazing part is after I rinse it off, I instantly see that my skin is brightened up, just like after applying a facial mask!  When I touch my skin, it feels “bouncy” and smooth!  Therefore, I am very happy each time after using it (well, when I see that my skin gets better and better, how could I not be happy?).  On The Peak line is for whitening and hydrating.  At first, when I received the sample, I was told that it was for whitening, I thought, “hmmmm I am not sure if my skin could stand this, I hope no allergies!”.  After using it for awhile, my skin hasn’t got any irritation of any sort, so that’s brilliant!  Even though its price is on high side, I think it worths it (otherwise, I wouldn’t have rushed back to get a full size, right?).  This item definitely stays on my “repurchasing list” because it’s too wonderful to be true (I secretly think it’s comparible to the SKII cleanser!).  If you are looking for a cleanser that offers whitening and hydrating functions, I would highly recommend you to try this out!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.hk-ipsa.com)

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