近期喜愛的iPhone + iPad Apps


(English:  I have been using iPhone for quite a while (while iPad is pretty new to me).  I am not a person who finds and downloads new app all the time, but sometimes when I get bored, I do download a few to investigate further!)

不如我今日講下我近期比較喜愛嘅app丫。有d係用左好耐,有d係近期先發現嘅。 你地可以睇下,如果有興趣都可以去download丫(今日我要變身為high-tech geek, 哈哈!)。  當然啦,如果你地用開d咩好用,千祈要記得話我知,大家一齊研究下。

(English:  How about me talking about some of my new found/ favourite apps?  I have been using some of them for long and for some, I just started.  I am turning myself into a high-tech geek today *smiles*.  Well, if you find anything that you think is a must to download, do let me know as well!)

PhotoFrame Dada
(Price: 1.99)

呢個如果你有follow我Facebook Page, 你就會知我成日會用呢個嚟整相。呢個係今日我講嘅app入面唯一一個要俾錢download嘅。  當然啦,如果你有jailbreak,咁就可以唔洗錢。我download個陣未jailbreak我個iPhone,所以我要俾錢嚟download, 但係我覺得好抵用呀!

(English:  If you have been following my Facebook Page, you’ll notice that I use this to edit my photos a lot.  This one is not free but if you jailbroke your phone, then you could get it for free.  Well, for me, I didn’t jailbreak my phone at the time, therefore, I had to pay for this app – but I have to say, it’s worth every penny!)

我覺得抵用嘅原因係佢有好多個frame揀,同埋佢最近update左幾個Angry Bird嘅frame同stamps,我覺得好過癮。如果你鍾意自己整下d相,又鍾意個feel係得意同埋可愛嘅話,我覺得你會鍾意呢個app。我就每次整親都覺得自己好有童真(笑)。呢個係我用得最多嘅app之一。

(English:  It offers so many frame and recently it has a few Angry Bird frames and stamps as well!  If you love to make your photo look cuter or less ordinary, I think you’ll like this app.  Everytime I use this, I have a smile on my face – everything is just so CUTE!  This has to be one of the most frequently used app on my iPhone.)

(Price: Free)

呢個係calendar呀, 我知iPhone本身都有個calendar,但係呢個真係超可愛呀!! 唔download對唔住自己呀 (咁嚴重?)!

(English:  This is a calendar!  I know iPhone has a calendar as well but this one is super cute!  I just had to download this!!)

你睇你睇, 個layout係咪超可愛?  淨係個layout都已經超吸引。同埋佢有得望你記錄埋幾時姨媽到過,係咪細心到爆先?

(English:  You see you see!!  The layout is SUPER CUTE!!  It has a function to help you record when your last period was as well – very caring!)

仲可比幫你計下你一個月做左幾多次有益身心嘅野,同埋做左嘅多無聊野,等你可以自己愛modify下你自己嘅time management。 哈哈,唔錯。

(English:  It helps to keep a record of what you do as well, how many times have you been lying around and doing nothing *laughs*.  After reviewing the statistics, I am sure we would have a better time management!)

(Price: Free)

呢個係前幾日無聊揾到嘅。 我覺得個concept有d似Instagram,但係佢就用一個calendar咁嘅形式。即係話,你每日可以take + upload一張相。你upload左之後,佢就用一個calendar咁幫你記住。如果你一日想upload兩張相係唔得ga,之後個張會overwrite咗你之前個張。

(English:  I got this couple days ago!  I think the concept is very similar to Instagram, however, this uses a calendar format.  That meas, you take and upload 1 photo a day.  After uploading, it will stays on My365 calendar.  Oh, you cannot upload more than 1 photo a day, the second one will overwrite the first one.)

如果你日日都有upload呢,你個My365入面個calendar就會好似左手面個個咁。 我感覺似一個相嘅blog。 同埋佢有d effects比你整下相,d effects都幾正下。

(English:  If you are diligent in uploading photos everyday, your My365 calendar should look very much like the one on your left.  Oh it also offers you some special photo effects, they are quite nice!  It reminds me very much like a photo blog!)

如果你有friend都有呢個app,你可以follow佢地睇下佢地嘅update。 如果你鍾意睇相,亦都可以睇下陌生人d相,我望過下,見好多都影得好靚。 咁我都有呢個app,如果你想揾我,我個ID係iamhakme!

(English:  If you have friends with this app, you can follow them as well.  Or, if you are interested in viewing others’ photos, this is a good place too!  I browsed around before and I have to say many of the photos are quite nice!  Haha, I have this app as well, so if you want to follow me, my ID is iamhakme!)

