[職場] Interview In到想反枱

我見有d網友對interview都有好多唔同既經歷,所以忽發奇想,不如開個討論區大家一齊傾下, 分享下,互相鼓勵下都好。

(English:  I saw from comments that some net friends have different experiences, so I thought, “why don’t we open up a thread to share our experience in order to encourage each other?”

其中一個網友講話佢Interview in到想反枱, 我都真係笑咗出黎,笑唔係因為覺得得意,而係我諗翻起我都有類似既經驗!

(English:  One of the net friends said that she actually wanted to flip the table upside down when she was attending some interviews.  I laughed, not because it’s funny, it’s because it was jogging one of my memories!)

話說幾年前我去見一份工,間公司係經Recruitment Agency請呢個位,佢地話要請一個Recruitment Consultant幫佢地公司請人。 咁agency見我都好夠經驗,就叫我去見下間公司啦! Agency send咗我份CV過間公司之後,等咗一個星期(我都差d唔記得自己報過),agent打電話俾我問我當日得唔得閒,我心諗:”唔係吓麻! 一個星期都無聲無氣,一打嚟叫我interview就要我即刻去,當揾工既人唔係人咩!” 咁算啦,我見都好近我屋企同埋我想快d去完就算唔好心掛掛,我就即日去左喇。

(English:  A few years back I went to attend an interview.  The company did this recruitment through recruitment agency and they were looking for a Recruitment Consultant to hire for their own company.  The agent saw my experience and asked me to attend the interview with the company!  The agent sent my CV to that company and it took around a week for the agent to call me back (almost forgot I had applied anything).  He asked if I was available that afternoon.  I thought, “Are you kidding me?  It’s been a week and the company could wait for that, but when they wanted to meet me, I had to put my life on hold and ran for the interview?  Am I not human?”  Anyway, it’s quite close to my home and I just wanted to finish it asap, so I went.)

去到當日,我坐咗一陣,見有個後生妹入黎, 我仲以為佢係叫我填form,點知佢就係interview我既人 (HR)。佢無多謝我咁趕都去interview都算啦。 佢成程都黑口黑面。 我地既精裝版對話如下:

(English:  I arrived, sat for awhile, then I saw a youngster coming in, I thought she was going to ask me to fill in a form or something.  Ha – she was the one who actually conducted the interview with me (HR).  She didn’t thank me for taking my time to attend the interview (that’s OK, not everyone’s polite) and she looked mad throughout.  The following captures the shortened version of our conversation:)

Interviewer: 你介紹下自己丫!

(English:  Interviewer: Introduce yourself!)

Me: (心:你無睇我CV咩, 要介紹既野CV上都寫咗啦!)你想知我既career history定係我比較personal既介紹呢?

(English:  Me: (Thought: You haven’t read my CV, if there is anything to introduce, it would have been on my fabulous CV!)  You want me to introduce my career history or myself?)

Interviewer: (黑面中,準備寫野。。。)Career history!
(English:  Interviewer (looking absolutely mad and preparing to write down something) Career History!!)

我保持禮貌簡單講下我做過d咩, 請過咩類型既人,轉工原因等等。

(English:  I maintain my composure and briefly talked through my career, the assignments that I worked on and reasons for leaving.)

Interviewer: (十級黑面中)咁聽你咁講,即係你無請過Sales Representative?

(English:  Interviewer: (looking even more mad) I heard what you said, so that means you haven’t got any experience in hiring Sales Representative?)

Me: (心:你知又問?)無呀, 我當時已經係handle一d manager級既assignment,Sales Representative我有比較junior既同事去負責,我自己就有請Sales Manager。

(English:  Me: (Thought: Don’t ask me if you know the answer!)  Nope, I was handling managerial grade assignment at that time and for Sales Representative, we have some junior colleagues to handle.  I personally recruit Sales Manager.)

Interviewer: (兩眼放凶光)但係我地呢個位係請Sales Representative!

(English:  Interviewer: (stare at me disapprovingly)  But for this post, we hire Sales Representative!!)

Me: (心:咁我又無求你見我,你覺得唔啱咪唔好見囉!)都無問題架,做recruitment都係了解每個department既需要,熟悉佢地culture同埋想要咩人,我地再去揀。(微笑)

(English:  Me: (Thought:  Come on now, I didn’t beg you to interview me, if you find me not suitable, you don’t have to do anything!)  No problem!  Recruitment is about understanding different department’s needs and get to know their culture and what kind of people they want, then we source and select! *smiles*)

Interviewer: (左耳入右耳出)咁你講下你點請Sales Manager丫!

(English:  Interview: (didn’t listen) Talk about how you hire Sales Manager!)

因為我洗濕個頭,所以我都繼續啦!我就quote咗以前一個我覺得比較難做matching既Sales Manager close case例子!但係我講緊個陣,我睇得出佢係消磨時間,靈魂飛咗去太空!

