[試色] 台灣敗的integrate化妝品

今日出埋台灣敗家之旅嘅最後一篇試色圖先。 咁之後就可以專心寫其他野喇。 哈哈。 真係大把野要/想講丫。 係喇, 就係我係台灣Watsons敗嘅Integrate化妝品喇。

(English:  The last piece of swatches for the stuff from Taiwan.  Then, I could really move on to write other stuff, I have tons of products I want to talk about!  So here you go – Integrate cosmetics from Taiwan:)

Eyeshadow Palette GY095

初步感覺個粉質都唔錯, 未試過上眼睇下效果, 等我得閒再玩下啦。

(English:  The initial comment is good as the powder is quite find and pigmented.  I haven’t tried it on eye areas, so I have to try it first before sharing my detailed comments.)

Eyeshadow Palette BR701

Lip gloss RD557

我幾鍾意呢個色wor, 唔睇紅得嚟又夠色又醒神!

(English:  I really like this color.  Not too red but it’s sharp enough to bring some life back to my lips!)

Mineral Blush OR203

夠sharp呀, 搽少少已經好夠色喇! 唔錯!

(English:  Only a tiny bit and it’s very pigmented!  Good!)

哈哈, 大部份嘅東東我都未真真正正咁用。 等我用左再同大家分享啦(又要等等我啦)!

(English *laughs*  I haven’t seriously tried each one of them out yet!  Let me try them one by one and let you know how it goes (yea please wait for me again)!)

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