[化妝] Innisfree Creamy Lipstick 分享及不同妝容變化

我近期真係超級迷上鮮色咀! 我知我知,唔係個個人接受到又唔係個個人搽得好睇! 有d又覺得搽咁鮮色俾人感覺好濃妝,怕人地覺得自己好似妖女咁。 但係我覺得好多人對鮮色咀都有誤解丫! 其實鮮色咀係有膽識既表現同埋時尚既指標! 如果趁後生都唔搽鮮色咀,幾時先搽? 等到老咗先搽就真係too much喇!! 黎黎黎,跟我一齊跳出comfort zone!  以下既妝容分享我都用左Innisfree既Creamy Tint Lipstick, 一齊睇下個效果同我既評價丫!

(English:  I have been falling in love with bright lip color!  I know I know, not everyone is into it and not everyone thinks they can carry it.  Some think that it’s too bright and it gives others a feeling of heavy makeup.  However, I think that’s not entirely accurate!  I personally think that bright lip color is a sign of courage and the icon of being trendy.  If we don’t try it when we are young, then when will we try it?  When we are old?  Nah, that’s too much!  Come on, follow me to get out of your comfort zone!  I have used Innisfree Creamy Tint Lipsticks in the following looks, let’s see how they all go and my comment!)

Glam Up Look

呢個妝我之前都有分享過。 成個妝就係用以下呢堆產品黎化! 特別一提,我覺得Miss Bowbow既睫毛都好正! 你見我May Fav個video都有講佢就知啦! 呢款118上眼glam up得黎都自然!

(English:  I have shared this look before.  I have used the following products to create the look.  I want to specially mention that I find Miss Bowbow falsies are really nice.  As you can see from my May Fav video!!  I love this No. 118 because it looks glam up but still quite natural.)


(English:  What’s on my lips?)

Innisfree Creamy Tint Lipstick No. 01


呢隻色真係超sharp!! 好靚呀!!

(English:  The color is really sharp!!  Very pretty!!!)

Half Glam Look


因為我太愛枝lipstick, 所以我第二日又用佢化咗第二個妝。 今次對眼無咁誇同埋只係痴咗半條falsie,我反而鍾意痴半條,好自然,但係對眼又大d!

(English:  Since I am totally in love with the lipstick, I use it to create another look.  This time, I tune down my eye makeup and I only use half of the falsie.  I really like using only half of the falsie, it looks really natural but my eyes are still enlarged!!)

咀咀都係用01呢隻色丫!! 對眼唔同咗出黎個感覺又唔同左(雖然用同一樣色既lipstick)!!

(English:  I use 01 as the lip color.  Hmmmm…the total look different when you do something different with your eyes!)

Everyday Look

另一日我就化咗個好自然既妝,但係用咗另一隻色既Innisfree lipstick!! 橙色都好睇呀!

(English:  This is another makeup look from another ordinary day.  The look is sort of natural and I use the other Innisfree lipstick that I’ve got.  Orange looks nice on the lips as well!)


Innisfree Creamy Tint Lipstick No. 03

個色真係超出! 再試埋係手俾大家睇下:

(English:  The orange color looks absolutely bright!  Let me try the two colors on my hands for your comparison:)

Innisfree Creamy Tint Lipstick 用後感:我超愛Innisfree呢個系列既lipstick, 佢真係好creamy,搽上最好易就搽得好平均,唔會kick住乾紋/死皮。 個finish好滑同埋我個咀用佢無敏感,超開心!! 最正係佢顏色真係超出色,見到咩色搽出黎就係咩色,真係好掂!! 加上佢有好持久同埋時間耐咗都唔會覺得個咀勁乾!! 好愛呀!!! 仲有仲有,佢個finish都算matte,一d閃粉都冇,簡直就係我既菜!! 哈哈,仲有一個驚喜呀,佢聞落係有味架,但係唔係平時lipstick既臭味,係strawberry味呀!! 好得!! 佢價錢都好討好丫, 平得黎超爆好用!! 我超級推!!! 我會再去店度望下有無其他我鍾意既顏色,如果有,我一定會買!! 太正喇!!

(English:  Product Review on Innisfree Creamy Tint Lipstick:  I really love this series of Innisfree Creamy Tint Lipstick, it’s really creamy and it glides on really smoothly and evenly.  The finish looks smooth and I haven’t come across any allergies using this, yay!!!  The best part is that it’s highly pigmented, the color payoff is really well.  Brilliant!!!  Plus, it’s very long lasting and it doesn’t dry out my lips!!!  Absolutely love it!!  Also, the finish is matte, it contains 0 shimmer/ glitter, which is exactly what I love!!  *Laughs*  There is another surprise too, it smells, and it smells like strawberry!!!!  I adore it!!  The price is really reasonable and I find the quality exceptional!!  I highly recommend this!!  When I have time, I will go and check out if there are other colors I am interested in, if so, I will definitely get them!!)


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