[職場] Interview致命問題一 ♥ Deadly Question No. 1 During Interview

我之前好少講我做咩職業, 因為我覺得同beauty野無關係。 其實係我前期既career, 我係做Recruitment Consultant! 唔知你地睇到會唔會好驚訝, 因為呢個職業真係同beauty係完全無關。 亦都可能有部份既你對呢個職業好反感, 因為你地好多時send resume出去, 好多都無回音, 我亦都聽過我有好多朋友遇到一d好唔好既Recruitment Consultant, 之後佢地一聽到呢個行業就即刻話:好廢呀! 都唔知佢地做咩!! 點都好啦, 有一點可以肯定既係我以前一日真係見好多人, interview人係我既生活! 雖然我而家已經唔洗見咁多人, 但係我依然好嚮往見好多人個種生活, 真係好多得意野發生!

(English:  I seldom talked about what I do because I don’t see the relevance to the beauty stuff that I am writing.  Actually my earlier career was a Recruitment Consultant!  Not sure if you are totally surprised to see that because that really had nothing to do with beauty.  Or maybe you have a negative feeling towards the Recruitment Consultants, because many of the times when you send your resumes out to these guys, you might not hear anything back.  Many of my friends have had bad experiences with Recruitment Consultants and they would comment negatively on the industry!  Anyway, the only thing I can guarantee is that I used to meet many people a day and interviewing people was part of my life.  Even though I don’t have to see that many people anymore now, I still love that life because those were the fun days!!)


Eye Makeup For Interview

正因為我有呢個特殊背景, 如果我有朋友要搵工或者去interview, 我一定會收到電話! 佢地都會問下我意見/有咩地方要留意。 我諗諗下, 我其實都可以將呢d經驗同大家分享下, 如果你咁啱想揾工, 希望唔幫得你多既話, 都幫到少少丫! 哈哈!!

(English:  Due to my “special” background, I would receive a call asking for my opinion and such whenever my friends start to look for a job or attend an interview.  Well, when I come to think of it, I’d love to share these experiences with you, why not?  If you are looking for a job, maybe this could help you a little? *laughs*)

今日我想講下我覺得interview其中一條好致命既問題。 通常個interview去到最尾, 公司都會問下個candidate有冇咩問題想問。  問問題唔難, 要問一d有深度既問題就難喇! 有好多人可能呢個時候都無咩問, 於是佢地就問一d佢地好想知既野 – 人工 + Benefits! 我記得我interview人既時候, 試過不下數十次俾人問呢個問題。  我係Recuitment Consultant嗰陣都唔覺得呢個問題有咩特別, 因為我個角色係中間人, 你唔問我都會講。 但係我特別遇得多呢個問題竟然係當我做in-house recruitment幫自己公司請人既時候! 

(English:  Today I want to talk about one of the deadly questions during interview.  Usually when an interview comes to an end, the company people would ask you if you have any question.  Asking a question is not difficult, but asking an intelligent one is!  Many people might not have a question in mind at this point and therefore they tend to ask something that they want to know the most – salary + benefits!!!  I recalled that when I was interviewing people, I came across this question very often.  When I was a Recruitment Consultant, it was fine because I was acting as a middleman and I would mention the salary and stuff to set your expectation anyway.  However, I came across this question the most when I was doing in-house recruitment hiring for the company I was working for!)

我記得有次有個人問我: 呀! 如果你地請咗我呢? 人工會大概有幾多呀? 同埋有咩benefits呢? 有無醫療保險各樣各樣?

(English:  I remember someone asked me, “Ah!!  If you hired me, how much would the salary be?  What would be the benefits and such?  How’s the medical insurance…etc.”

我聽完之後個下覺得: 嘩! 第一次見人就想同人地發生親密關係? 你無興趣了解我, 你既興趣只係有親密關係!

(English:  My initial thought was, “OMG!  You meet someone for the first time and you want to have sex with that person?  So you are not interested in the person, all you care about is sex!”

可能你覺得個比喻好誇張, 但係道理相同。 人地俾機會你問問題, 就係想俾機會你了解個job, 間公司, 等你可以值住個d問題等人地睇到你更多既誠意!  男仔追女仔, 女仔都想你了解咗佢先啦! 想睇下你有無誠意, 唔係一黎就講戲玉! 如果你想同個女仔有得發展落去, 你都會俾d心機經營, 係咪?  一樣! 我知你好想知人工各樣, 但係公司, 人事, 工作性質更加緊要, 人地叫得你去interview, 通常都唔會offer一個同你想像好遠既人工(正常公司唔會!), 所以去interview唔好擔心呢d錢銀野, 反而應該問多一d關於公司發展, 工作架構,工作性質既問題。 只要你經營好個interview同表現得有誠意, 你驚會無人工/人工唔理想咩? 如果你去個個interview都做得好, 我反而驚你有太多offer唔知揀邊份工好! 

(English:  Maybe you feel the comparison is too strong, but the logic is really the same!  People give you a chance to ask question is like offering you a chance to clarify your understanding on the job, the company and let you have another opportunity to show your sincerity!  When a guy chases a girl, the girl usually wants the guy to be interested in her, she would want the guy to be sincere in getting to know her first, before anything else (apart from one night stand)!  So if the guy wants to have some form of development with the girl, he would put some effort in getting to know if she is the right person first, right?  Exactly the same!! I know that you are probably dying to know the salary etc., but the company, the culture, the job are way more important!!  People ask you to go for an interview and usually they won’t offer a ridiculous salary which is far from your expectation (normal company don’t!), so don’t worry about the money side of thing when you go to an interview.  Ask more about the company development, the structure of the department, the job nature…etc. when the question session comes.  When you perform well during an interview and show you’re sincere, the salary will follow.  If you go to every interview and have the same mind-set, I would be “worried” that you would end up with many offers and not sure which one to take!! *winks*)

唔該下次去interview個陣, 唔好再問人工係點benefits係點! 講者無心, 聽者有意!

(English:  Please when you attend an interview, please don’t worry about the salary and the benefits.  You might ask out of curiosity, but the person who listens would interpret it differently!)

Good Luck!

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