(English:  Since I was already there, so I continued.  I quoted one of the examples in my previous job and it was quite a difficult assignment on a Sales Manager role.  But when I was talking, I could see that her ears were closed!)

Interviewer: 咁你有無咩例子請過Sales Representative?

(English:  Interviewer:  You don’t have any example of hiring Sales Representative?)

Me: (心:佛都有火!我都話無啦,你有無聽我講野?你要我作俾你唔係唔得,但係你唔值得我為你作故仔!!) 無呀! 呀! 你個concern係咩呢? 因為你做開recruitment都知啦,其實我識請manager,唔會唔識請sales representative呀 ,同一個skill黎架wor!(保持唔好反枱既鎮定,仲要記得微笑添!)

(English:  Me (Thought: This is ridiculous!!  I said no and if you are not prepared to listen, then why ask?  You want me to make up a story, you know what?  Nah.  You’re not worth my brain power!!)  Nope!  Oh, actually what’s your concern?  Since you are in recruitment, you should know that if I know how to recruit a sales manager, then recruiting a sales representative is not a problem at all because the skill set is transferrable!!!  (I tried to maintain my composure of not slapping the table or even flip the table upside down…ohhh I did smile too!!!)

Interviewer: (黑面)唔。(望下自己個問題list)真係一個都無請過?

(English:  Interviewer: (still looking mad) Hmmm (look at own’s question list)  Really?  Not even one?)

死未? 我真係想跳出去(當然我同佢既對話係繼續既,我都要保持professional既一面)!!問咗我十萬九千次同一個問題,真係無其他問題問我咩?我in完過咗兩日,個agent同我講,話:”個HR覺得你太多recruitment經驗呀! 怕你唔識做其他野,所以佢地唔會proceed!”我笑笑口話:”係呀係呀? 個post既title係咩話?” Agent: “Recruitment Consultant!” 我:”Recruitment Consultant當然係多recruitment經驗啦,唔係會多咩經驗?祝佢好運!”

OMGOMGOMG!!!  I really want to scream (of course, I did continue the conversation with her because I have to maintain my professionalism)!!!  Ask me the same question over and over again and there is no other question left to ask?  A couple days after the interview, the agent called me and said, “the HR thinks that you have too much of recruitment experience, she is afraid that you don’t know how to perform other duties and she won’t proceed further!!”  I laughed and said, “ohhh….really….so what’s the title of the post?”  Agent, “Recruitment Consultant!”  And I said, “if a Recruitment Consultant doesn’t have rich experience in recruitment, how could that not be?  Anyway, wish her good luck!)
我覺得請人係一種藝術,睇既野要超越張CV,聽既野要聽得出人地既含意!唔係淨係tick boxes! 有同冇某一類型既經驗唔難分,黑同白ji麻,但係聽人講野揾出佢嘅發展潛能再睇下啱唔啱個職位先係精髓!!自己亦都要做功課,睇咗人地個CV先叫人地上黎做interview, 唔好浪費自己同人地既時間。 Candidate都係人,人地係想揾份適合既工作,大家應該係平等!同埋做公司把關既人態度應該都親民一點! 你覺得唔啱jer, 唔等於個Hiring Manager覺得唔啱, 萬一你個Hiring Manager見完好鍾意,個candidate因為你既態度reject你個offer,你就無癮啦!

(English:  In my eyes, recruitment is a piece of art.  Have to see beyond what’s on the CV and have to listen beyond the words!  It’s not just ticking the boxes!  Whether a person has a certain skill set or not, it’s not difficult to uncover, it’s by listening what they are talking about and how they phrase their words to understand if the person has the potential for the job – this is the real deal!!  Also, you have to do some preparation before the interview too, please read others’ CVs before arranging interviews, otherwise, it’s a waste of both parties’ time!  Candidates are human too and they just want to look for the right job, both parties should be equal!  Most importantly, if you are going to be the gate of the company, please be NICE!  You might not think the candidate is suitable, but who knows, maybe the Hiring Manager sees what you don’t see.  What if the Hiring Manger likes the person that much to make an offer, and the candidate rejects the offer because of your attitude, you have to start the process all over again and it wouldn’t be fun!)

後話:過咗一個星期,個agent又打俾我叫我再去同一間公司見同一個職位,今次係見個Hiring Manager(我會去,得閒咪去睇下又有咩奇人囉)。 個Hiring Manager一見我就同我好好傾,當場話覺得我個人好快同埋好自動波,會請我!哈哈哈!!世事無奇不有!

(English:  The end:  After a week, the agent called me again asking me to go to the same company for the same post.  This time, I was meeting the Hiring Manager (I got time on my hand so I went along and see what’s up).  The Hiring Manager saw me and we got good chemistry going.  He said at the spot that he would hire me because he could tell that I was quick in my response and I was independent!  *Laughs*  What a lovely strange world!)

(image from http://technorati.com)

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