今次介紹呢一本書<不便利的便利店>係韓國作者寫,亦都係講故仔類型嘅暖心作品。 初初係俾個名吸引,點會有唔便利嘅便利店呢? 睇睇下三日就睇晒,你就知道個故仔有幾吸引。 如果你近排想睇一啲消閑讀物,就睇我下面嘅分享。
This book is written by a Korean author and it’s a heart-warming novel. At first I was attracted by the title – how can a convenience store be inconvenient? Well I finished it in 3 days, which means the story is very engaging. If you want some good read to kill the time, read on.
不便利的便利店 by 金浩然 불편한편의점

故事當然係發生喺一間便利店,便利店有老闆,幾位職員,同埋幾位唔同嘅客人。 每一位都有自己嘅故事,煩惱同埋唔完美嘅生活。 主線仲有一位流浪者。 呢個故仔就係圍繞住佢哋幾位人物嘅溝通同埋交流去闡述平凡人嘅生活究竟有多困難。 雖然大家都面對住唔同嘅困難,但係喺某程度上大家亦都互相幫助去心靈成長同埋解決問題。
The story setting is in a convenience store (of course). The characters are the boss, a few staff and a few customers. Each of them leads a different life, they are all facing their own issues and demons. The main character is a homeless gentleman and the story is built on his interactions with the above mentioned people. Well, life is difficult and no life is perfect; though everyone of them is going through their own struggles, they manage to help each other to grow and solve some of the issues.
而當中呢為流浪者嘅故事好引人入勝,要睇到最後先至完全明白佢嘅故事。 而我就一直睇到好緊張好想知佢嘅故仔究竟會係點樣。 我覺得本書寫得好好,冇長篇大論,每一集都有足夠而唔多餘嘅文字去交代清楚每一位人物嘅故事。亦因為故仔發生喺便利店,所以啲人物都好容易想像,唔會覺得故事好浮誇好難投入。
The homeless gentleman’s story is the most exciting and intriguing, you have to read till the end to understand his whole story. I kept reading and questioning his origin and his previous life – it was mind-blowing. I love how the book is written precisely and concisely. It has just the right amount of words to tell you what’s going on without being long-winded. Besides, since the setting is in a convenience store, so it’s easy to engage our imagination.
我覺得非常好睇,因為主題好生活化,而全部故事都好暖心。 可以消磨時間之餘,睇完亦都會覺得每個人都有自己嘅問題要去面對,we are not alone! 我好推介呢本書,亦都可以好快睇完,如果心靈上有啲空虛嘅話,不妨去睇一睇呢本書。
I love this book because it’s about day-to-day life and all of the stories are very heart-warming. It definitely helps me kill some time but at the same time, I feel not so alone after reading other people’s life problems. I highly recommend this book because it’s quite a quick read and it somehow nourishes the soul. If you want something to light-hearted to read, this is the one.