先前咪講過話我去左Becca帶左幾樣東東返屋企, 其中一樣我真係呢期日日必用 (太鍾意喇!). 係邊樣? 咪就係佢地個Mineral Blush lor:
(English: I hauled something from Becca a couple weeks ago and one of them has become my super daily favorite item (just love love LOVE it so much). Which one? It’s their Mineral Blush:)
Becca Mineral Blush (Color: Flowerchild)
價錢 (Price): HK$350/ 6gColor: 使用次數 (No. of Usage): 14 times
用後感: 佢既粉質好幼細, 好易上色. 我亦都覺得呢隻顏色好易襯, 基本上任何膚色用都會好靚. 比較白既人用感覺會好似用完運動咁. 比較黑既人都carry到 (好似我咁), 健康得黎無淨係粉紅色咁假. 佢隻色係coral pink, 感覺好spring/ summer feel! 我好鍾意呢隻色既原因係佢可以襯到唔同既makeup look. 如果化勁d眼妝個陣, 我會用好少呢隻色, 等個面望上去有d血色, 但係又唔會好誇. 如果化淡d妝個d, 又可以將呢個色layer幾次, 感覺又少女d. 呢個mineral blush最好既地方係就算layer好多次, 感覺都係好薄. 正! 同埋當然啦, 我用化妝品多數都講求佢long-lasting. 我用呢隻blush, 返左成日工返到屋企都仲係度, 勁long-lasting呀!! 雖然佢個價錢真係比其他blush貴, 但係我就覺得物有所值喇, 每次唔洗用好多, 同埋成日都唔洗點補搽, 應該要用好耐先用得完 (我會努力…哈哈…). 推呀!! 真係正, 有興趣就去counter玩下啦.
(English: After-use Comment: Its powder is very fine and very pigmented. I love this Flowerchild color since it goes with almost every skin tone. For fairer skin types, you’d feel that you have that healthy glow after application (the glow that you get when you finish working out). For tanned skin, it’s really easy to carry too (just like me), it makes skin look healthy without the fake impression that a pure pink blush brings. It’s a coral pink color, it adds warmth to skin and makes me feel so much like spring/ summer! I also love this color because it goes with every makeup look. Sometimes when I want to go for smokey eyes, I would only apply a little bit of Flowerchild on my cheeks to add a bit color and warmth to my face. The other times when I want to go for complete natural look, I would layer this blush on my apple areas to get that blushing glow. The good point about this blush is that no matter how many times you layer this product, you won’t feel cakey or heavy on skin. Great eh? Of course, when I pick a makeup product, I love those which offer long-lasting effect. This one is no different. After applying it in the morning and staying at work for the whole day, I still see it sitting on my face nicely when I get home! Amazing! What’s not to love about this blush? Right, the price might be on the higher side when compared to other products. But it’s worth it based on the fact that you only use a tiny amount each time and you don’t really need to retouch during the day. Well, I guess it’d take a long time for me to finish this blush up (hahaha…I will try!!). Highly recommended!! If you are interested, play with it at the counter and see if you’d enjoy the color!)