(Price: Free)

呢個都係前幾日download, 未正式有時間玩,但係我比個concept吸引左。佢同上面My365個app有d似,但係呢個係用相去整故事。整完之後可以upload去website/ blog, Facebook, Twitter。我望過有d陌生人嘅作品,真係無限創意。如果無時間整,睇都覺得好得意。

(English:  This one is very similar to the previous one.  I haven’t got the time to play around as I only got it for a couple days.  But I got attracted by the concept, you use this app and the photos that you take to make a story!  When you’re done, you can upload it to website/ blog, Facebook and Twitter!  I have to say I browsed through some strangers’ work and they were really creative!  I had so much fun just by browsing!)


(English:  I will definitely create a story when I have more time, then I will share it with you all *laughs*!)

(Price: Free)

相信好多人都會有Emoji,但係用得耐都有d悶,之後比我揾到呢個! 呢個app,download左唔洗好似Emoji咁要裝入個keypad到,只係要用個陣入呢個app度copy & paste就得喇。

(English:  I believe many people have Emoji, right?  But I am a bit bored with it, then I found this!  You just have to download this app, there is no need to install on the keypad (like Emoji does).  When you want to use some icons, just go in and copy and paste!)

佢有好多個樣都好可愛呀! 用起上嚟都好方便!

(English:  The thing is quite cute and very convenient to use!!)

(Price: Free)

如果你鍾意睇台灣節目,你應該會覺得呢個好方面。其本上佢d片係YouTube嚟嘅, 但係好就好在唔洗自己search,只要揀左個節目名,就可以揀邊個episode喇。咁樣慳翻好多時間揾嚟揾去!

(English:  If you are interested in Taiwanese shows, this is for you.  Basically it groups different Taiwanese show YouTube videos into an app.  You just need to browse through which show and episode you want to watch.  This saves a huge amount of search time on YouTube!)


(English:  Super convenient!  Sometimes, when I have time, I watch many of the episodes in one go.)

Cosme Blogger Lite
(Price: Free)

如果你鍾意睇台灣嘅blogger呢,呢個app又係好野。我近期愛上嚟台灣blogger,我覺得佢地寫得好有心機得嚟d相又好靚。呢個就capture sa比較出名嘅台灣blogger,等你可以一次過睇下有咩update!

(English:  Oh if you are interested in Taiwan bloggers like I do.  This app is great as well.  It groups all the Taiwanese bloggers (more famous ones) together so you can see if they have any update in one go.)

雖然我見佢地有好多都有試用(你決定會唔會相信佢地嘅comment啦),但係我當係新品出爐咁睇, 同埋佢地真係好有心機,呢點令我好佩服!

(English:  Many of them have trial pieces, I guess that really depends if you want to believe their comments or not.  For me, I treat their pieces more like “new product release” information.  And honestly, many of them put so much effort into writing their blogs, I admire their attitude!)

(Price: Free)

嘩!我係iPad揾都呢個 (iPhone都有),真係發現新大陸呀! 呢個app係free to download, 但係就有subscription fee,佢分左monthly,quarterly同埋yearly。我會入yearly個個,USD38.xx成年都可以download書嚟睇。 我好多時都會買呢d書嚟睇, 而家有呢個app真係會幫我慳翻唔少錢,仲慳翻唔少位添。超期待呀, 我一陣寫完呢篇文就會去subscribe。

(English:  OMG!  I found this on my iPad (available @ iPhone too), I almost screamed!  The app is free to download but you have to pay the subscription fee to download books – monthly fee/ quarterly fee/ yearly fee!  I will go for the yearly one as it’s only USD38.xx and I can download so many books within the year!  It definitely will save me money physically buying the books and space as well!  I look forward to it so much and I will subscribe to them right after I finish writing this piece.)

D categories都好齊下。我最愛嘅美容同埋旅遊都有!正正正!!等我試下,睇完再同大家分享有邊本書值得download啦。

(English:  It has quite a few categories as well – including my beloved “Travel” and “Beauty”!!!  Let me do the subscription, read a few books and recommend a few to you after!)

(Price: Free)

呢個係我download BookU個陣發現佢有呢個MagV!呢個我諗緊,因為我睇唔到佢有咩magazine可以download,如果佢有sa我會睇個D就當然係very good啦,但係佢無個list比我研究下。我諗我會subscribe一個月,睇下佢d雜誌係咪我睇開個d,再決定會唔會subscibe一年。如果有sa就好喇,咁我唔會成日miss左幾個月。哈哈。

(English:  I discovered this when I was downloading BookU.  I am still considering on which subscription fee I should go for.  It doesn’t have a list of magazines for me to see if I would be interested.  I guess I’d subscribe it for a month and then decide if it’s worth spending the money.  If it offers everything that I love, then it’s good!!)

我見佢有女人我最大呀, 好心動丫。哈哈!!

(English:  *laughs*  I’m very tempted!!)


(English:  Great!!  Let me stop now!  I will share again when I find something interesting or worth mentioning!)

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