[保養] Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask VS Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask

之前大家都聽我分享過我覺得Innisfree既火山泥面膜好好用,之前又手痕見到佢地有個super版,所以買埋去睇下會唔會都係咁好用,用完幾次之後得出結論亦都想同大家分享一下~ 我之前已經分享過Jeju個版本,大家有興趣可以睇翻(回顧按此)。 今日我主要既focus係講下super同唔super版既感覺:

(English:  I have shared quite a few months ago how much I love the Innisfree Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask, then I passed by their store again and saw the Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask and got curious, so I had to bring it home to compare.  I have used it for a few times and I have come to my conclusion, so it’s really time to talk about my thoughts~  I have indeed written a blog post about the Jeju version, if you haven’t read it yet, you can check it out HERE.   Today my focus is more on the difference between the super one and the non super one:)

Innisfree Super Volcanic Pore Clay Mask VS 

Jeju Volcanic Pore Clay Mask


價錢(Price):Super: HK$120/ 100ml & Jeju: HK$110/ 100ml



兩隻都係深層清潔面膜,功效一樣! 只係佢地話super係強經版,即係應該清潔力強d啦~

(English:  Both are deep cleansing mask, so basically the function is the same.  The only difference is claimed to be the super one is stronger than the non super one, so supposedly the cleansing power is better~)

用後感: 我覺得super個隻個texture好杰身,有少少難了出黎,同埋搽個陣無咁易推! 我自己鍾意Jeju個版多d,因為個texture真係好滑同埋易推好多! 另外,我覺得super個隻既清潔力真係強d,感覺上乾左之後皮膚好緊,同埋過完水之後皮膚感覺都比較乾淨,但係唔好處就係,如果係乾性皮膚既話會覺得乾呢!! 而Jeju個隻都有乾淨明亮既感覺,但係過完水又唔會覺得好乾!! 我自己兩隻都用過之後都係覺得Jeju個隻最啱我,做到清潔,但係又唔會乾! 我覺得如果你要買,就要跟你膚質,油性皮膚無敏感既話我覺得用super啱d,因為你會鍾意個種清爽感。 但係如果你係combo/ dry skin或者有少少敏感既皮膚呢,我覺得就用Jeju啱d喇,因為用完皮膚都乾淨,同埋感覺上係溫和d! 我而家都係用Jeju個版,遲d夏天會用埋super個版(唔好浪費),兩隻都用完之後如果再要買,我都係會再買Jeju個版!! 哈哈~~ 強d唔一定啱自己,記得要適合自己皮膚先得呀!

(English:  Product Review:  I feel that the texture of the super one is very thick and quite solid, it’s quite hard to get it out of the jar and when I apply it onto the skin, it’s not that smooth to apply!  I personally like the Jeju one better because the texture is very smooth and it’s easy to spread on face!  Also, the super one does have a higher cleansing power, when it gets dry on skin, face feels really tight and it does feel cleaner after rinsing.  HOWEVER, the one big disadvantage is that my skin does feel quite dry after using this super mask!!  The Jeju one offers similar results, skin does feel clean and brightened up after use, and the best thing is that it doesn’t dry out skin afterwards!  After using both versions, I still like the Jeju one better.  It cleans but it won’t dry out my skin!  My recommendation is that if you are going to get one, please choose one according to your skin type.  I feel that the super one is more suitable for the oily skin type, because you will like the clean and light weight feeling.  However, if you are of combo/ dry skin type (or with a bit of sensitivity), then opt for the Jeju one, because your skin still feels clean afterwards, but it’s definitely more gentle!  I am now using the Jeju version and I plan to use the super one in the summer time (no wastage).  After using up both, I probably will continue to buy the Jeju version!  *Laughs*  Stronger doesn’t mean better for you, remember to choose the one which is more suitable for your skin type!)




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