[職場] Interview之經典故事 ♥ 食蕉篇

Interview個時既經典故事真係唔少! 但係有一個令我印象特別深刻(呢個真係我嘅親身經歷喇!), 就係:

(English:  There were so many classic stories during my interview life, one of them was the classic of the classics (and it’s my personal opinion as well!), the story goes:

話說前幾年, 我要幫自己公司請一個IT既同事, 咁我就好如常咁post job ad同screen CV。當時既process係, 我screen完d CV之後要俾Hiring Manager望咗先, 如果佢想見, 我就再約個candidate, 我做咗1st round interview再pass俾Hiring Manager做final round。

(English:  Once upon a time (a few years back), I was hiring an IT professional for the company I worked for, I went for the usual – posting job ad, screening CVs and such.  The process at that time was after screening the CVs, I needed to pass them to the Hiring Manager, if she wanted to meet the person, I would arrange the interview.  I would do the first round and then she would do the final.)

哈! 有日我收到一張CV, 會考6條A, 同埋讀U係First Honor! 好勁丫! 但係我即時反應係:咦! 呢d勁人唔係應該未畢業就俾IT大公司請哂咩?(當時我間公司都出名,但係唔係IT公司, 只係IT部門!) 雖然好似有d怪怪地, 但係我都想俾個機會大家,我send咗呢個Candidate A既CV俾個Hiring Manager, 咁佢當然見到後即刻雙眼發光話要見要見啦!! 之後我就打電話俾Candidate A喇, 約佢上黎做interview!

(English: One day, I received a CV whereby I saw 6As and he got First Honor in university.  Brilliant!  But my first initial thought was: “Hold on!  Shouldn’t he be hired by those giant IT companies already?” (the company I worked for was famous, but it wasn’t exactly an IT company, it was just an IT department).  Even though the logic seemed strange, I wanted to give each other a chance, so I passed the CV to the Hiring Manager.  Of course, when the Hiring Manager saw the CV, she was really excited and wanted to meet the candidate.  Then I called and arranged an interview…)

Interview當日,同事打俾我話Candidate A到咗, 我就去門口接佢。 我一去到見到佢打個突, 做咩著到好似去做gym咁? 運動套裝加背包?  唔。 我無出聲講d咩, 但係心裡面已經扣咗分啦! 跟住我帶佢入房開始我地既1st round。 我通常先做開場白, 多謝個candidate抽時間黎我地公司…blah blah…我講到一半, 佢問都無問我, 就企起身, 係房行咗兩步, 係個背包入面拎咗一條蕉出黎, 坐底開始食佢條蕉喇。 我開始諗佢係咪傻架呢? 但係得我同佢係房, 我要保持鎮定,因為我唔知佢個包包入面仲有d咩神奇法寶! 我拿拿聲問下佢問題, 佢有答我既, 而答既答案都唔錯(不過佢全程都無同我eye contact, 佢係望天花)。 我挨咗15分鍾, 終於頂唔住就end個interview, 喺end之前我問佢有無問題問。 佢就將條蕉皮隊落我塊面度問我可以放係邊!!! 

(English:  On the day of the interview, a colleague called me and said that the candidate had arrived.  I arrived at the door to pick him up but I was rather shocked by his dress code – track suit + a backpack??  Hmmmmm…I didn’t say anything but his score was dropping in my heart.  Then we settled in a room and I started my first round.  I kicked off by thanking the candidate’s time and blah blah blah…When I was half way through my speech, he suddenly stood up, took a couple steps, took out a banana from his backpack, and sat down enjoying the banana!!!!  I thought, “is he….funny in the head?????”  But since there were only me and him in the room and I had to stay calm (not sure what other wonderful stuff he got in his magical backpack!!!).  I had to ask a few questions, he did answer me nicely (but we didn’t have eye contact at all, he kept looking at our ceiling!!).  I struggled for 15 mins and thought I really had to end that.  Before I ended the interview, I asked him if he had anything to ask me.  Suddenly, a banana skin appeared 3 inches away from my face, he asked, “where should I put this?”)

我送完佢走之後,我同個Hiring Manager講: 我送咗佢走喇! 佢無啦啦食蕉呀!!! 個Hiring Manager仲好唔相信咁話(我都知比較難接受):下。 佢好多條A。 點解…

(English:  I sent him away and then I told the Hiring Manager, “I send him away.  He eats banana in the middle of our conversation.”  The Hiring Manager was astonished (I know the fact was hard to accept), “really?  He’s got straight As though….Why??”)

可能你睇到呢度已經覺得好難以相信! 但係個故事係100%真人真事! 又證明呢個世界上真係咩人都有! 我覺得讀書好當然係好啦, 但係做人處世, 溝通技巧更加重要。 呢d讀書係唔會教到你, 你要自己擴大自己既知識, 多d留意身邊既人與事, 從中學習體會。 生活係你最好既老師!

(English:  Maybe you find this story ridiculous, but I can guarantee you that it’s 100% real.  It proves again that there are different kinds of people on this planet!  Getting great marks from school is great, however, social skills and communication skills are more important.  These skills cannot be taught in school, you have to broaden your horizon by paying attention to the things surround you and learn from them.  Life is your best teacher!)

唉, 因為呢件事, 我而家食親蕉就會好感足~~~哈哈!!

(English:  *Sighs*  After this incident, it still affects me whenever I eat a banana.  *Laughs*)

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